
Chapter 20

Issei was still on the ceiling but he looked out the window, watching as many people kept transporting themselves into the school grounds. It was then that Michael, Azazel, Sirzechs and Serafall put up a strong barrier.

"Hmm. An invasion. Looks like fun." Issei said with a chuckle.

"Yes, it seems they want to interrupt this meeting. There are always those who want war... I suspect it's the Khaos Brigade." Azazel said while looking out the window, with a serious expression.

"So what do we do?" Issei asked.


"On it." With that, Vali shot out of the window in his balance breaker state and went off to fight. Issei watched as he annihilated magician after magician.

"Rias. Can you and your peerage handle the magicians outside?"

Rias nodded and left with her peerage, though Issei did not follow.

Just as Rias and her peerage left, a magic circle appeared in the meeting room.

"Leviathan..." Sirzechs said with a sour expression.

Out from the circle came a beautiful girl who wore quite a... provocative dress.

"Ah, how do you do, Current Maou Sirzechs?" Said the girl.

"What is the meaning of this, Cattleya Leviathan?"

"The members of the old-Maou faction have all decided to cooperate with the Khaos Brigade. We are taking charge in this attack!"

"Cattleya… why?" Sirzechs asked.

"We arrived at the exact opposite idea of this meeting today. We've concluded that, since God and the original Maou are gone, this world should be reformed."

"Has Ophis seen that far ahead into the future? Though that doesn't seem likely." Azazel said. Cattleya just let out a breath in response.

"Aside from being a symbol of power, he just bears the position for the sake of gathering power. We've asked for his help to destroy the world and rebuild it again… we will the ones to manage the new world."

Issei now had his mask on, his teeth flaring as he crawled onto the wall behind her, approaching her slowly. Sirzechs, Michael, Serafall and Azazel noticed him but said nothing.

Sirzechs smiled very sarcastically. "… So you are a gathering of Fallen Angel, Devil and Angel rebels who want their own world and a new Earth that they rule over. The mediator of that is Ophis, the Uroboros Dragon."

"Cattleya! Why are you doing such a thing?!" Serafall asked.

Issei's black suit began to appear on his body, covering his body slowly as he crawled his way on the ceiling, closer to the back of the girl. She had her back to Issei.

"Serafall, to ask so shamelessly! You took the position of Leviathan from me! I am the descendent of the original Maou so I was the one best suited for the position!"

"Cattleya… I-I!"

"Don't worry Serafall. Today I will kill you at this place and take the title of Maou Leviathan for myself. Then, Ophis will become the God of the new world. It's fine if he's just a symbol of power. The [system] and laws, the doctrine will be constructed by us. Michael, Azazel, and Sirzechs… Your era is over."

Sirzechs, Serafall and Michael all had their expressions darkened from Cattleya's words, however Azazel was now laughing and smiling.


"Azazel what's so funny?" Cattleya asked angrily.

"Hahaha… So you people will reform this world all together?"

"That's right. This world is…"

"In decay? Humans are foolish? The Earth will be destroyed?" Azazel interrupted with a laugh. "Isn't the world prospering right now?" Azazel held his stomach as he laughed. Cattleya's eyes began to twitch.

Issei was now right above Cattleya, ready to pounce. He was not even sensed, due to his spider like abilities. He was on the ceiling, looking down at her.

"Azazel, you are the same as ever. Even though you have so much power… you are satisfied with the current world."

"Your goal is too cliché and harsh. Descendant of Leviathan, your words are just like those of a villain who is about to die, you know that?"

"Azazel! You would ridicule us this far!" Cattleya said, enraged. She began to explode with magic aura, her anger at a new height.

"Sirzechs, Michael. Don't help, Okay?"

"Are you saying you want to challenge me Azazel?! I have been hoping for it!" Cattleya said, blood lust in her eyes.

"… Cattleya, do you have no intention of surrendering?" Sirzechs asked in a final warning. Cattleya shook her head in response.

"That is correct, Sirzechs. You were a good Maou… however you were not the best one. That is why we are aiming to be the new Maou."

"I see… That's too bad." Sirzechs said, giving her a small frown.

"So, are you ready to go Azazel?" Cattleya said, extending her hand to him.

Azazel gave her a laugh. "I never said I would be the one fighting you."

"Then who?" Cattleya said, confused. Michael, Azazel, Sirzechs and Serafall put their fingers up and did the look up motion. Cattleya looked up and Issei struck.

