
Chapter 22

Issei was now riding on the train to the Gremory Territory, which just left the station. Akeno, Koneko, Kiba, Asia, Xenovia and Azazel were all in one part of the train, with Issei, while Rias was in another part of the train. Issei walked over to the window and watched as they went through some kind of portal, entering the Underworld itself. It gave them a spectacular view of the surroundings.

Issei opened up a window and smiled. He began to climb through the window itself, latching himself onto the glass outside. He began to crawl along the side of the train, heading towards the locomotive. Issei passed right by Rias's passenger cabin, in which she began to follow his body as he crawled outside.

Rias quickly ran to the window and opened it, sticking her head out. "Issei! What are you doing?" Rias questioned. However Issei was now on the roof, so he couldn't hear her. She closed the window and just gave up, seeing she couldn't do anything about it. The conductor entered her cabin and laughed.

"You have some really strange servants. How is he able to hang on like that?"

"He has the powers of a spider." Rias explained.

"Remarkable… I have never heard of someone with his powers."

"Yes, he is a remarkable person." Rias said with a smile. "I can't imagine life without him by my side."

"Ho-ho-ho. For the little princess to be concerned with the topic of men and women… I have lived a long life." The conductor said, heading into the next part of the train.

Upon arriving to the large Gremory castle, there was a large crowd of people. Issei was relaxing on the roof of the train, when he felt the train slow down and come to a stop. He sat up from his laying down position and looked around, spotting all the different people in the crowd.

The crowd went wild as Rias exited her cabin, followed by her servants.

"Welcome home Princess Rias!" Said the crowd. It was apparently all the maids and butlers of the Gremory family.

"Hello everyone. I am home." Rias said, all the maids and butlers smiling.

Issei ran off the train, doing a front flip and landing right beside Rias who was walking to Grayfia. Rias jumped in shock from Issei's sudden appearance. The crowd cheered at Issei's flip, someone putting up a sign with the number 10 on it.

Grayfia came by and looked at Issei. She just smiled and looked at Rias. "Our ride is here. The luggage is already packed and ready. Are we ready to go?" She asked.

"Can I just walk?" Issei asked. "I would probably be faster that way."

Rias looked at him and sighed. "Issei, just get in the carriage."

Issei whined but complied. He climbed into the carriage, pouting now. Rias and Kiba followed him and entered his carriage. The other members went into the other carriage.

They rode for about ten minutes before arriving at the castle doors in which they all dismounted. Coming out of the castle was a short young boy with the crimson hair just like Rias.

"Aunty Rias!" Said the boy, jumping into Rias's arm's. Sirzechs was standing at the door, so Issei left Rias's side, walking up to Sirzechs.

"Ah, Issei. You enjoying yourself?"

"Could be worse." Issei said with a laugh. "I mean I was dragged here so my summer will be spent at your home. I am not saying your house is boring, but I kind of have plans."

"Ah, well I hope your stay here is enjoyable. Well, I welcome you officially to my home. You are always welcome here."

Issei smiled and that is when Rias came up holding the hand of Millicas.

"Issei!" Millicas stated

"Ah, hello there Millicas. How are you doing?'

"I'm doing great!"

"That is fantastic. I am glad to hear it." Issei said, rubbing the top of his head.

"Rias, I would like now show everyone their rooms." Grayfia said.

When Rias turned to look at Issei, Issei was gone. Issei was already inside the castle, walking around.

Rias sighed but Sirzechs just laughed.

"Let him go. You do know he belongs here right?" Sirzechs said with a smile.

Rias blushed at that. "T-that has nothing to do with this!" Rias said, puffing her cheeks.

Sirzechs just smiled but Grayfia pulled on his cheek.

"You should know better." Grayfia said seriously.

"Ow it huwts Grayfia." Sirzechs said with a teary eyed smile.

Issei was busy crawling around the walls of the mansion, and every time he passed butlers or maids, they would say, Hello young master or can I get you something young master. They would also look at him, trying to figure out what the hell he was doing. Issei was confused. What was this young master thing about? Was he somehow a master since he was part of Rias's peerage? He didn't know. A figure coming from down the stairs caught his eye. A beautiful woman with GIANT boobs, and Flaxen hair. Her face was just like Rias's. Her eyes were a different shape and was a different color, but her face was just like Rias's.

"Ah, hello there. You must be Issei, I saw you in the engagement party and at the celebration for your return."

Issei jumped off the wall, then bowed his head to her. "Ah yes, I am Issei Hyoudou. You must be Rias's sister, because it would be hard to believe that such a beauty could be her mother." Issei said with a smile.

She touched her cheek with a smile. "Ah, to be called a young woman. It makes me happy."

"Haha, it is nice to meet you."

"It is nice to meet you too. I am Venerana Gremory, Rias's mother. Please, treat me well, Issei. I also want to personally thank you for saving my grandson."

"Oh, it was not a big deal. I did what needed to be done." Issei said with a smile.

"Well, I would like to thank you anyway. Please, you are welcome here anytime." Venerana said, bowing her head to him. Issei bowed his head to her, respectfully. They both went their separate ways, so Issei was back to crawling around on the walls, exploring the castle being his spider self.

About two hours later, Issei found himself in the dining room. Rias and her peerage was there and so was Sirzechs, another male, Grayfia and Venerana.

