

## MATURE CONTENT! ## It's not some regular mafia story you will read. The plot is little different from others. Two almost lost soul will find love in each other through war, hatred, betrayal, bullying and many more while saving themselves and their close ones from enemies. On a fine morning, Charlie Zaffino, the most popular kid of his university, got interested in a weird nerd girl. A boy was bullying that nerd. But what got Charlies attention was the nerds calmness even in that bullying situation. The girl was not like random nerds who are afraid. There was something in her aura that was attracting Charlie. Of course he didn't save the girl because he himself is a bully too. " You are not what you are showing little nerdy. Now you have got my attention. I'll find what are you hiding behind that calmness," Charlie thought. " Only Undocile can save our heirs." " But why will Venom help us? We are not in aligns." " We have to beg for help to the Emperor or Venom otherwise our heirs will be killed." "Venom, I beg you. Please leave me this time. I'll obey your every word in future. Don't kill me." Venom started laughing sarcastically. Then said in a octave lower voice, " Once a betrayer is always a betrayer dear. There is no place for a betrayer in UNDOCILE." saying that she shot the man standing in front of her.

Soulmate2023 · Urban
Not enough ratings
258 Chs


Aurora followed the nurse. She gave blood.

" Venom take some rest here please."

" Yeah sure. Inform me her condition okay? And ask the man outside to come here."

" Okay venom." She again bowed.

" You don't have to bow me. You are elder than me. You can call me Miss. Mariano."

The nurse smiled. " Sure Miss. Mariano. I'll enlighten you about the patient. Have some rest." saying that the nurse went out. Aurora sighed and closed her eyes.

Andrew knocked on the door. " Come in."

" You have asked for me Venom?"

" Yeah. You guys should head back to home."

" But Venom how can I leave both of you here. You are now weak too. You will need someone."

" Then ask Eric to come here. You guys must be tired after fighting this hard. None of our members are injured badly right?"

" Minor cuts Venom. They are fine."

" Then ask Eric to come. After he reaches head towards the mansion."

" Sure. How are you feeling Venom?"

" Far better than Antonia I suppose." Aurora said closing her eyes.

Andrew lowered his head. " Don't feel disappointed Venom."

" I'm sorry Andrew."

Andrew became confused and shocked too. The queen herself was saying sorry to him? Feeling his silence Aurora again spoke. " I shouldn't have been rude to you outside. You are elder than me. I'm really sorry for that."

" No no venom. Don't say something like that. You are supposed to order me all the time. My leader doesn't need to ask forgiveness to me. You have every right to show me if I'm wrong anywhere."

Aurora chuckled. " You have seen me technically since I'm a teenager. You have been serving UNDOCILE with loyalty. You have always been devoted to your job. I'm really proud of you Andrew. But I should ask for forgiveness if I'm wrong. I can not just do anything someone just because I'm a leader. Right? Moreover you should show your leader what is wrong or right if it's needed."

Andrew smiled. " You have changed Venom."

" You think so?"

" Yeah. But this change is healthy I think Venom."

" You won't think that if you see what I'm going to do with Luke."

Andrew chuckled and Aurora smirked. " I didn't mean it that way Venom. You should take rest. I'll call Eric. After he comes, we will go back. The heirs need protection too."

" Yeah. Go ahead. I'll return in the morning . Ask the heirs not to worry."

" Sure Venom." Andrew bowed and went outside. Aurora again closed her eyes.

Aurora was still raging in anger. But she was thinking how was she still being calm like this? Really she has changed. She has become more calm. Her phone started ringing. She saw her phone and found her dad calling. She sighed and received the call.

" Angel! How are you? What about Antonia? How is she?" Mr. Marino asked anxiously.

" Cool down dad. She is in the OT. I'm perfectly fine."

" She will be okay right?"

" Yeah dad. Don't worry."

" Should I come back angel?"

" Come back if you want dad. You know I won't oppose."

" I'm asking to prepare the Jet then."

"Yeah sure." Aurora cut the call and saw the nurse came into the room.

" She is fine now Miss. Mariano. The operation has been successful. She has moved to the VIP cabin."

" When will be she released?"

" You can take her home in the morning too. She is out of danger now. If you can give her proper care at home, she will be released in the morning."

" Okay."

" You want to see her?"

" Yeah. I'm coming. Go ahead." Aurora got up. Her head was lightly spinning. But she shrugged that feeling and went to Antonia's cabin.

She felt her inside burning seeing Antonia in that position. Anger, frustration and many more emotions she was feeling inside. She sat down on a tool beside Antonia's bed and kept looking at her.

" Are you siblings Miss. Mariano?" The nurse asked.

" Yeah. She is my elder sister." Aurora said still looking at Antonia.

" You should eat something. Should I bring something for you? Is that okay?"

" No. I don't need anything now."

" Don't worry. I'll not harm you. You should be careful about your health too. You don't look quite healthy to me."

Aurora looked at her intensely. She somehow felt afraid at the gaze. "I'm sorry for interfering."

" You can go now." Aurora said coldly.

" Yeah. Ring the bell if she wakes or needs something." The nurse said showing the bell. Then she went out.

Eric came and reported to Aurora. Aurora kept sitting beside Antonia.

" You will have to repay for disobeying me Antonia. I'm not letting this slide easily even if dad says." Aurora said looking at Antonia who is still unconscious.

In the Mariano mansion, " They are back? I have heard some sounds outside." Lucas said coming downstairs.

" I have heard that too. Let's go out to see." Charlie said.

The heirs came outside and found only the members. " Where is Venom and Antonia?" Sofia asked one of them.

They lowered their heads. The heirs felt anxiousness building inside them.

" Why are you not talking! Where are they?" Sofia shouted. Leo hold her.

" They are in hospital mam." One of the members said. The heirs were beyond shock.

" Why? What happened? Answer us god damn it!" Charlie shouted.

" They are okay right?" Lucas said with concern.

"Boss has taken a bullet that was shot at Venom by the head of Pluto."

Lucas felt his world turning up side down. " What?" Charlie said in shock. Sofia started crying hearing that.

" How is she now?" Harry asked.

" Mobster Andrew and two of his team members have take Boss to the hospital. Venom went later after sending The Pluto's boss to the base."

" He is still alive! Why didn't she killed that bustard!" Lucas shouted.

Charlie hold him. " We have to go there." Charlie said.

" I'm afraid sir I can't allow you to do that." Eric said.

"What do you mean? Antonia is in the hospital and you are saying we are not allowed to go there?" Sofia shouted at Eric.

" I'm really sorry mam. But Venom has ordered not to allow you guys to go out."

" What are we suppose to do then?" Harry said.

" I'll ask you guys to wait for them inside sir. Please." Eric said lowering his head.

The heirs stormed inside in rage.