
Chapter 25

About three days have passed since Issei went to the cave to train. He had trained long and hard with toxic, though toxic did have long naps at times, training to master the toxic's benefits. He was close to mastering it, on the final stretch of the training. Shapeshifting. The symbiotic organism had fused so much with Issei's body that his DNA was made up of so much of the Symbiote. So Issei was learning how to turn his body into that of like a liquid, so he could fit into small places, but it was tough.

Issei was worried about Akeno and Koneko, but he knew enough that it wasn't his business to get involved with their affairs. Koneko already told him off basically saying fuck you and mind your own business. He was still really worried about them, wanting them to be ok.

It was then he heard some footsteps behind him, so he looked behind him. It was Azazel.

"Ah, Issei. Beautiful spot." Azazel said.

"Thanks. I went here after I had… a fall out with Rias and her family when we arrived. This was also the spot that awoke Toxic from his coma. So what did you come here for?"

"Can we talk?"

"Of course." Issei said, patting the rock next to him. Azazel took a seat.

"What do you think about Akeno?" Azazel said suddenly.

"I think she is a great girl. She's kind, very pretty, and I think she is fun to be around. Her sadistic personality in battle is really great as well, so overall, she is a great person. Why?"

"Do you think I can entrust her to you?" Azazel asked suddenly. Issei looked at him with a confused expression.

"… Um… what is going on?" Issei asked.

"I have to watch over her, in a place of a friend of mine."

"Her father, Barakiel right?"

"Yes, he is one of my greatest friends along with Shemhaza."

"Ah… why do you wanna entrust her to me?"

"Cause I am concerned about her. You know she doesn't like her father very much… right?"

"Of course."

"Did you know she refuses to use her complete power because of him?"

"Yes though I do not know why."

"It would be best to ask Rias or her mother. They would be able to give unbiased opinions."

"I will then, but I think I wanna hear it from both sides. From you and Akeno. Anyways, what is with this entrusting?"

"Just… protect and take care of her for me ok?"

"Of course. I was going to do that whether you asked me to or not. I will always protect my friends and loved ones."

Azazel smiled and began to get up to leave.


"Yes Issei?"

"Something has been bothering me… what is wrong with Koneko exactly? I know that she is sealing something… but I don't know what nor do I know why. I am worried."

Azazel frowned a bit. "I think you should go see her… she collapsed this morning from her training."

Issei got up quickly. "Are you serious? I will see you later then." Issei said, bowing his head. He then got to running, quickly leaving the cave system. "Thank you Azazel!" Issei yelled out.

Azazel left as well, more business to handle.

Issei slingshotted himself to the Gremory castle. Issei had learned that he would never be able to fly, because the symbiote had erased that DNA sequence from his DNA as a devil. Issei quickly entered the main gate.

"Issei?" said a familiar female voice. Issei turned and it was Rias. "Issei." Rias said, walking over to him and giving him a big hug. "Are you ok?"

"I am just fine. I came here to see Koneko… is she ok?"

Rias frowned. "Come with me." Rias said, walking with Issei into the castle.

They arrived shortly in a small room, though Rias left Issei alone. Issei walked in and he saw Akeno and Koneko both there. His eyes were locked onto Koneko who was laying down on the bed, a change in her appearance. She had cat ears on her face. He was quite surprised, but he thought it looked great on her and fit her well.

"Issei… this is…" Akeno tried to explain. Issei just raised a hand and smiled at her gently, before taking a seat on a chair next to Koneko's bed. Issei put his fists together, leaning against the bed as he put his mouth against his fists, trying to figure out what to say.

Issei sighed and sat up. "I… don't know much, so I will apologize if I say something wrong…" Issei said. Koneko sat up slowly, looking at Issei with tears in her eyes. "Koneko… are you ok?"

"You came…?"

"Of course." Issei said with a smile. "I would never abandon you or anyone else. I heard you collapsed… so I came. I had to make sure you were ok… I wasn't here to protect you… so you collapsed… I… I could never forgive myself if you died." Issei said with a frown.

