

## MATURE CONTENT! ## It's not some regular mafia story you will read. The plot is little different from others. Two almost lost soul will find love in each other through war, hatred, betrayal, bullying and many more while saving themselves and their close ones from enemies. On a fine morning, Charlie Zaffino, the most popular kid of his university, got interested in a weird nerd girl. A boy was bullying that nerd. But what got Charlies attention was the nerds calmness even in that bullying situation. The girl was not like random nerds who are afraid. There was something in her aura that was attracting Charlie. Of course he didn't save the girl because he himself is a bully too. " You are not what you are showing little nerdy. Now you have got my attention. I'll find what are you hiding behind that calmness," Charlie thought. " Only Undocile can save our heirs." " But why will Venom help us? We are not in aligns." " We have to beg for help to the Emperor or Venom otherwise our heirs will be killed." "Venom, I beg you. Please leave me this time. I'll obey your every word in future. Don't kill me." Venom started laughing sarcastically. Then said in a octave lower voice, " Once a betrayer is always a betrayer dear. There is no place for a betrayer in UNDOCILE." saying that she shot the man standing in front of her.

Soulmate2023 · Urban
Not enough ratings
258 Chs

PART 173

Sofia hurriedly took out the ointment and gave it to Antonia. Antonia turned off the tap. She took out a napkin and tap gently on his hand.

Everyone kept gawking at the scene.

" Thank god there is no blister." Antonia said observing his hand.

She gently put ointment on his hand. Lucas hissed at the cold sensation. Antonia didn't know but her eyes got teary seeing the burned skin of Lucas. A tear dropped from her eyes and Lucas looked at her being surprised. 

"Is she crying for me? Why?" He thought looking at her.

" I'm sorry for being harsh. Is it hurting?" Antonia asked looking at his hand.

" This pain is nothing considering the pain in my heart." Lucas said staring at Antonia. 

Antonia looked back at him. She felt pain in her heart too hearing his words. She broke the eye contact.

" I'm sorry for that too." She mumbled leaving his hand gently. But she didn't wipe out her tears.

Lucases hands were itching to wipe her tears. But he doesn't have any rights, does he? He sighed.

" I'm sorry for making you guys concerned. I'm fine now." Lucas said showing his hand to others.

" I warned you to be careful stupid." Leo scolded.

" You should rest Lucas." Sofia said.

" Yeah buddy. Don't work with injured hand." Charlie said coming towards him.

" But Leo won't be able to do all these work alone buddy. I'm not that injured. Don't exaggerate it." Lucas said.

" Rosy or anyone will help him. You should go back to your room." Harry said.

" Then how will it be our special gift? Come on boys. I'm fine. Let me do my work. Go back and decorate the living room." Lucas said.

Everyone sighed. Lucas was about to hold that hot pot again but Antonia held his hand before that. 

" You were again going to get burned." Antonia said sighing. Lucas removed his hand from her grip hurriedly.

" Let me help you. You can guide me and I'll do the chores. Is that okay?" Antonia asked.

" That's a good idea. Lucas let her help you." Leo said. Everyone nodded their head.

" It's not needed." Lucas said.

" It's needed. I won't let you work with your injured hand." Antonia said. Lucas looked at her. 

" Why? What right do you have to stop me? Won't you feel suffocated around me?" Lucas asked.

Antonia again felt her heart squeezing in pain. But she didn't let pain overpower her. 

" You don't suffocate me Lucas. I'm asking forgiveness from deep down my heart for those words. Can't you see that? And about rights. Do you want to know the long list of my rights on you?" She said staring back at Lucas. 

Everyone was enjoying the drama. Lucas looked down this time. She has rights on him? Well obviously she has. But since when she has started to claim that?

" Well that's decided then. Antonia is helping Lucas. Harry, Sofia and I will decorate the living room. Let's go now." Saying that they hurriedly went out of the kitchen. Leo smiled and started doing his work. 

" Now tell me what to do. I don't know a thing about baking." Antonia said.

Lucas sighed and strated guiding her and Antonia kept following his orders. 

Antonias hair was disturbing her and Lucas noticed it. 

" Do you have a hair band?" Lucas asked Antonia.

" I have one in my right trouser pocket but I can't tie with one hand now, can I?" Antonia asked sighing.

Lucas went closer and took out the band from her pocket. He went behind her and tied her hair. Antonia stilled in her position at his action. 

Leo saw that and took a picture on his phone to show it to others later.

Lucas again stood beside her.

" Thank you." Antonia mumbled and kept doing her work.

Soon all of them finished all the works and went to get freshed and take some rest before the birthday celebration.

Somewhere in Russia,

" Why did you break the deal with Ronald Richard son? It's really harmful for our group."

Senior Balakirev asked the junior one.

" You know what he has done dad. How can you expect I will keep business with that bloody bustard?" Nicolai asked.

" I still can't believe he is that much evil." Mrs.Balakirev said being astonished.

" He is a coward mom. Nothing else. Filthy rat!" Nicolai said with rage.

" But what about the loss in our business? You know it was our main source of business. Have you thought of any alternatives?" Mr. Balakirev asked.

" I'm trying to make up for the loss as soon as possible dad. Don't worry. Just trust me." Nicolai said.

" I don't think it was a wise decision to believe that little girl. How much she even knows about these things?" Mr. Balakirev asked.

" Don't underestimate her just because you don't have a good relation with them honey. Remember Mr. Mariano had tried to make business with you many times. But you didn't respond just because Mr. Richard told you not to." Mrs. Balakirev said.

" What? I didn't know that! Dad, why did you do that?" Nicolai exclaimed.

" They are not trustworthy. That's why." Mr. Balakirev said.

" No way. They are more trustworthy than that bustard Richard dad. You have done a huge mistake." 

" How can you trust someone you haven't met yet son? This is not how business works. I thought you are sensible about business." Mr. Balakirev said.

" Haven't you seen her records dad? She is in this world from her childhood. She is younger than me but do you know how much both of their groups have grown after she joined? Do you know how much those two groups net worth is? She is the youngest billionaire in the world dad. She doesn't even have any record of frauds or manipulation." Nicolai said.

" You are really interested in her Nick. I can feel that." Mrs. Balakirev said with a grin.

" Well I'm curious about her that's correct mom. She has even helped our group when we are not connected in any way. We should be grateful."