Issei grabbed her neck and lifted her up, slamming her head into the ceiling, before dropping her. Issei roared out, his fangs out for all to see as he dropped to the ground. Cattleya hit the ceiling then hit the table with her forehead, sending her to the ground in a daze.

"Ow, who the hell are you?"

"The name is unimportant, but you are threatening the peace of my friends, but if you are so curious… my name is Venomous."

Cattleya stood up and prepared magic circles, sending out demonic energy at Issei. Issei ran right at her, plowing right through the magic circles. However, the back of his suit blew out, though he was unharmed. The front of his suit was also unharmed as the suit transferred the magic power to the back of the suit. Issei charged right into Cattleya, grabbing her neck and her shirt where her stomach was, running her through the wall. He kept on moving like a Juggernaut, running her through each wall. She kept on firing magic right into Issei's face, but the magic was absorbed and all it did was blow out the back of Issei's suit. The suit kept on repairing, and Michael, Azazel, Sirzechs and Serafall, watched as the suit acted like a living organism, repairing immediately.

"What the heck is that on him?" Sirzechs wondered out loud.

"Looks like a living organism has fused with his body." Azazel said.

"He did say he had an alien symbiotic organism fuse with his body due to the nuclear explosions." Sirzechs replied.

They all sat there, keeping up a barrier, watching the fight together. Azazel however stood up.

"Mind if I go help your sister?" Azazel asked. Sirzechs smiled and waved him off. With that, Azazel grew twelve black wings and flew out into the battlefield, destroying target after target. It was a bunch of magicians.

Rias and her peerage were busy fighting with the magicians, when they saw Azazel come out to play. They watched as he destroyed target after target, but then they saw a bright white light hit him in the side… an unforeseen attack.

Issei threw Cattleya through the walls again, sending her through five walls to bring her back to the meeting room.

"What the hell is this guy?! He is a monster!" Cattleya said, drawing out a bottle from her breast. It had a black snake in it. She began to open it, but it was grabbed out of her hand with black webbing. It was Issei.

"What is this? Are you trying to overpower me? No no… if you are too weak to fight me on your own, you don't deserve something to power up beyond what you are capable of." Issei said, walking right to her. She put both hands up and began to fire magic after magic at him, but Issei just calmly walked through it, his suit being blown off every which way from each magic bullet, but only from the back. His front was unharmed.

"How are you able to take these hits?!"

"It's simple. I am much more powerful than you. I may not have much demonic energy, but my physical capabilities are over yours." Issei said. He was now right in front of her and he gripped her throat, lifting her into the air. "Sirzechs. Michael. You wanted to see him correct? Well, it just so happens Rias gave me the ability to summon him at will." Issei snapped and a red circle appeared. Issei walked over towards Sirzechs with Cattleya in hand, though she was still hitting him with devil powers, yet she was getting weaker and the blows were blowing off smaller and smaller chunks of the suit.

"Let me go. Please. I won't do this again. Don't kill me."

"I'm not going to kill you." Issei said, looking at her, his fangs glimmering as he smiled.

"You aren't… then l-lemme go."

"Oh… No no… you are mistaken. I am not going to kill you… my friend is." Issei said. He punched Cattleya in the side once, then threw her across the room, letting her slide.

Michael and Sirzechs stood up as they saw him. Serafall also stood up shortly. All three of them had their mouths wide open as they saw him.

Eight Red eyes. Eight legs. A massive body for this creature. Twelve inch fangs. Immense physical strength.


Cattleya slowly stood up and she turned around, looking right at Satan who was in his threatening posture. He was standing up on six legs, putting up his two front legs into the air, showing off his fangs. Satan then struck.

Cattleya screamed as the foot long fangs pierced her body, and the venom flowed into her. She began to thrash and thrash, trying to get away, but it was over in four seconds. She slowed down and eventually stopped moving… She was dead in six.

Feeding time.

Issei turned to Michael, Sirzechs and Serafall.

"This here is Satan. The creature that I was talking about. This is Rias's new rook." Issei said. "He was with me during the nuclear blast, as I wanted to bring him along. So this is the new outcome."

"I can feel the power… he can slay a God…" Sirzechs said, surprised.

"Yes, he can. Though he doesn't attack humans or humanoid creatures unless I tell him to. He feeds on cows and other large animals."

Sirzechs, Michael and Serafall took a seat, surprised.

