

## MATURE CONTENT! ## It's not some regular mafia story you will read. The plot is little different from others. Two almost lost soul will find love in each other through war, hatred, betrayal, bullying and many more while saving themselves and their close ones from enemies. On a fine morning, Charlie Zaffino, the most popular kid of his university, got interested in a weird nerd girl. A boy was bullying that nerd. But what got Charlies attention was the nerds calmness even in that bullying situation. The girl was not like random nerds who are afraid. There was something in her aura that was attracting Charlie. Of course he didn't save the girl because he himself is a bully too. " You are not what you are showing little nerdy. Now you have got my attention. I'll find what are you hiding behind that calmness," Charlie thought. " Only Undocile can save our heirs." " But why will Venom help us? We are not in aligns." " We have to beg for help to the Emperor or Venom otherwise our heirs will be killed." "Venom, I beg you. Please leave me this time. I'll obey your every word in future. Don't kill me." Venom started laughing sarcastically. Then said in a octave lower voice, " Once a betrayer is always a betrayer dear. There is no place for a betrayer in UNDOCILE." saying that she shot the man standing in front of her.

Soulmate2023 · Urban
Not enough ratings
258 Chs

PART 189

Antonia knocked on the door.

" Come in."

" Breakfast is ready." Antonia said coming inside.

" I'm coming. You can go ahead."

" Dad has messaged me about his departure. Is everything okay?"

" Grandpa is in the hospital." Aurora said this time looking Antonia.

Antonia sat in front of Aurora. " Is it serious?"

Aurora looked at Antonia properly and found marks on her neck.

" He said not to worry. I hope everything is fine." Aurora said suppressing her smile.

" We should visit them after all of this commotion." Antonia said sighing.

" Yeah. I have think that too. What about you? Are you okay?" Aurora asked.

" Me? What will happen to me?"

" Allergic reaction? Or a big mosquito has bit you? Which one?" Aurora said pointing at Antonia's neck.

Antonia hurriedly put her hand there and started laughing awkwardly.

"Looks like everything is fine now." Aurora said smiling softly.

" Yeah. Finally we have confessed to each other." Antonia said showing the wristband Lucas gave her.

" Congratulations on getting someone who is worthy of you." Aurora said smiling.

" I have done something though." Antonia said chuckling awkwardly.

" What?" Aurora asked being confused.

" I have fired Bianca." Antonia said sighing.

" Oh. I'll appoint someone else then." Aurora said looking back at files.

" You didn't ask why." Antonia said raising her one brow.

" I don't need to know these small things. You must have your reason. You go ahead. I'm coming after finishing this file." Aurora said.

Antonia just chuckled and went out.


Aurora came down from her room after getting ready. The heirs and Antonia were watching tv in the living room. Charlie came to her.

" When will you come back Princess?"

" After lunch probably."

" You will eat lunch with him?" Charlie asked.

Aurora looked at him. " Yeah." She replied shortly.

Aurora looked at Antonia.

" Take care of everyone. If anything happens contact me as soon as possible."

" Okay. Crack the deal. Best of luck." Antonia said smiling.

Aurora nodded. Charlie was still looking at her. Aurora stared back.

" Bye." She said and got out of the mansion.

She took her car and drove towards her destination.

Aurora reached there after an hour of driving. She saw the machines were getting prepared by her men. She observed them working and showed them details. Soon Nicolai reached there with his guards and secretary. Aurora greeted him.

" Nice meeting you again Mr. Balakirev."

" Same here Ms. Mariano." Nicolai said.

They shook hands and Aurora lead the way to show him the demo. Nicolai asked his secretary to note down every details and kept observing the process.

After showing and describing the whole process, Aurora looked at Nicolai. " So what do you say Mr. Balakirev? Are you up for a collaboration?" Aurora asked.

" It's really interesting Ms. Mariano. I must admit you are a genius."

" It's the fruit of hard work Mr. Balakirev."

" God has blessed you with every single quality I think."

Aurora chuckled.

" Let's talk about the details while taking lunch Ms. Mariano."

" Sure Mr. Balakirev. Anything you want to try here?"

" You have already treated me everything in the pent house Ms. Mariano. This lunch is on me. I want to treat you something delicious today. Let's go somewhere you like." Nicolai said smiling.

" Then should I cut down a big amount Mr. Balakirev?" Aurora asked jokingly.

" Anything you wish." Nicolai replied laughing.

He has liked the girl already. She is such a beauty with brain.

Aurora guided them to a restaurant with her car. They followed and reached a restaurant.

They were taking lunch and discussing over the details about the deal. Aurora was continuously checking her phone.

" Is anything wrong Ms. Mariano?" Nicolai asked watching her tensed.

" Nothing Mr. Balakirev. Sorry for being inattentive." Aurora said with a small smile.

" Are you waiting for a call?"

" Yeah. It should have been come already." Aurora mumbled.

" Is it someone important?"

Aurora nodded.

Then again concentrated on the deal. They finalized the profit, cost, duration and other details. The contract was ready by Nicolai's secretary. He was about to sign when Aurora got a call. Aurora became shocked seeing the head quarter calling her.

" Venom speaking." Aurora said receiving it.

" Venom, the shipments have gone missing."

" Why are you informing it? Where is Robert?" Aurora asked furrowing. Nicolai kept looking at her.

" Venom. All 100 of them are missing. There is no sign of them. Their location is also dismissed. The trackers are destroyed I suppose."

Aurora closed her eyes. " Are you kidding me? They are well trained fighters. You are saying someone has kidnapped them without leaving any trace? Are you fucking drunk in broad daylight?" Aurora shouted not counting Nicolai's presence.

" I'm sorry Venom. But I'm saying the reality. Their phones are left out in the location where the shipments were last seen. After that no location are available. We have already sent a team for search and they have reported those members are missing." He said sweating.

Aurora closed her eyes. She knew who had done it.

" Listen to me carefully. You have a mission to complete." Aurora said calming herself.

" Anything Venom."

" You have the list of the 100 men right?"

" Yes."

" Pick all of their families and put them in a safe place. In one hour. I don't care how many man you need, just take them in our care. Not a single one should be left out. Report me in one hour."

" One hour only?"

" Do I need to repeat myself?" Aurora asked raging.

" No no Venom. I'll report in one hour."

Aurora cut the call. She tried to calm herself. This can't be happening. What will she answer to their families? Fuck! She should have gone alone in their place. Suddenly another fear came to her head.

The heirs! Richard has taken her 100 men, what if he breaks into the mansion. Antonia can't fight back in this situation. Aurora looked at Nicolai.

" Mr.Balakirev I'm really sorry. It's an emergency. I have to go back."

" Let me give you a lift Ms. Mariano. You should not drive in this situation. You are not in a condition to drive now." He said hurriedly.

" It's not needed Mr. Balakirev. I know this commotion can make you think about our deal once more as it should. You can take your time. I have to go back." Aurora said getting out. Nicolai followed her.