"… No. It isn't your fault. It's… mine." Koneko said, tears falling down her cheeks. Issei tried to say something, but Koneko continued. "I… I want to become stronger."

Issei nodded. "I understand that… but if you overwork your body… you will regret it. You need to just stop… and try something else."

"… No! I… want to become strong. Like Yuuto… or Xenovia… or Akeno… and like you. I want to make my body and spirit stronger… I will become useless at this rate… even though I'm a rook… I'm the weakest… I hate being useless." Koneko said, tears falling down her face.

"Koneko…" Issei tried to interrupt, but Koneko continued.

"… but I don't wanna use the power sleeping inside of me… my Nekomata power… if I use it… I… will end up like my sister… I don't want that… I absolutely don't want such a thing…" Koneko said as she began to sob. Issei bit his lip but placed a hand on her leg.

"Koneko… I…" Issei started but Akeno interrupted him.

"Issei… please leave the rest to me…" Akeno said with sadness. "You're a kind person… but you should keep your distance just a little sometimes… I… am the same as Koneko… we have to overcome this together. If one cannot accept all of oneself and can't understand it… One can't move forward. Koneko and I understand this in our heads, but our courage is just slightly not enough yet. Please… wait just a little longer. Koneko and I will get through this… definitely." Akeno said with a small smile.

Issei stood up and began to leave. "I… understand." Issei said. Issei was slightly frustrated that he was unable to say his piece, but he understood… he understood that this was their choice… to go through this without anothers help. They had to do this together… he understood. He would just have to bite his tongue…

Issei left the room and began to walk down the hallway, his mind elsewhere. That is when Rias appeared from a room.

"Ah… Issei."

Issei walked past her, as if he didn't hear her.


No answer and then Issei was gone… He slingshotted himself back to the cave system.

'Nekomata…? Her sister…? What is going on with Koneko… sigh… but I can't find out…'

Another two weeks has passed since Issei has been to the Gremory castle. He was there trying to check up on Koneko and Akeno. He kept his distance, obeying what they wanted. He did not want to overstep his boundaries with the girls, so he stayed away. He kept himself in the cave system, finally mastering the entire symbiote. He even was told by Toxic, to increase his strength he needs to train his physical body. The symbiote actually helps that by making the strength making process faster.

Issei was already powerful as Venomous, but he was not at God level yet, but he could be very soon.

"Issei. Ready to go?" Azazel said. He was there to fetch Issei.

"Yea." Issei said. He quickly put the suit on, though in the form of beige cargo pants and a red T-shirt with a spider symbol on it. He then was teleported by Azazel, finding himself at the entrance to the party grounds. Issei walked inside.

"Issei!" Rias said. She then looked at him and sighed, but she smiled. "Glad you could make it. I see Azazel got you here."

"Yea, he fetched me. Time to partay!"

"Come on. Let's go in." Rias said with a smile. Issei nodded and followed her, where they entered the main party within the castle gates. Issei was greeted with the sight of thousands of devils in the castle gates, eating, dancing, or talking with other devils. It was a humongous party. Rias left Issei to go talk with Sona who was on the other side of the grounds, so Issei just took a seat in the corner. He put his feet on the table next to him, which was empty, and relaxed.

Issei was alone for about five minutes before he felt someone was nearby. He had his face looking up into the sky, though his eyes were closed.

"It's been a while, spider boy."

With that, Issei opened his eyes and looked down. It was Ravel Phenex.

"Ah the sister of Big Bird." Issei said with a grin and a joke. He was teasing her, but she puffed her cheeks out in anger.

"It's Ravel Phenex! Jeez, this is why lower class devils are so slow and disagreeable." Ravel said, angrily.

Issei just smirked.

"So, how is your brother doing?"

Ravel just gave a sigh. "He… isn't doing so well. He has become quite a recluse… he has become afraid of Spiders… ever since his defeat and having Rias stolen away from him."

"Ah… We'll I can't say I feel sorry for him, but I never meant to make him become a recluse. So why are you here? Aren't you part of your brothers group?"

