

After going through a dreadful dream. A college student named Nix wakes up finding his body drenched with sweat in a startle finding a message in front of him out of thin air. [Time shift successful] Followed by the message he hears a voice in his head saying that he is from the past to help him. From there on begins his dreadful journey to find the origins of his past. **** Word counts 1.5k to 2.5k This is not a reincarnation story, dont expect memories of his past. *** ×Everyone in this world has a system. ×Unique System Instagram: TheNeorav Join Discord serve for more discussion and questions: https://discord.gg/UYJgNtyeh2

TheNeorav · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
234 Chs


Nix met with Nagendra and other survivors. Nagendra appeared to be amidst a conversation with other survivors.

"Nix all the survivors are going to be teaming up, so, wanna team up?"

Nix gave an uncomfortable faint smile and replied.

"As you said, let's team up."

"First let's clearly introduce ourselves to other survivors."

"I am not interested in that Nagendra. Let's just team up and survive its a drag to make an introduction and all that. I will cooperate with the team. Make a strategy first and move on being here isn't going to be safe anymore."

Nagendra frowned after hearing Nix's words. What he said was true but not even saying his name is going quite overboard. To trust and rely on each other everybody needs to interact with each other to socialize and build trust. But Nix wasn't doing it.

"Nix how can you be like that man? We are classmates, we know each other but, other survivors, don't we have to at least know each other's name right?"

He heaved out a sigh feeling reluctant.

"Hah, what a drag...Okay,"

"Okay, then I will start introducing myself first. I am Nagendra, a college student."

And then the blue-eyed woman came up.

"I am Sonali, an office employee."

Next, the middle-aged man who said to rescue some people near the compartment came up.

"I am Sai Krish, a businessperson."

Next, a woman who closed the door with Sonali came up.

"I am Ashika, an office employee."

"I am Neha, a school student."

"I am Shreya, a college student."

Every female survivor left there finished their introductions now adding Nix only four people had to introduce themselves.

"I am Naveen an unemployed"

"I am Patrick, an unemployed."

"I am Sam an unemployed"

Lastly, Nix introduced himself.

"I am Nix a student"

Among the six male survivors, the other three members who introduced themselves as unemployed were quite suspicious they were eyeing the women and scanned them from head to toe. They seem like they were acquainted with each other as they were close and they were already a small team of the trio but they looked like people who do shady works but, people can't judge a book but its cover.

'I should observe other survivors for now I guess.'

Nix talked to himself inwardly

'Let's use the truth eye to examine the three people they look kind of suspicious.'

Using truth eye Nix started examining the three survivors who introduced themselves as unemployed. First, he turned his sight towards the man named Patrick. That man had a good build and tall. His eyebrow had a scar making him seem rowdy.


|Name: Patrick Wilson Age:35 |

|Level: 0 |

|Gender: Male |

| Height- 190cm weight :90kg |

|Stats: |

| ∆STRENGTH- 30 |

| ∆AGILITY - 10 |

| ∆DEFENCE - 15 |

| ∆STAMINA - 15 |

| ∆ENDURANCE - 10 |

| ∆MAGIC -(not invoked yet) |

|MANA CORE- (not invoked yet)|




×Back stabber

(A person who cannot be trusted.)


(Doesn't have moral value.)


(loyal to the person he trusts the most)

He stopped after reading those particularities. He didn't want to read any more after reading his particularities he didn't want to associate with him at all cost.

'Now next one.'

He stared at the other one who presented himself just like Patrick. Naveen's information window and his traits and stats were the same as Patrick's. What surprised him was that he had the same last name as Wilson, so he checked the last person named Sam and he had the same last name.

'They are Brothers? Wicked...'

He found out that the three were brothers and they were wicked and evil by nature. He couldn't come up to trust those people he didn't know what would happen after leaving the safehouse or what type of dangerous situation might arise so he decided not to trust these people since they would betray him in a dire situation.

Soon Nagendra opened his mouth after checking if the wild dogs left by peeping out of the window of the safe house.

"We will start moving again after the wild dogs leave."

Nix felt attracted to the woman named Sonali, so he wanted to see her information using the truth eye but seems like they have to start moving now. Nagendra raised his voice again and spoke.

"Looks like the wild dogs won't be leaving, they seemed to be waiting for us to get out. What should we do now?"

Patrick started to speak in a high voice.

"We can split into two teams one needs to distract all the wild dogs while the other attacks them."

Other survivors seemed to be wary of the idea however, they didn't have any different ideas. It is fundamentally a place where one needs to kill or be killed.

Nagendra in the place of others.

"Looks like a good idea but how should we split the team? Does anybody have an objection towards the idea?"

Other survivors sighed hearing it. They didn't have a choice, do they?


"I have a suggestion!" Nix raised his voice.

"Yes?" Everybody replied in unison.

Nix nodded his head and began speaking.

"So, let me say this... Why not join hands together and defeat those dogs instead of splitting? Moving in a group raises people's strength whether you all like it or not. I think It could be the best possible solution in my opinion."

No matter how awkward he felt talking in front of the group some people began to put thoughts in his suggestion. The Wilson brothers' faces turned stiff and showed a sense of hostility towards Nix. Few people seemed to be siding with Nix's proposal.

Patrick began talking first.

"Agreed, But think strategically. What can we... The untrained people can do? Fighting wild dogs that hunt humans... Like man, they are literally man-eating beasts. If we were to talk practically. Strategic attacks are the best. Let's say we group and fight. Can you assure that all of us will survive?"

His question made some people side with him.

"I agree with your speech, good sir!"

Both his brothers first tried to get the majority of the group's favor by fooling them. They acted like they were not brothers and behaved like complete strangers yet they cooperated with each other like they believe each other which made few people believe that they are reliable.

