

## MATURE CONTENT! ## It's not some regular mafia story you will read. The plot is little different from others. Two almost lost soul will find love in each other through war, hatred, betrayal, bullying and many more while saving themselves and their close ones from enemies. On a fine morning, Charlie Zaffino, the most popular kid of his university, got interested in a weird nerd girl. A boy was bullying that nerd. But what got Charlies attention was the nerds calmness even in that bullying situation. The girl was not like random nerds who are afraid. There was something in her aura that was attracting Charlie. Of course he didn't save the girl because he himself is a bully too. " You are not what you are showing little nerdy. Now you have got my attention. I'll find what are you hiding behind that calmness," Charlie thought. " Only Undocile can save our heirs." " But why will Venom help us? We are not in aligns." " We have to beg for help to the Emperor or Venom otherwise our heirs will be killed." "Venom, I beg you. Please leave me this time. I'll obey your every word in future. Don't kill me." Venom started laughing sarcastically. Then said in a octave lower voice, " Once a betrayer is always a betrayer dear. There is no place for a betrayer in UNDOCILE." saying that she shot the man standing in front of her.

Soulmate2023 · Urban
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258 Chs


At the party, Mr. Mariano and Aurora went inside first ,then Antonia and Andrew and the guards followed them. They started talking to some people. After sometime Mr. Mariano called Aurora as the meeting room is ready, they will start the align meeting. Aurora was about to go there but she got bumped into a boy. Antonia was behind Aurora. She was about to grab that boy by collar but Aurora stopped her. Antonia looked at her confusingly. But didn't say anything.

" I'm sorry. I didn't do it intentionally." That boy nervously said. Antonia rolled her eyes in annoyance as she was sure that boy was lying. Aurora kept looking at him intensely making that boy more nervous.

" I'm really sorry, Venom. I really didn't notice you at first."

Aurora raised her brow ," How do you know I'm Venom? You seen to be new here."

The boy gulped and said," I saw you with the emperor that's why I thought you are Venom. Pardon me if I'm wrong." He said trying to look innocent and to ease the heavy environment .

Aurora smiled at him and said, " You are smart I must say. I'm Venom. It's okay . I didn't mind. Don't be nervous." The boy got back his confidence at this and smiled back. Antonia looked at Aurora like she is some ghost. Aurora was about to say something when Andrew interrupt her.

" Sorry to interrupt you Venom but the Emperor is looking for you. The meeting is about to start."

Aurora nodded to him then looked back at the boy," You will be here right? See you after the meeting."

" Okay!" That boy replied excitedly. Aurora went towards the meeting room.

"What was that? He intentionally bumped into you and you let him go and even talked to him that nicely?" Antonia asked.

" I talked to him nicely because I know the reason why he bumped into me. I'll tell you later." Saying that Aurora went inside the room. Except her father , everyone stood up and bowed down to her. She just nodded in response. After she sat down. Antonia stood beside her. The meeting started. This is when Aurora felt most boring. But she kept listening.

"So sir as you can see it will benefit both of us. We will have 50% share each."

Aurora furrowed her brows and said that," Mr. Petras we don't do business in equal shares I hope you know that."

That man looked at Aurora with a small smile and said," You are still young and learning. What do you understand about business? It will benefit both of our groups."

" She is the future heir. Be respectful while talking to her." Antonia sternly said.

The man ignored the warning and looked at Mr. Mariano, " Emperor you are wise enough to understand the value of this deal. Please make your heir understand that."

Mr. Mariano chuckled at that. That man became confused. " Mr. Petras first of all if you want to be in align with us the first rule you have to follow is to respect the queen and her people. You looked down on my younger daughter who happens to be the future queen and ignored my elder daughter who is second in all command. How dare you?" Mr. Mariano said making his voice dangerous. A shiver ran down of people present there.

" Sorry if I offend you Emperor. But you need this deal too. It will benefit you too. Please think about it."

" So you think we need you to get benefits for our group? Are you forgetting that Undocile is the group that you need for your protection and benefit?" Mr. Mariano said.