"Actually, I have currently finished trading and I have become my mother's servant now. My mother traded away an unused piece she had in exchange for me. My mother said that she would trade me again if I found a family I want to become part of, so I am essentially a free [Bishop] now. My mother doesn't participate in games, so I am pretty much free."

"Ah, well… I never heard of this trading, but it does make sense to me… so uh… congratulations I guess." Issei said with a smile.

"I would like to thank you for your kind service to the children of the Underworld. I heard what you did for them."

"Ah, it was nothing." Issei said with a smile. He had no hatred towards Ravel, just because of Riser. He actually thought she was really cute. He doesn't even hate Riser that much. For all he knows, Riser changed.

"B-By the way, Spider b—"

"Stop it with the Spider Boy. My name is Issei Hyoudou, and I would like you to call me by my name. You can also call me Venomous. That is an acceptable alternative, but I would much prefer Issei Hyoudou."

"I-is it really okay for me to call you by your name!?" Ravel asked her face red. She looked like she was overheating to him.

"Why wouldn't it be? Are you not attempting to be my friend? My friends can call me whatever they wish. Call me Issei. Please."

Ravel just blushed. "U-um ok." She said.

It was then a figure appeared, though it wasn't a girl he recognized.

"Ravel, Masters Friend is calling for you." Isabella said.

Issei just sat there still, his legs crossed on the table.

"I understand Isabella. Issei, next time we meet, would you like to have tea with me? A-a-a-a-and if it is okay with you… would you like to have a homemade cake p-p-p-prepared by me?"

Before Issei could say anything, Ravel curtsied to Issei and left in a hurry. Issei just blinked a bit confused.

"Hey, Issei Hyoudou."

"Do I know you?"

"No, but I know of you. I watched your fight with my master. I am Isabella, Riser's rook. I was quite impressed with the fight and I thought you were funny. I also know what you did. You saved a couple children from death."

"Please, there is no need to thank me or whatever. I really think it was nothing. Also, I am glad ot make you laugh. Anyways, are you Ravels escort?"

"Something like that. Since that battle during the engagement party, Ravel has only talked about you. She seems to have been impressed between the fight you and Riser had."

"Isn't she just complaining though? I made some quite thoughtless remarks to her as well, and I interfered in her brother's engagement."

"No… it's quite the opposite… Well… you will understand eventually."

"If… you… say so." Issei said with confusion. "Please tell her that I look forward to having tea with her."

"Really? Thank you for that… Ravel will be very happy… well I have to go… have a good time at the party." Isabella said before leaving. Issei just shrugged. He went back to closing his eyes, but a figure came into his sight. It was Koneko…. And she looked very absorbed into something. Issei got up from his table… wanting to make sure she was ok… even though he knew she didn't want him around.

Issei made his way towards her, wanting to follow her. As Issei went into the door behind her, though he was quite far behind her, Rias was there.

"Ah Issei. Your expression has changed… something wrong?"

"Yes… but allow me to handle it on my own… it's about Koneko… I know she is your servant… but I need to make sure she is ok."

Rias gave him a smile. "Of course. Just make sure she is ok. I am trusting you."

"Of course. I won't let you down." Issei said, bowing to Rias before he made his way through the hallway, heading towards the exit. He spotted Koneko entering the forest nearby. He was quick to jog to it, but he wanted to see what was going on.

Issei hid behind a tree as he spotted Koneko, sitting on a rock in the middle of a clearing. She was looking from side to side, as if looking for something. It was then a figure came into Issei's vision.

"It's been a while hasn't it Shirone?"

Issei raised a brow at that.

"…. You." Koneko said, her body shaking in violent surprise.

"Hello, Shirone, it's me."

"…. What are you doing here Kuroka…?" Koneko asked, in anger and fear. She said it mostly in anger.

Issei leapt into the tree, only making the leaves move, though it was just like the breeze. Issei made no sound with his feet. He was waiting.

"Oh, don't make such a scary face. I just had some minor business to take care of… I heard the devils were having a big party here so I was a little interested. Nyan." Kuroka said with a wink and waving her hand cutely.