"Issei? Could you go help outside?" Sirzechs asked. It looks like there is a major issue. Issei nodded and ran outside through the window, leaping into the air before shooting out a web at the barrier, using it as a solid object to swing around on.

Azazel was on the ground, blood coming from his side.

"… So you're betraying me under these circumstances, Vali."

"That's right, Azazel." Vali said, hovering above in his balance breaker form. "Hmm. I no longer feel her presence… she was destroyed." Vali said, talking about Cattleya.

"That is because I had her killed!" Issei said, swinging in, grabbing Vali by the throat as he turned around. Issei swung him right into the wall of the school, before swinging back to Azazel. "You alright Azazel?"

"I'll be fine… but you got a serious matter to deal with." Azazel said, pointing to the wall. Coming out of the destroyed section of the wall was Vali. He shrugged off some debris and flew right into the air.

"Ah, so you are not weak as you look."

"You don't look too bad yourself." Issei replied. Vali took a fighting stance but Azazel spoke.

"When did you decide to do this?"

"I got the offer one day returning from the mission to take Kokabiel back. Sorry Azazel but this side seems to be interesting."

"So has the Vanishing Dragon surrendered to Ophis?'

"No, I am just cooperating stubbornly. They gave an attractive offer. 'Wouldn't you like to fight against the Asgard'? When they said that, I couldn't decline as someone who wants to test my power. Azazel, you dislike the idea of fighting with Valhalla right? You dislike war."

"I told you to 'become strong', but I should have also said 'don't only make factors that will destroy the world'."

"That is unrelated. I just wanna fight eternally."

"I see… I may have anticipated somehow in my heart… that you would leave my side… Since the time we met, till now, all you have ever wanted was to fight with strong people."

Vali smiled then turned to Issei. "My real name is Vali Lucifer."

"And? Why would I care?" Issei asked. "I really don't care for your name or who you are. I just know I need to kick your ass." Issei said with a smirk, his fangs glimmering in the sunset.

"He mean's he is the strongest of the Vanishing Dragons to ever exist…" Azazel said, slowly sitting up.

"It mean's nothing to me. He will see whom he is messing with." Issei said, shooting out a web onto Vali's foot and swinging him around and around, before slinging him right into a pole. Vali quickly got up and charged at Issei.

[Divide!] Said the jewel on Vali.

[It did not affect him partner. He is somehow immune to our power.] Said a voice from the jewel.

"What?! How can someone be immune?!" Vali exclaimed.

Issei swung right at him and grabbed him by the neck before slamming right into another light pole. "It is simple. I am not just a devil. I am part Alien." Issei said. Vali stood up and charged at Issei.

"What are you talking about?!" Vali said, flying right at Issei with a haymaker ready. Issei however ran right at him, jumped and used him as a spring board. Issei then turned in the air, shot a web onto the barrier, shot another web onto a drain cover and swung it right at Vali, hitting square in the head, knocking off part of the armor.

"This suit is Alien in nature. It came from space. It fused with my body due to a nuclear accident." Issei said as Vali stood up, repairing his armor.

Issei however was right at him, throwing a punch at Vali's face. Vali however put his arms up to block, but it was a fake. Issei punched him right in the gut, before sending a fist right at his face as Vali tried to block the punch in the stomach. Vali however ducked but Issei sent his knee up, striking Vali in the face. Issei then sent a fist right into Vali's left cheek, forcing him to stagger back and look away. When Vali looked back at Issei, he was sent flying from a vicious uppercut by Issei. Vali stood up quickly from the uppercut once he landed but Issei right on top of him again. Issei sent a punch into Vali's left cheek, then another uppercut before Vali could even respond. Issei was fast and he was vicious. The armor on Vali was shattering from each blow and it even penetrated Vali's body underneath the armor.

Azazel was standing now, watching the fight between Vali and Issei… if you could call it that. There were no more magicians around, all of them either left or were killed. Only Vali remained.

"You're pawn's power… is amazing." Azazel said. "What is he?"

"He is… the first of his kind. He was bitten by a spider, given spider powers, then he got an alien symbiotic organism fused with his body… though this fighting style… He hasn't used this before. He was more of the play with the opponent type… and more dodging. He was not one to just attack and attack and attack…" Rias said, watching with Akeno by her side. Asia was hiding behind Kiba who was also watching. Asia was kind of scared. Koneko was watching as well.

"Perhaps the suit has changed his personality?" Azazel wondered.

