
Vengeance of Shadows: The Debt of Karma

Peter, a once-depressed student, is shattered when his girlfriend dies in what he thought was an accident. But it turns out, her death was planned—a murder by a powerful group. Fueled by grief and anger, Peter uncovers a dark side of himself he never knew existed. Driven by revenge, Peter transforms from a kind-hearted student into a merciless avenger. He's determined to hunt down those who took his girlfriend away. But as he digs deeper, he discovers a shocking conspiracy that goes beyond her death. In "Vengeance of Shadows: The Debt of Karma," follow Peter's journey as he battles between justice and losing himself. Will he unravel the truth or become consumed by darkness?

Comic_addict_98 · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: Flashbacks


Thud Thud


"Damn, it hurts."

Peter rubbed the back of his head and looked around. "Huh, again that dream... it's been over a week since the accident..."

He looked around the room. It was dark; all the curtains were drawn, blocking any kind of light, making it hard to know whether it was day or night. He was sitting on the ground—he had fallen off the bed. The floor was covered with empty alcohol bottles, and the smell was overwhelming.

Peter got up but almost lost his balance and fell down again.

Click Click

As he fell, the noise of the door unlocking could be heard. Peter looked over and saw a figure standing there with a plastic bag in hand.

"Peter..." The figure called out his name but didn't say anything else, seeing his pained expression. The figure couldn't utter another word.

"Jade, why are you here again? I told you I can live on noodles and bread," Peter said while standing back up.

"You can't keep doing this. I promised to take care of you. I won't let you..." These were the words she originally wanted to say, but instead, she said, "We've known each other for a long time. If we don't help each other, then who will?"

She smiled, put the lunch box on the bed, and left.

Peter watched her leave. After she left, he looked at the lunchbox, and a distant memory came to his mind.

"Peter, I don't want these! I won't eat! You go and tell my mom I will not go home! I will not eat! Humph!" a small girl around the age of twelve said, puffing her cheeks.

Peter went to the girl and patted her head. "Okay, okay, little girl. You are great; you win. You can stay at my home."

"Really? Thank you!" The girl exclaimed in surprise and looked at Peter.

"Yes, but you have to abide by the house rules for guests," he said with a knowing look.

"What are the rules?" The girl asked, looking at him in confusion.

"First, you must pay rent before living. Second, you must sleep on time. Third, you must eat on time," Peter said, counting on his fingers.

The girl looked at him with a complex expression. However, to anyone, that expression was just too cute. Combined with the girl's face, no one could resist the urge to pinch her cheeks.

Neither could Peter. He pinched both of her cheeks. "What are you looking at like that, little girl?"

"Umm, don't treat me like a kid. I am not a kid anymore," the girl said, looking at Peter.

"Okay then, young lady, pay the rent."

"I—I don't have any money," the girl said.

"This is quite an issue. My family won't let you stay without paying rent," Peter said with a sad look.

"Isn't there any way?" The girl looked at him with round puppy-like eyes.

"No, however, since Jade is my friend, I can overlook the rent rule for you," Peter said, smiling.

"Thank you, Peter," Jade looked at Peter with a joyful face and hugged him.

"Yes, yes," he patted her and said, "But that doesn't mean you can break the other rules. Now eat this lunch; it's time for your meal."

"Yes," Jade nodded and started eating the lunch from the lunchbox.

Peter looked at her and smiled. 'Silly girl, just now you said you wouldn't eat anything, but now look at you eating so hurriedly. She must have been hungry.'

"Peter, you won't eat?" Jade asked.

"I already ate my food. You eat yours."


From that day, whenever Jade got angry with her parents, she went to Peter's house and ate the lunch he gave her. Every time she forgot to eat or didn't eat, Peter would always give her a lunchbox full of food with all kinds of nutrients.

Back to the present

"Look at this girl, giving me a lunchbox to eat from the past week," Peter sighed and rubbed his forehead, not because he was annoyed but from the pain of the hangover.

He walked out to brush his teeth and looked at the face in the mirror. The once cheerful face was dull and gloomy, with overgrown beard and mustache, and unkempt hair. He looked like a thug from ancient times.

However, he just brushed his teeth and went to eat the lunch. After eating, he looked at his phone. There were dozens of texts from his teachers and friends, but he replied to none and switched his phone off.

He took out his wallet and found a picture of Sarah. Looking at the picture, he started crying again.

"Why, why did you have to leave me behind? Why?" He questioned but got no answer.

"Why is my life like this?"