
Vengeance of fate.

if you like fantasy, adventure, magic this story is for you. if you like mc going from weak to strong and taking revenge on his enemies then this story is for you. This is the story of Avil filled with betrayal, hardships, and adventure. follow the story of a boy from weakest to the strongest warrior ever lived. story is already planned up to 200 chapters, and will be uploaded everyday.

avit · Fantasy
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Chapter 5:- learning the life

Chapter 5:- learning the life

After the last night talk with Grandpa Rolland, I made a promise to him that I will learn hunting and also will attend the academy when I will turn 12 years old.

Right now I am 9 years old so I have still 3 years left, but I will learn everything I can before going to academy.

By the way I just got up, it was still early in the morning, I went to our backyard where I and grandpa are going to train today,

He said it will be dangerous if we go unprepared for hunting.

So I got up and freshen up myself, and started to equip myself with weapons,

Currently I have my spitefang quiver, my regular bow, my silver ash cat boots I know there is a specific name for it but I don't know about it, maybe one day when I will get my status maybe that time I will be able to see its name.

After gathering my equipment I went to the backyard,

Grandpa Rolland I am ready, did you bring all your equipment,

Yes grandpa,

I know I still have my moonlight dagger but I can't use it so I just keep it in my scabbard, one day I will be able to use it, but it seems it far from now,

I asked why I cant equip it so he said

"You aren't strong enough"

I know but one day I will be strong enough so you wait one day I will be able to wield it.


Grandpa good morning,

Good morning Avil, let's start!

But what are we going to do today,

We will be starting this training with your bow skills okay,

Okay, Grandpa Rolland,

Last time you remember right what mistake you made while hunting,

What grandpa Rolland,

Your aim was good, you even went for the vitals but you forget about the one of the main point here,

What grandpa?

Power! Your shot was a good shot but it didn't have enough power to kill the boar,

Always remember Avil, in this world,

If you are the hunter, don't give your prey a chance, because we live in a dangerous world where if you give the chance, then you might end up becoming a prey.

Worry about yourself first then worry about others.

If not then you wouldn't be able to survive in this harsh world.

I know it may come as very bizarre but the early you learn this better it is,

Okay avil,

Grandpa said,

Okay grandpa, I understand,

Okay then lets start with the training,

Then grandpa started to train me,

We did a lot of exercises,

First he asked me to pick up the log for firewood and asked me to carry them form yard to our kitchen.

Then we started to do regular traing and last one was one of the most difficult training I ever did.

Grandpa tied a rope to a big boulder and asked me to pull the boulder,

The boulder was almost as big as me and proably weighed more than me, but still had to do it,

Grandpa its not budging from its place,

I know the day you will be able to pull it for even a palm length that day you will be ready for hunting okay!

Then I used my whole body strength to pull it but no use.

But I was more shocked of the rope,

How the hell the rope didn't even get thinned rather than breaking up,

The rope was so strong I wonder what it was made of,

Well after my training was completed I was completed exhausted, and who wouldn't?

After running so much, lifting so much weight and the last one the boulder, who wouldn't get tired?

Then I had lunch with Grandpa Rolland and then left for magic training with grandma lily.

Grandma Lily I am here,

I saw grandma lily, in her backyard,

Here you are grandma lily,

Oh Avil your are here,

Let's start with our training, shall we?

Yeah let's start!

Avil replied in normal voice but the exhaustion can be heard in his voice,

Oh my, you are tired?

Yeah actually I trained with Grandpa Rolland in the morning,

Oh you trained with Rolland, he is very strict with his training isn't he?

Yeah Grandma Lily but enjoy training, rather than getting bored it is much more fun training,

Oh my, is that so, here have this mercy berry,

Than grandma lily gave me a mercy berry, it removed my exhaustion, not completely but I still felt rather energetic,

Thank you grandma Lily for the mercy fruit,

You know Avil, what special about this berry,

No Grandma Lily what is it?

This berry has a specific way of planting; it can't be planted like any regular plant,

And what is that way grandma lily,

I will tell you about that in just a moment,

Come on now let's start your training shall we?