"Ah, glad you could join us, Issei." Venerana said with a smile.

Issei bowed his head. "Sorry, but I wanted to have some time to myself." Issei said before taking a seat right next to Rias and Sirzechs.

"Now then, with everyone here. I would like to say something." Said the other man. "You are all members of Rias's group. Please, think of this place as your home. If there is something you want, please say so to the housemaids. They will prepare it right away. I understand you are in a place you would not understand."

With that, everyone began to eat. Issei already dug into the food, eating like a normal person. He was not wild but he was not elegant either. He was not messy of course, but he did have his elbows on the table. Rias smiled softly.

"Hyoudou." Called the other man. Issei put down his foot and wiped his mouth.


"You can call me father you know."

Issei raised a brow. "Excuse me?"

"Don't you think you are being too fast dear? There is a thing as order first you know." Venerana scolded.

"Y-yea… but it's even Crimson and Black! Doesn't it make you happy? Two colors that blend the best?"

"It is still too early to celebrate."

"You are right… I tend to be too hasty." He sighed.

Rias was red and not eating.

"Issei?" asked of Rias's mother.


"Will you be staying here for a while?"

"I guess. I am here until Rias drags me somewhere else." Issei said. "I seem to be drug everyone now."

"Ah, well that is perfect. I will have you study manners a little while here."

Before Issei could say something, Rias slammed onto the table.

"Father, Mother! I have been listening quietly until now, but what are you trying to advance while leaving me out of it?!"

Venerana narrowed her eyes. She was no longer smiling.

"Quiet Rias. You have already canceled the engagement with Riser remember? You should be grateful we permitted it! Do you know how much your father and Sirzechs had to do to take care of it with the other high-class devils? Your father even told one noble that, "My selfish daughter canceled her engagement using the legendary spider."? You may be the younger sister of the Maou, but there is a limit!"

Issei sat there listening, his mind thinking now. Issei was very intelligent, so it was hard to sneak around him. Issei was shaking his head at a thought he had, saying it was impossible, but he wanted to find out now.

"Brother has nothing-"

"You mean Sirzechs is unrelated to what you do? Yes, officially, this is true, however everyone sees you as the Maous younger sister. Right now, when the three great powers have formed the alliance, your position is even known by the lower classes of the other powers. You cannot behave selfishly as you have before and above all else, everyone is paying attention to you! There will be no more of that kind of selfishness. Do not carry any spoiled thoughts anymore. Am I clear?"

Rias sat down in her seat, defeated.

"Ah, I apologize. I have shown you guys something ugly. So to get back on topic, since you have no experience in the upper society and nobility, I will have you go through some special training."

Issei stood up. "Alright. So something is going on here that I have no knowledge of. So, anyone wanna tell me what is going on?" Issei asked. "If it is what I think it is, I am about to get very angry, so I would like to make sure that I am wrong of course." Issei said with a dangerous smile. "Hmm? Well… Anyone wanna tell me? I am waiting." Issei demanded. Everyone remained quiet.

Rias placed a hand on his wrist, but he shook it off.

"No Rias. Do not touch me right now. You seem to know about this to. Why am I not included? Are you telling me I am not important enough to know what is going on? Is this because I am some servant?"

"Issei… you are making a scene."

"And you weren't? Your mother wasn't? I have had it with this." Issei said, walking away from the table.

"Issei! Get back here!" Rias demanded. He was making her look bad.

"No. No. You guys are doing the same thing you guys did in the past… and I can't beat anyone up to stop it. Marriage? Yea I know what you are doing. You are trying to force Rias to marry me… and force me to marry her. The answer is no." Issei said. "The answer is no. I'm sorry but no. I am not going to be forced into a marriage, nor will I allow you to force Rias into a marriage. I really don't care about how you guys look. Love is what matters not your social status." Issei said. He had enough. He formed his suit onto his body, leaving the mask off.

Sirzechs looked at Issei. "Do you not love Rias?" Sirzechs asked. Issei slung himself up to a window in the large dining room. The window was high up in the air, more used for air circulation then something to see out of.

"What does my feelings matter...? No one could ever love a nerd like me." Issei said, though he softly said the last part. Issei then was gone. He was climbing up the Gremory castle, his mask still off.

The dinner table was in shock. Issei basically told them off, telling them that what they were doing was wrong.

The head of the Gremory family, Rias's father, spoke up though. "Well… that didn't end well… but why spoil a good feast. Let us finish our meal."

With that, everyone continued eating, but it was silent. It was quite uncomfortable.

Koneko heard everything, she heard everything that Issei said… and she understood now…

Issei was at the top of the Gremory castle, looking all over the entire Underworld. He was very high up.

Issei sighed and rubbed his hair. "That… felt good…" Issei laughed out. "I need to get away though… for a while… I can't be around them right now…" Issei said. He put two web shots out on the tip of the Gremory castle and began to move backward, stretching the web out. He was preparing a slingshot. He aimed himself out to the mountains far away and released his legs. He was sling shotted across the underworld, heading right to the mountains ahead, wanting to be alone… in the wilderness.

Issei Hyoudou is Venomous. A creature of immense power and strength. He has attracted many women to him, but he has yet to realize it. He has yet to realize he has many women who seek his affections and attention, but he cannot see them as potential lovers. His past with women have kept him from seeing really pretty girls, ever falling for him. This is the curse of the nerd…