" But Emperor it's not like we will do anything to you, why are you not trusting us then? Don't you trust your aligns?" The he pointed towards the other align leaders and said," You don't trust them then?"

Aurora chuckled this time. Then looked at that man with deadly eyes and said," Don't drag them in your shitty plan Petras. Don't try to provoke them. They know well what we do for them. You think Undocile is that weak that we won't find out your plan?"

" What do yo mean? And where is you manners ? Why are you calling me like that?" Mr. Petras said raising his voice.

" This bustard!" Antonia was about to get her gun out and shoot him but Aurora stopped her.

" But queen, he is insulting you continuously." Antonia said.

" Let me talk first, Antonia." Antonia became quite.

" I would show manners if the person in front of me will not think about to meddle in my business. Listen Petras, you are right. I'm still young but not naïve like you. You think I don't know you want 50% so that you can meddle into Undociles internal affairs? Then you can sell our information to other groups? Do you think as the future queen I have come here without searching about you? Oh how smart you are mature man!" That man was stunned. Other leaders kept staring at him intensely. He couldn't control himself anymore.

" What do you think you are huh? Can't you be quite? You keep quite all the time at your varsity like you are mute. So why are you being so bold now huh?"

Everyone now was looking at Aurora. Mr. Mariano was confused. He looked at Antonia for answer but she looked down. He understood that something was wrong. Aurora kept looking at the man. That man smirked thinking he has won. He again said," What? Where is your boldness now? Does your people know how scared and powerless you become in front of your bullies that you even forget to speak then? After knowing this do you think they will respect you? You don't even deserve to be the queen."

Aurora kept quite for sometime. Then she started laughing. Petras looked at her like she had gone mad. Antonia smirked realizing today this old fuck will get his most desirable death. Aurora went towards Petras with raging eyes. Petras stood up from his seat and started stepping back.

Aurora smirked and said," You think I'm powerless? Then why are you stepping back? Afraid to face me? I didn't even get the gun yet." That man didn't reply. " Who has given you the information." Aurora asked coldly.

" I won't tell you."

" I won't repeat myself twice Petras. Who has told you that?" Aurora shouted. Petras trembled in fear but didn't say anything. Aurora grabbed his neck by hand and said," So you want to see my power huh? Okay let me show you. Everyone in the room , do you think I'm powerful?"

" Yes, Venom" All of the leaders shouted without any delay.

" Do you think I can protect you and I am the queen that you want?"

" Yes, Venom. We want you as our queen." They shouted again.

Aurora looked at Petras ,"See? These are my people Petras. They know their queens ability. Now say the name Petras or I'll kill you like this right now."

" T-The P-Pluto" Petras said with a lot of struggle.

"How did they know that?"

" I-I d-don't k-know." Aurora put more pressure on his throat and he choked," A s-student f-from y-your varsity works f-for t-them as a s-spy."

Aurora left that man and said " Now it's your time to say good bye ."

" But you said you won't kill me. Don't go back from your words."

" Woah! Did I say that? Did I say that everyone?"

" No, Venom" Aurora gave a creepy smile and said," I told you that I won't kill you with my own hand if you give me the information. You think after receiving this much humiliation from you I'll let you go? That will create a bad example Petras."

" Don't do this to me. I'll help you to get more information."

" I don't do business in disguise Petras. I'm the lioness. I attack directly! Antonia!! Shoot this bustard!" Aurora shouted and within a second Petras was a dead body. Aurora looked at everyone and said, " Do you want me to explain what he just said?"

" No, Venom. We trust you."

" Thanks for the support. You all can leave this room and enjoy the party. Remember one thing, I don't want anything that happened in this room to go outside the room."

" We'll make sure of that Venom." Saying that the other leaders got out.

" Andrew!"

" Yes, Venom!"

"Throw this fucking bustard in the dustbin and wait outside for us."

" Sure, Venom," saying that Andrew went outside taking the dead body.