"Hahahaha. Could it be… you are a member of the Gremory group?" Said a voice. It was a male's voice and a man stepped out from behind a tree. "Oh, you are…" He said with a grin. It was Bikou. "Even if you hide, Kuroka and I can still sense you… we know Senjutsu so we can detect you with just a slight variation in the flow of your spirit."

Issei sighed and leapt out of the tree, landing gracefully on the ground in front of Koneko. He just had the clothing on. Bikou and Kuroka just looked at him curiously, while Koneko looked at Issei with surprise.

"… Issei…" Koneko said softly in surprise.

Issei smiled weakly at Koneko then looked at Bikou and Kuroka.

"Bikou, who is this?" Kuroka asked.

"This is the man who defeated Vali easily."

"Wait? Are you sure? He doesn't look like much."

"Yes. This is him. This isn't the form he used."

Issei looked at Bikou. "So tell me monkey, is Vali doing well?"

"Yes. He is doing just fine. Why are you here?"

"I followed Koneko. I had to speak with her and I saw she was troubled tonight. I had to see what was going on is all. So tell me, why are you here? Is this some kind of terrorist attack?" Issei asked but they just smiled.

"No, we didn't come here for such a thing. We are off duty. Kuroka suggested visiting the party when she heard about it… since she is quite stubborn and most likely wouldn't return easily, I came along too."

Issei nodded. "Alright… though what does Koneko have to do with anything?"

"Kuroka… lets go back ok?" Bikou said with a yawn, ignoring Issei. "We can't participate in the party anyway, so it's a waste to stay here."

"Yes, let's return… but I'll take Shirone with me-nyan"

It was then, Issei got ready for a fight.

"If you bring her back, Vali might get angry you know." Bikou said.

"When they know that the same power as mine flows within her, they will be convinced right?"

"Well… that maybe so."

Koneko was shivering in fear.

"Alright, I don't know who you are Kuroka, but I think it's time you leave. You are scaring my adorable junior." Issei said, stepping in front of Koneko.

"Kuroka…" Bikou started to warn. "We should leave."

"No, I shall be taking my sister. I have a right to love her…" Kuroka said, preparing to fight. "We can just kill him right, nya?"

It was then Issei grew his suit, the suit covering his body and his face. He was now Venomous. He was ready.

"This is the form." Bikou said. "That is the form he took when he fought Vali and kicked his ass."

"You will not harm Koneko Kuroka. I will kick your ass if you even dare try and take her."

Kuroka narrowed her eyes at him, sending off major killing intent. She was being taunted. It was then Issei felt a disturbance. They were put into a barrier in a separate dimension.

"Alright, I guess I will have to kill you." Kuroka said with a very dangerous smile.

"… Issei." Koneko said, trying to warn him. It was then Issei knelt and looked at her.

"Koneko. I… wanted to say something to you before but I-"

"Don't you dare ignore me! You will pay with your life, nyan." Kuroka said, rushing at Issei. Issei felt the danger through his spider sense. He stood up and turned around quickly, grabbing her outstretched arm. It was attempting to hit him with a palm. Issei then put his hand on her stomach before throwing her across the clearing, sending her into a tree. Kuroka, like a cat, landed on all fours on the tree and she jumped off.

"… Sister, I'll go with you. So please, just overlook him!" Koneko said tears in her eyes.

"Koneko?!" Issei exclaimed. He was shocked to hear that Kuroka was her sister though.

"… It's no good… I understand my sister's power best. She rivals and ultimate class devil… I don't think you can defeat her… who excels in both Genjutsu and Senjutsu."

"Koneko! I will not allow you to leave us! Do you understand me? I will not hand you over to your sister. I do not know what your past is and I am not exactly sure what is going on with you and her but I want to know, but now is not the time. I do not understand… but I do know this. She caused you pain… and she continues to cause you pain to this day. So, I will protect you." Issei said, kneeling once again in front of her.

"Nyan, this is just so troublesome. I can understand Shirone's power better than anyone you know… so that is why she should come with me. I can teach her properly."

Koneko shook her head.