"We thought that too… but maybe you are right… Hopefully it doesn't affect him too much… like how he acts towards everyone else." Rias said.

Vali got his bearings and grabbed Issei by his shoulders. Vali head-butted Issei who staggered back in pain. Issei roared at Vali, his teeth dangerously sharp. Vali sent a punch right at Issei's face but Issei gripped it with a fist. Vali attempted another punch but Issei grabbed the forearm.

"How are you so strong?! What power do you have?! What are you?!" Vali called out as Issei was beginning to crush the armor on him, the armor denting on his fist and forearm.

"I was given the power of a spider. Spiders for their size, are the top predators of their food chains." Issei replied. He then used his foot to kick the legs off of Vali, sending him to his knees, but with that Issei sent his knee right into Vali's face, which Vali stood up from the blow but then Issei sent a fist right into Vali's right cheek. Then he proceeded to hit Vali in the gut with another fist, then he sent Vali flying with another uppercut. Vali flew into the air and landed on the ground with a thud.

"So I have finally found an opponent stronger than the current me… I guess he is worthy enough to see the Hakuryuukou's [Juggernaut Drive.]" Vali said, weakly getting to his feet. His armor was mostly repaired, but his face mask was not. Everyone could see Vali was bruised badly and bleeding. Issei's onslaught was surprising.

[Vali… It is not a good choice. You may not be able to defeat him in time.]

"It'll all work out, Albion…. [I, who am about to awaken, in supreme justice-]

[Don't act rashly Vali! Is it your desire to be at the mercy of my power?!] Albion said angrily.

Issei swung into the air and swung right at Vali, however a single silhouette swooped down in the night sky. He landed right in between Vali and Issei, so Issei quickly changed his course before skidding on the ground. The man was wearing armor that would be worn by a military commander from ancient China.

"Vali, I have come for you." Said the young man. He had a refreshing-looking face. He spoke with a cheerful attitude.

"Ah, Bikou. What have you come for?" Vali said, wiping the blood from his mouth. He was standing on his wobbling legs.

"Isn't that cruel? I made a long journey and came all the way to this island country because my partner was in a pinch! The other guys were making a fuss. Because we're joining together to fight Valhalla, you were supposed to flee and return right away I the mission failed, right? So what happened? Where is Cattleya?"

"The boy in the black suit over there… he killed her." Vali said.

Bikou turned to face him then looked back at Vali. "So this is the boy who was kicking your ass?"

"Yes… he is something we did not calculate… his power is strong and his blows can penetrate armor and hit the body underneath."

"Interesting. Well, your observation role is over. You need to come back with me." Bikou said.

"Ah… so it's time."

Issei walked forward. "Who are you?" Issei asked, the material on his mask was peeling off.

"He is the descendent of the Victorious Fighting Buddha." Azazel answered.

Issei put on a blank. "Sorry, I don't know that. I don't study ancient history." Issei said with a small laugh.

"He is Son Goku, the famous monkey in the Journey to the West."

"Still not ringing a bell, but I am guessing he is famous?"

"Yes. He is."

"I see."

Bikou began to laugh at Azazel's words with a cackle.

"I am different from the first-generation that became a Buddha. I just like to live doing as I like. My name is Bikou. Nice to meet you. Who are you?"

"I am Issei Hyoudou, though I also go by Venomous."

"Ah well, it was nice meeting you. See you around." Bikou said before he slammed his staff into the ground and a darkness spread over the ground. Vali and Bikou began to sink into it and they escaped.

"We will meet again Hyoudou. We will fight again… You are an opponent I plan to surpass. Get stronger Hyoudou."

Issei waved his hand and like that, they were gone. Issei was no longer in his suit and he turned to Azazel.

"You alright?"

"I will live. You are quite an interesting character." Azazel said, now flying back to the meeting.

Issei yawned loudly and he turned to leave the meeting place. He snapped and with that, he sent Satan back home. Issei left Rias and everyone behind, not caring to stay behind. He was sleepy.

Issei arrived home five minutes later and he quickly took a quick bath, washing off the sweat from his fighting. He then went to his bed, plopping down and yawning. He fell asleep quite quickly…

Issei Hyoudou is Venomous… a creature of pure power. He has the abilities of a spider… he can detect danger, he can feel locations of his opponents through the air currents, he can shoot webs, climb on walls, he makes no sound with his movements, and his strength is immense… yet his strength was growing.