

"Hey, isn't that the waste that can't even surpass the first stage in wizardry."

"Mhm, why is he walking out of Digz alchemist workshop?"

"Obviously to ask for money, a guy like him wouldn't even be able to land a job, so of course he's a beggar."

A silver haired individual walked through the crowd, his rare hair color made it easy for others to recognize him. He quickly hurried through the crowded streets hearing sneers, swearing, and was even used as an example by parents.

He finally reached his destination, he was in front of a building titled, 'Syr'e Training Grounds'. He walked in and looked around, the interior was huge and was filled to the brim with hundreds of people and the receptionists were all attending someone, he headed towards a petite young receptionist that was receiving very few people and handed him a bag of coins.

"Your always welcome since you're a customer but you should really use your money for something better, you don't know when the Society will exile you from the capital." He advised worriedly.

"Thanks but there's laws set in place it won't be easy even if they wanted to, you should worry more about how to attract people." He said confidently.

"All they need is a consent from your birth parents, the rest is easy. Also I meet my quota everyday and it so happens that this month will be my highest." The petite young receptionist proudly announced.

"You're fifteen and adorable I'm sure the girls are flocking to you..." he paused for a brief second, "Don't worry about me although my mom's different from my youth I know she loves me, but my father keeps his distance from the family and always looks down on me when he's there so I wouldn't be surprised if he consented." He said grudgingly.

The receptionist nodded and personally guided him to the room and left. The silver haired man thanked him and entered the room. The rooms designed as a personalized training ground to improve all aspects of a wizard to push them to their limit.


An hour into his strict routine he was gasping and sweating profusely from the physical and mental strain of casting spells but wasn't ready to stop anytime soon until he heard the loud knocking from the entrance of the room.

He wiped the sweat off his lean and sturdy body with a simple tier one whirlwind, "Come in."

A curvy scholarly dressed woman opened the door with an indifferent expression carrying a refined aura as she glared at him, "Fexius Veris, I've come as a representative of the Wizard Society, as of this moment you will be stripped of all titles and be exiled from the capital."

Fexius was overwhelmed as his heart dropped, and a single thought consumed him, "You can't take action without the consent of both parents."

Her expressionless facade disappeared, she smirked with disdain, "So you knew you're parents cursed at you? Then it doesn't matter if you know that the moment they heard of you're banishment they were the first to approach us for an offer of their consent."

He tightly clenched his fists, "I know my parents never loved me, but this is going too far. After I've repaid them for raising me while having to support my own lifestyle, now they want to sell me off."

The scholarly woman began chuckling as she rested her hands on her slim waist, "Ask yourself this, would anyone care about the life of an ant. You spent twenty-five years and you still can't surpass tier one magic, even a child can use tier two magic, you're just wasting resources from the society."

The scholarly woman took out an alchemy item the size of her palm and the shape of an octahedron. It's surface had the appearance of glass although it was made from rare materials, she threw it to Fexius, "Break it now, or I'll be forced to take action."

Fexius caught it, he knew the ability of this item and snapped, his blood rushed to his head and his breathing became shallow, "You're forcing me to teleport without any preparations?"

She scoffed, "If you're worried about your belongings, don't. They'll all be distributed within your family. All you get to keep is that ugly shirt and shorts you proudly have on."

His last fuse blew, veins were visible on his forehead, ten years of being treated as an outcast and now he's being banished defenselessly, after he had to rise from nothing, "The wizard society deserves its name, 'Society of arrogant self-absorbed idiots' I think I just might be jealous."

She furrowed her brows and was about to lash back, but before she could utter anything he was ready to fire back more fiercely than words could, he cast several multi-layered spells with multi-casting of tier one fire-wind and icicle with wind spells aimed at her. She was astonished, but unfazed of the attack, she waved her hand and cast a tier four Crimson barrier.

"Don't get arrogant just because you learned a few tricks your still only a tier one wizard." The scholarly woman scoffed as she brushed her silky black hair to the side.

To her surprise all of his thirty plus spells were accurately aimed at a single point with a piercing effect from the icicle, with the combination of fire, ice, and wind it created an explosive rise in damage but all his efforts were in vain as they all hit her barrier only to cause a small crack that repaired instantaneously, but that crack was enough to infuriate her.

She knitted her brows and bit her full crimson lips, "You're courting death."

She cast a tier four inferno spell enveloping the spot where he stood. He smirked seeing her aggravation as the sound of glass shards hit the ground. He disappeared leaving only shards as the inferno enveloped his shadow burning everything to ashes.

Without anyone to vent her anger she shot one last menacing glance where Fexius stood and left the room with the mark of her fist indented on the wall.


Fexius noticed his surroundings were filled with trees and fell onto the blades of grass gasping for breath, his heart felt as if thousands of knives were trying to rip apart his chest while his head was splitting apart from a severe headache.

He overexerted himself casting too many spells at once causing a severe backlash, although he was feeling excruciating pain the smirk on his face didn't fade even as he passed out.

"The next time the wizard society will see me is when I've reached the pinnacle of wizardry." Fexius thought to himself before his whole view turned pitch dark and his body numbed.

“How does thy feel now that thee has been broken. To rise as Phoenix by grudge? Or does thee fall to ashes never to spark light.”


Dao_Dragoncreators' thoughts