

## MATURE CONTENT! ## It's not some regular mafia story you will read. The plot is little different from others. Two almost lost soul will find love in each other through war, hatred, betrayal, bullying and many more while saving themselves and their close ones from enemies. On a fine morning, Charlie Zaffino, the most popular kid of his university, got interested in a weird nerd girl. A boy was bullying that nerd. But what got Charlies attention was the nerds calmness even in that bullying situation. The girl was not like random nerds who are afraid. There was something in her aura that was attracting Charlie. Of course he didn't save the girl because he himself is a bully too. " You are not what you are showing little nerdy. Now you have got my attention. I'll find what are you hiding behind that calmness," Charlie thought. " Only Undocile can save our heirs." " But why will Venom help us? We are not in aligns." " We have to beg for help to the Emperor or Venom otherwise our heirs will be killed." "Venom, I beg you. Please leave me this time. I'll obey your every word in future. Don't kill me." Venom started laughing sarcastically. Then said in a octave lower voice, " Once a betrayer is always a betrayer dear. There is no place for a betrayer in UNDOCILE." saying that she shot the man standing in front of her.

Soulmate2023 · Urban
Not enough ratings
258 Chs

PART 195

" Why are you mute now? Or you are enjoying my wrecked condition? Speak up Charlie! I want a fucking answer!" Aurora shouted.

" I didn't do anything." Charlie said quietly.

Aurora scoffed." Then why my body is aching Charlie? Why was I naked with you on my bed under the sheet? Why is there scratches and love bites on your body? What is all of this?" Aurora shouted.

" Your body is aching?" Charlie asked with confusion.

Aurora scoffed." Isn't it a dumb question to ask a girl you had sex last night with? My whole body is aching not to mention the private areas specifically! It's hurting so badly that I'm even struggling to stand and walk properly!" Aurora said with rage.

" I really don't.. "

" Don't you dare pretend to be innocent Charlie! I'm feeling disgusted even to look at you now. How can you stoop this much lower?" Aurora shouted feeling betrayed.

Charlies heart broke hearing her words. She didn't believe him at all. It was crystal clear. Aurora was still trembling in anger.

" I knew I shouldn't trust you. Boys like you can never love someone. It was just a show. A façade of yours to have a one night stand. Shame on you Charlie!" Aurora again said shouting.

Everyone went silent seeing this violent side of her. Charlie trembled as he felt the sound of his heart breaking. He couldn't take anymore. The pain he was feeling inside was immense. He had no words to put in front of her as she would not believe anything he says. She had just guessed everything without even letting anyone explain the situation.

" Why are you quiet Charlie? I need an explanation now! Who the fuck gave your right of touching me? How dare you take the chance of my unconsciousness? Are you even a man Charlie? You said you love me. This is what you call love? You are not even worthy of loving someone. You can only have fun with others. You find happiness destroying girls lives and congratulations you have destroyed mine too! Are you happy now? Shouldn't you leave this acting of loving me?" Aurora shouted.

" Shut up!" Charlie shouted this time.

Everyone became shocked seeing him shouting at Aurora. He couldn't control himself anymore. He have had enough. He can't let anyone disrespect his love anymore.

" I have enough of your talking Aurora. You want an explanation? Look at your body if you find any single mark then come to me for an explanation."

" Now you are trying to cover everything pretending to be hurt right? What can even I expect from a player like you." Aurora asked scoffing.

" Yeah you are right. I was a fuck boy. I used to have one night stands with girls. I don't want to prove you anymore that I have changed Aurora. I have tried a lot but your impression on me won't just change even if I give up my life for you. So I quit." Charlie said.

" I don't care if you quit or not Charlie. You have done what you wanted to do from the very first." Aurora said.

" What I want from the first Aurora? To touch you? Is that what you think?" Charlie asked.

" Not only touching Charlie. You wanted me in your bed from the very first day but why did you act to be in love and all? To show my dad? You have shown how nasty coward you are by using me without even having my consent. I bet you have done this to many girls Charlie." Aurora shouted. She couldn't control herself. All she wanted to get out all her anger on Charlie.

" I have never touched any girl without their consent Aurora. Well I know you won't believe me. Tell me one thing, I had many chances to use you why I didn't do anything then? Every time I have hugged you or pulled you closer I have seen you relaxing around me. Never once I have found you unconformable. Well I have got my lesson today Aurora. I swear today I'll never touch you ever again. I don't care if you believe my love or me anymore. Let me just tell you one thing Aurora Mariano, not everything you guess or see is the actual truth. Remember that." saying that Charlie left her room. He went to his room and locked the door.

" What did he just say? How dare he show attitude after doing such nasty thing!" Aurora shouted.

" Can you calm down?" Antonia said.

" No!" Aurora said looking at her angrily.

" He didn't even touch you last night. It was only you who did everything." Lucas said sighing.

" What do you mean by that?" Aurora asked furrowing.

" The pain in your body is the effect of Viagra Aurora. I think you know it's effect and the places." Antonia said sighing. She felt disappointed at Auroras reckless behavior.

" Wh-at?" Aurora stuttered.

" Yes. Henry injected you two shots of Viagra that he was supposed to give us. Charlie killed him brutally yesterday for that and he saved us all. Andrew was also there but late." Harry said.

Aurora kept looking at them. She was speechless.

" What did I do after getting drugged?" Aurora whispered.

Harry, Lucas and Antonia told her everything in details. She became quiet after hearing that and sat down on her bed feeling disappointed at herself.

" He didn't even touch you. He didn't even want to stay near you thinking you will misunderstand him. But we forced him as it was needed for you. But look you have made his fear come true." Antonia said sadly chuckling.

" You shouldn't hurt someone like this Aurora. I never thought you will do this." Leo said.

" You don't want to accept him that's okay. But respect his love. Can you imagine from how much hurt he was calling you by your name not Princess?" Harry said.

Aurora got remembered how many times he has called her Aurora and her heart snaked into sadness thinking that.