Yeah Grandma Lily what are we going to do,

We are going to plant mercy berries today,

What but grandma Lily, didn't you say we were going to learn magic, then what does planting mercy berries have to do anything with magic?

You see Avil, mercy berries have a specific way of planting them

You need to infuse mana into the seed before planting them,

You know Avil Absorbing mana is important step in using magic but controlling mana is also as important as absorbing.

The way you control the mana decides the power of your spell and cast, for example when using a strengthening spell you need to cover your whole body with mana and make it stay on the body.

Similarly you need to control your mana and put it into the seed to make it sprout.

You understand this.

Yeah Grandma Lily I understand.

Then Grandma Lily took out a bag full of seeds, then she took out one seed and put some mana into it and it sprouted.

Did you see how I did it?

Yes Grandma Lily it seems easy, let me try,

Oh! Easy, we shall see, Grandma Lily shrugged,

I took a seed and wait,

Grandma Lily you didn't even teach me how to control mana, how will I do it?

Oh yeah you are right!

Grandma Lily laughed and said

Yeah I forgot about it, you know old age,

So now close your eyes Avil and imaging the energy you have collected flow through your body and make it come at near of the palm of your hand,

Okay Grandma Lily,

Then I started to concentrate but I wasn't able to make it move, after failing for some time, I was finally able to make it move,

Grandma Lily give me the seed I will try,

Than grandma Lily handed me the seed and I started to move my mana to my hand and then to the seed, while I was putting my mana into it,

Been sprouted and then turned black real quick,

Grandma Lily what happened?

Why did it turn black Grandma Lily?

Oh you were able to put mana into the seed but you need to control the amount of mana you put into the seed,

If you put more than the required amount then it will turn black, if you put less it won't sprout you need to at least find the middle ground and control the amount of mana,

You understand now Avil?

Grandma Lily Asked,

Yeah Grandma Lily I understand,

Avil replied,

Then she took out the bag full of seed and gave it to Avil, keep this kid and practice regularly okay,

Don't overdo do it okay! Remember if you will overdo it then you will run out of mana and get unconscious,

When you feel even a little bit of nauseous then stop okay, don't overdo it.

Yeah grandma I will remember that,

Now go grandpa Gideon is waiting for you inside,

Okay Grandma Lily,

Then I went inside their house,

It was a simple rundown regular looking house, then I saw grandpa Gideon sitting and reading a book,

Grandpa Gideon, I am here, so what are going to teach me grandpa Gideon?

Come here and have a seat, you were practicing with Lily right?

Were you able to control your mana?

No grandpa I was able to put mana into the seed but was not able to control the amount Grandpa Gideon,

Ho is that so, then you will be able to use this skill then, it was a skill which was very useful during our adventurer days,

Yeah Grandpa what is that Skill called?

It called clairvoyance, this skill help you to look around your surrounding and detect if there are any enemies.

Wow! I want to learn that skill grandpa Gideon, it would really help me and grandpa Rolland while Hunting.

Okay, it's a simple skill but is very effective against a sneak attack you know,

So use this skill you need to release your mana in all direction and follow the mana with your mind and look for mana pool,

Means every thing has mana inside them, but living beings have mana pool inside them and hence can be distinguished.

But remember okay, that it uses quite a amount of mana, the more mana you use the more distance you can detect,

Okay then try it,

Release your mana and spell clairvoyance; once you master it you will be able to use it with saying the spell,

Then I got ready to release the mana and spelled


Then my mana started to spread in the surrounding, I was able to detect Grandpa Gideon who was standing right next to me,

But I can't detect grandma Lily who was in the backyard,

It seem it was my limit,

I wanted to try more so I release more of my mana then I was able to find Grandma Lily,

It didn't show who is there, we cant distinguish even if it's a boy or girl, we can't just know the number of people,

To be honest it can be very useful while hunting,

But after few moments I started to feel nauseous,

And bam! I blacked out and fell on the ground.