"… No… I don't need that kind of power… I don't need a dark power like that… I don't need a power that brings misfortune to people like that." Koneko said, tears falling. She clung to Issei's leg.

Issei grinned. "Koneko… I'll give you space like you wanted when I am done here, but now I need to protect you first. Kuroka… you need to understand something. You hurt Koneko. You hurt her real bad. You don't deserve to take your sister away from people who care for her." Issei said. "This girl… is not Shirone…This girl is Koneko Toujou, Rias Gremory's Rook. She is my friend, and I will NOT allow you to lay a single finger on her."

Koneko heard that and began to overflow with tears, sobbing into the pants leg of Issei.

"… I don't wanna go… I am Koneko Toujou. Kuroka, I do not wanna go with you! I want to live with Issei and Rias! To live!" Koneko cried out, sobbing still. Issei was determined more than ever to protect Koneko.

After hearing that, Kuroka showed a bitter smile then gave a derisive laugh, which sent a chill down Issei's spine. He knew Kuroka was strong, but Issei was determined to defeat her.

"Then die, nyan." Kuroka said with a grin. A thin green mist began to appear from Kuroka's feet, and it spread throughout the whole forest. It was really thick and it had an ominous air about it. When it hit, Issei felt nothing but he felt Koneko freeze up and go to the ground, covering her mouth.

"Huh?! Why are you not affected by the poison mist?! It is a poison mist which only works on devils and Yokai! What are you?!" Kuroka said. Her hands began to glow with two different colors, two different powers. "Let us see how you handle Youjutsu and Senjutus!" Kuroka yelled.

She ran at Issei, preparing to attack with a physical attack. Issei smirked and shot two shots of webbing, both of them hitting her hand and sending her flying. The hands were then webbed to a tree and that is when he formed three spikes on his knuckles, made out of the symbiote's body. She began to struggle against the webs, but she found it was futile.

"What the hell is this made of?!" Kuroka yelled out, using her powers as well, but nothing worked. Not even a budge.

He charged right at her, as her eyes went wide with fear. She then closed her eyes shut, waiting for the finishing blow. However, she opened her eyes a few seconds later, only to see that the sharp spikes were centimeters away from her face.

"Do not ever make my friends cry."


"If I you EVER aim at Koneko again, I will not stop my attack this time. You may be a woman… and you may be Koneko's sister… but you are my enemy. The only reason you are unharmed… is because you ARE Koneko's family." Issei said. He then pulled off her webbing before doing a leap backward, standing in front of Koneko. The poison mist was also gone now, as it seemed it was sucked up by Issei.

"… You damn brat!" Kuroka cursed at him but Issei saw the fear in her eyes. Issei was quite scary looking. He was not super muscular, but the fangs and the tongue gave him a very scary look. Issei did not put off pressure like other opponents, due to the suit concealing his power. It made his attacks a lot more… surprising.

Koneko was finally able to stand, the poison not affecting her. She was hiding behind Issei's leg again, hugging it.

It was then a tear in the space appeared. A young man in a suit appeared, a sword in his hand which was releasing a very dangerous holy aura. Issei looked at him.

"Bikou, Kuroka. That is far enough. The devils have noticed. We need to leave, now." The man said. He was also wearing classes. Bikou and Kuroka quickly went into the large tear in space. He then turned his attention to Issei.

"Venomous right?"

"Yes. What can I do for you?" Issei said. He had no hatred or anger towards this guy.

"Give my greetings to the holy demonic sword user and the Durandal user would you? I would like to face them sometime as fellow swordsmen."

"Ah, I would be glad to."

"Perhaps you and I could share a spar hmm?"

"Sure. I would be ok with that." Issei said with a smile. "Just don't cause me any trouble."

The man bowed. "Now then, Goodbye Venomous." He said this and then they left, leaving Issei and Koneko behind.

A couple devils appeared on the scene, rushing over to check on Koneko and Issei. Issei assured them he was ok, but he told them to take care of Koneko. They took Koneko away, taking her to the medical area in the Gremory castle land. Issei slingshotted himself back, landing on the roof of the Gremory Castle. Now that he saved Koneko, he would give her space like she wanted.