"I agree."

"I agree."

The majority of the people sided with him one by one. Except for Nagendra and the woman Sonali.

"It's decided then... Let's split into two teams."

Patrick said cheerfully with a vicious smile on his face.

But there was this school student who seemed to be on hold to say something but was hesitant to speak out. She mumbled in a low voice.

"I don't want to do it."

Patrick snorted and opened his mouth

"Then tell us any other choice."

"I-I don't have any."

Patrick gave a warm smile to the girl and said.

"Okay, I have an idea when we split teams. Join our team we will protect you."

The girl felt assured by his word and smiled with radiance.

"Thank you very much."

Nix sighed inwardly hearing words that came from Patrick since he saw his particularities. He was not a hero who would protect someone when they are in a problem or hinder someone's business Yet, he wanted to at least say something.

"You can join our team too..."

Patrick and his brother Naveen smiled at him.

"Oh-oh, Can you protect the little miss?"

Patrick asked with a smile.

"I can't," Nix replied instantly.

Indeed he wouldn't be able to. He found it annoying to pamper or protect others. Moreover, when he barely able to protect himself, would he be able to protect others? It was a rationalized reply from him.

Nagendra started to speak again after patting Nix's shoulder.

"Let's drop this here man. People don't seem to get convinced but, it was a good opinion from my point of view. Anyway, So who are the people that are going to team up to distract? and who are all teaming up to attack."

Patrick started talking.

"Me, Sam, Naveen, and that girl will choose to attack, and we need another member to attack so who is willing to team up with us."

Nagendra turned his eyed at Nix, and everybody turned towards Nix. Nagendra's gaze looked like asking do you wish to join them? Nix turned his head left and right showing that he refuses to join them. Why would he?

Yet, he drifted his eyes towards the brothers and began talking.

"Why did you choose the attack team? How about we switch positions? What if you people abandon the plan and run?"

"Look Boy, If you don't want to comply with it leave on your own. Everyone has accepted it. Why are you whining like a little bitch..."

Before he could finish his sentence Nix punched his nose and made him bleed.

Swiftly the other two brothers rushed in.

"You little punk!"

As they both rushed in he easily tackled them. It was certainly surprising for him too. It was partly because of the merging for sure.

Immediately both Nagendra and others refrained them from fighting.

"You bastard dare to attack me when I was speaking!"

Patrick cursed.

Nix spat looking at him on the floor and began to speak in a low cold tone enduring his anger.

"I was talking to you politely and you just outright disrespected me? "

"So, do you want to leave on your own?"

He questioned.

He sighed and gazed at others who looked at him as though he was the one that caused the problem.

"Tch, I apologize, we all need to survive and I was not in the right mind." 

Patrick said lowering his head.

"Alright man, he apologized and this is resolved."

Nagendra loosened the grip.

All the three of them gazed at him in anger yet, none pushed their legs forward. Well, it was because unlike his lean appearance his attacks made them bleed just by few blows. One could say they were being cautious of him.

It was then.

A female voice reached everyone's ears.

"Since this was about joining teams. I'll join their attack team problem solved."

That woman's identity was Ashika. She seems to be an acquaintance of Sonali as she showed a slight smile towards her.

Nagendra started speaking in a loud voice

"so, it is decided then."

"The people who distract dogs will be Me, Nix, Sonali, Sai Krish, and Shreya."

"Still... Why not change positions?"

Nix asked.

"Look brother, if you want to then switch teams why are you deliberately trying to mess things?"

Naveen questioned.

"Man, chill. Just be in our team. I can sense you don't like em'."

Nagendra whispered into Nix's ears.

"Hah, whatever..."

He uttered and sat in a corner for a while as they were all discussing.

'At least let me warn Nagendra' With a thought Nix quietly walked towards Nagendra after he was free from others. Since everyone was busy chattering between themselves they didn't give a damn to show attention towards some quiet guy.

"I think We can't trust those three guys..." Nix said with a serious expression.

"Man, We ought to use anything within our reach in order to survive. I don't find a problem cooperating with them." Nagendra said indifferently.

"Alright, I get it. I warned you all and what happens next is your responsibility." He said and distanced from him. He did what he can. Just as he expected. He knew that it would have been the same. If he raised an opinion to others. It's like they were desperate to travel in the flock believing that it would raise their survival rate. It is basically a human tendency to group up in times of disasters and dangers. who is he to question it?

Adding that Nagendra who he knew prior to this scenario didn't understand his suggestion, expecting others to understand him is probably a fool's dream.

Soon, survivors who had to distract the wild dogs started to move first. They threw stones towards the dogs and made turned those dogs' attention towards them. Nix aimed his gauntlet towards a dog that ran towards their team and shot out a bolt. He thought that he could kill the dog but what happened is the exact opposite.

This wasn't a movie where a person shoots his target and it will absolutely pierce through his target. He didn't have any experience in fighting using weapons nor was he talented but luckily a bolt struck on a dog that ran behind the other dog he targeted.

As they were distracting. The attack team's Wilson brothers started to run in a different direction.

Patrick shouted and the young girl and the woman.

"Shit, if you want to live come with us!"

They both didn't know what to do but the young girl started to run with them. Ashika didn't know what to do so she stood there feeling frustrated and a dog came towards her. Sonali shouted in a loud voice.

"Ashika behind you !"

Ashika snapped out of it and started running towards the distraction team. She was giving her all and running. The dog that chased after her closed the distance and pounced on her and attacked her neck. Her body struggled for a while and stopped which made it obvious that she died. Blood flowed from her neck.

Nagendra shouted " Those Assholes! Everybody get a grip! We need to survive this damned shit."

Nix just sighed inwardly observing the scenario since it was an anticipated scenario.