

## MATURE CONTENT! ## It's not some regular mafia story you will read. The plot is little different from others. Two almost lost soul will find love in each other through war, hatred, betrayal, bullying and many more while saving themselves and their close ones from enemies. On a fine morning, Charlie Zaffino, the most popular kid of his university, got interested in a weird nerd girl. A boy was bullying that nerd. But what got Charlies attention was the nerds calmness even in that bullying situation. The girl was not like random nerds who are afraid. There was something in her aura that was attracting Charlie. Of course he didn't save the girl because he himself is a bully too. " You are not what you are showing little nerdy. Now you have got my attention. I'll find what are you hiding behind that calmness," Charlie thought. " Only Undocile can save our heirs." " But why will Venom help us? We are not in aligns." " We have to beg for help to the Emperor or Venom otherwise our heirs will be killed." "Venom, I beg you. Please leave me this time. I'll obey your every word in future. Don't kill me." Venom started laughing sarcastically. Then said in a octave lower voice, " Once a betrayer is always a betrayer dear. There is no place for a betrayer in UNDOCILE." saying that she shot the man standing in front of her.

Soulmate2023 · Urban
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258 Chs


Antonia couldn't reply as the ceremony started. " I hope you will get your answer. I have to go to the front line now. You guys can come with me if you want." saying that Antonia went forward and others followed her. When they came forward they were shocked.

" The fuck? Nerdy?" the four boys shouted.

" What the fuck did you just call her?" Antonia asked making her voice low.

" I mean Aurora?" Again they said.

" Fucking hell. Don't call her by first name. Didn't Antonia tell you that?" Sofia said.

They boys kept quite and kept looking at Aurora with shock. Charlie was beyond shocked. All the members said the speech they prepared for Venom.

" Welcome back Venom. UNDOCILE will always bow down to you. No one can lead this group as well as you do. We are always in need of you. We respect you, bow down to your power, will give our lives for you and we are proud to be able to work under you. Except our gratitude." saying that they bowed. They stood up and shot bullets in the air with their guns. Then they sat in a propose style, left their guns on the ground. Put their right hands top of their heart and kept their head down. Then they again shouted. " Thank you for taking care of us Venom. You are the most desired queen. We are proud to have you as our leader. Congratulations on your another success."

Charlie kept looking at Aurora. How beautiful she was looking. He appearance was screaming power. Where is that nerd girl? Oh god! Now he was able to connect all the dots. That's why yesterday she was looking oddly familiar. She does have tattoos like he guessed when she got drenched. He was trying to solve mystery but Aurora was the mystery herself all the time.

Aurora started talking. " Stand up everyone." All the members stood up. Charlie was amused hearing her ordering voice. But he furrowed his brows when he noticed a bandage on Auroras forehead. " Did she get hurt in the mission? It must be hurting her." Charlie thought.

"I have told you before that not all the time you guys need to do these. I'm really happy to say that we have solved the problem of that pirate group. Our group and the aligns will be able to do business properly. Thanks for this warm welcome. You can go and do your jobs. I'll give a party after cracking our latest deal. So work harder." Aurora said.

" Yes Venom." The members scattered and went to do their own jobs.

Aurora looked at the boys, Sofia and Antonia. She came towards them.

" You got hurt again?" Charlie asked. Aurora was amused. She revealed herself and this was the first thing Charlie asked her?

" She is like that. Getting hurt all the time." Sofia said.

" I was on a freaking mission all alone. What did you expect me to do? Play doll house with them?" Aurora said looking at Sofia. Everyone chuckled hearing that.

" You guys should start taking breakfast. I'll get freshed and join you. Then we can talk." saying that Aurora was about to go inside the mansion.

" Queen, that traitor?" Antonia asked.

" I'll take care of him. Prepare every single material. I'll show him what betrayal tastes like. He will feel the pain of hell today." Aurora said and went inside the mansion. Everyone shivered hearing that.