
Vengeance of The Broken Lycan Prince [BL]

[MATURE CONTENT] "Kiss or Kill?" "Karma." ***** Broken by a pack that was supposed to be home, Tamiko swore to never attend any mating ceremonies. He knew they would eventually reject him, so he didn't want to risk the heartbreak even more. However, a lonely best friend in need of a mate and a bunch of convincing later, Tamiko found himself at the entrance of the mating ceremony. As if that wasn't enough, the midnight moon gave him what he didn't want the most. A mate. But not just any mate. Gabe; the alpha's dark son, a man who made it his mission to make Tamiko's life harder, and also the man Tamiko hated more than life itself. As their eyes glowed in the night, Tamiko didn't see a mate, he saw a very rare opportunity; a chance to run, or be the one that Gabe ran from. He chose the latter. Like a gift from the moon, he realized the one thing that could burn down the Grealor pack. He bore the mark of lycan royalty, more precisely, King Zaffuto's mark. The outcast, Tamiko, was the lost lycan prince.

she_osprey · LGBT+
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135 Chs

Of Unexpected Answers


Gabe felt like he was going to lose his mind, He hadn't even processed what the fuck had happened to him and Tamiko earlier on, and now he was here being forced to give him up. Well that was going to be a long gamble for the both of them.

"I said no. He is not going anywhere," Gabe insisted and Sadako smirked as he realized what was going on here. The two were mated. It was the only reason an alpha wolf would be that adamant. But did the Grealor warriors know of that?

"Are you willing to go against the lycans a pesky expendable wolf that your kind doesn't even want here?" Lord Sadako asked as he looked at the young alpha. He knew he wasn't being fair, but that didn't matter to him at the moment. 

He wanted a reason to teach anyone in Grealor a lesson they would never forget. He wanted to make them feel the pinch of what it meant to try and mess with his nephew. Tamiko had suffered for so long here and the lycan Lord didn't mind spilling blood for him. 

"For him? Without a doubt," Gabe said as he maintained eye contact with one of the feared men in the realm. Anyone with a brain could easily conclude that there had to be more, if Gabe was this daring with lord Sadako. 

"Funny what a mate bond could do, yeah?" Sadako teased though Gabe didn't care about that at the moment. He wanted to make sure that his Tamiko was safe. That was a promise he had made and one he was planning on keeping through and through. 

"You tell me. You're the one who wants to take my mate for a stupid exchange, aye," Gabe said, not giving in to the intimidation. 

Gabriel knew that his warriors would have questions, a lot of them, and honestly, Gabe didn't mind coming out to them. Then again, he knew that Tamiko had promised to reject him if he ever told anyone publicly that they were mates. 

The young alpha was risking a lot by doing this but what else could he do? His mate had already suffered so much in his hands and besides, there was no telling what lord Sadako could do to Tamiko. 

It was not what he had planned for but then life had a way of throwing shit in his face, things that he was never going to be comfortable with. But he had mastered the art of dealing with chaos, right? 

'Shit, it wasn't Gabe,' Tamiko said to himself as he looked around him, finally confirming his fears. What the hell? 

There were only two people who could have known about the letters that Igor had given Tamiko. Galya and Danny, but then there was also someone who knew what losing Igor would do to the young prince. 

Someone who knew something that the young lycan didn't know. Someone so powerful, someone manipulative and more than anything, someone who was used to getting his way. 

"I'll go with him," Tamiko said suddenly, his voice full of anger as he looked at the people around him. He knew Gabe would do whatever it took to make sure Tamiko was okay. 

"Iko no. I'll fix this," Gabe said, his eyes pleading with his mate. He wanted to share something, anything, but then his mind link with Tamiko was still locked. He couldn't even say anything to the man. 

Oh Gabriel. 

'I'll be fine, Gabriel. I won't be gone for long. Besides, I promised you an eternity of misery, don't worry, little mate,' Tamiko said in their mind link though he was looking at Lord Sadako. 

'I'll fix this. I can make it better, Iko,' Gabe responded though this time, he felt a connection with Tamiko. For a moment there, the young alpha looked at his mate with wide eyes as if he couldn't believe what was happening. 

'Yo… You opened the mind link? For me?' Gabe asked in disbelief. This was surreal and didn't make any sense to him. It was the most unexpected of things and frankly he wanted to ask so many questions. 

'Consider it my apology for the dumb shit I pulled earlier. I'm really so—'

'Apology accepted, always,' Gabe said earnestly and Tamiko couldn't help but smile at his mate. The wolf was really full of surprises and right now, he was going to make up for his mistake. 

"I'll go with you, but on the condition that you don't harm a hair on anyone in Grealor. You hurt them, and the deal is off," Tamiko said with warning in his tone that the lycans stared at the outcast in shock. 

"For an outcast, you sure have a mouth on you," one of the lycans said and Tamiko smirked at Lord Sadako who knew this was a really challenging situation for him.

"Fine. Lead the way," Lord Sadako said and Tamiko didn't hesitate. He ignored his friends who were staring at him with their jaws open, trying to understand what had just happened. 

Well, Tamiko was curious for answers and it broke his heart that he was suspicious of someone who he shouldn't have been. But then it wasn't like the situation was any better for him anyway. 

Gabe looked at his mate sadly, the temptation to use the mind link again so dire, but then he knew that Tamiko wouldn't hesitate to lock him out again. 

He wanted to tell Tamiko that they could fix this, but Tamiko knew that there was no way out of this. He had seen all the options and in that state, he had witnessed in silence what shouldn't have happened and yet what already happened. 

"If you hurt him, hells be damned, I'll come for Kawai and I'll burn you down," Gabe said with conviction as he watched Sadako and his warriors take their fallen warrior and be on their way. 

His heart was heavy and he wished he could convince the young lycan that there was a way out. But all he could do was hope that things would be alright. All he could do was wait with his fingers crossed and hope that in the end there was a reasonable way out of this.

"You talk too much for someone who is on the line for doing so much that isn't needed at the moment. Stay put and wait for what will happen in the end, yeah?" Sadako said, his tone so chilly but that didn't seem to deter Gabe because he had made up his mind. 

"Which part of 'let us go' did you not understand?" Tamiko asked agitatedly.

Defeatedly, Lord Sadako and his team made their way out of Grealor. 

He could tell that his nephew knew what he had done, but until Tamiko came up to him and asked him directly, until Tamiko faced him and demanded answers, lord Sadako wasn't going to say anything. 

He knew it was risky, but the hardest part would be if he was the one who initiated the questioning. And so in silence, they walked away, one with questions while the other was preparing to answer the questions. 

Perhaps they would find a central ground, but would that involve the answering of the greatest question that the young lycan had at the moment? 

Would it really answer what they wanted or would it create a rift in the bond that had just started a little earlier?

What will Tamiko do. And why do you think Lord Sadako took them?

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