
Vengeance I

Logan had one simple task to complete to prove he would be a worthy Alpha successor to his father. His job was an easy one for a man of his reputation, get into a relationship with the only daughter of the alpha of the rival pack, the Goretti’s and use her as a means of extracting information for his pack. But, he hadn’t foreseen himself falling in love with Amy and getting her pregnant. His efforts to protect her and the baby from the bad blood between both packs proved futile as he couldn’t prevent his father from leading a surprise attack on the Goretti pack and burning everyone to death, Amy included. Filled with guilt, he abandoned his gang and became a lone wolf in the city of New York. Decades later, ghosts from his past came to haunt his new family, putting their lives at risk. How far would he go to protect his family from those who sought vengeance?

DaoistDJ7pxo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


I put on my best smile watching her nose wrinkle as she bit her fingernails, deep in thought. I was fervently hoping that I had said enough to convince her for the time being while I had thought of how the whole idea would pan out to be.

"So what do you say, Maria?" I asked rather impatiently, my nervousness getting the better of me.

"I'll have to talk to principal Adams during the break." She eventually said with a long sigh. "I can't tell you I would accept the offer the both of you are proposing despite how tempting it is, but I would see if I would have enough room for that before I make my final decision."

"I understand you, take all the time you need. You probably have a few hours to make up your mind anyways. He would give you the timetable as well, we already drafted it before I left his office to come to see you."

She raised her eyebrows at me, clearly disapproving of my plan to disrupt her daily activities without her permission.

"I'm sorry I didn't contact your firsthand but I am desperate and you're the brightest student in the entire school. You're what I need to get better."

She sighed once again and I quickly stepped aside as she walked past me, her hips swaying gently as she strode into the hallway.

I checked my watch and broke out into a little run, I had barely five minutes to set my plan in motion. I was top of the class in many subjects but nobody ever saw me as anything else other than the most popular jock in high school and that was perfect for me. It was why I thought of this brilliant plan in the first place. There was only a little issue I needed to address before recess came. I made my way past the body of students littered the hallway heading for their different classes as I rushed towards principal Adams' office in a bid to convince Maria Goretti to tutor me for the rest of the term before she confronted him on the matter. Principal Adams was a stubborn old head, he was one of the few omega wolves who had the respect of every high-ranking wolf in the community but I was pretty sure he would have no choice but to go along with my plan. I could handle a man like him with little difficulty.

It was a habit of mine that worked with a great success percentage. I was very good at convincing people, I could convince nearly anybody to do whatever I wanted. Many people loved a pretty face added to the fact that I was a Zorander and I was filthy rich, I usually had my way with everything.

Nobody could say no to me, not even principal Adams. A weekend getaway in the Bahamas would do him a whole lot of good, he had been working himself into the ground ever since his wife died and he looked like he could use a change of scenery.

I mean, what kind of man would turn down spending the weekend with an unlimited credit card in one of the most exotic places on earth for such a small favor as convincing a student to help out another? Certainly not Principal Adams, I was willing to bet on it.

I knocked on the door of his office and smiled as he permitted me to enter. The first phase of my plan had just begun.


Maria struggled to concentrate in class and she berated herself for allowing her mind to wander off. She hadn't been able to think properly ever since her encounter with Logan Zorander and the arrangement he told her about. She decided against waiting till recess to confront principal Adams on the matter she had stopped at his office on her way to class and he had pleaded for her to accept the proposition. She had found the whole thing a bit weird if not funny. Principal Adams was as strict as they came, but he was almost on his knees begging her to tutor Logan Zorander.

The bell rang, momentarily interrupting her thoughts as her classmates hollered and made their way out of the class. She sighed and slotted her books back into her backpack and brought out her phone hoping that there was some information about him on the internet. She had no one to ask about Logan and she most certainly couldn't ask her brothers, she wouldn't hear the end of it for months. She wasn't mentally ready to take that risk, they would eventually tell her father about it and she wasn't ready to put anybody's life on the line because of her father's overprotective attitude.

She typed his name into her Google search and waited for the results to come up. She was mildly surprised at what her screen revealed, there were several search results to pick from. He was most certainly a popular person, she guessed that was why he had been shocked that she didn't know who he was.

She shrugged, her social life was dead. She preferred to spend time with her nose in-between a book. Her eyes widened as she read a short biography about him on werewolf incorporation, the most credible website on keeping tabs on her kind that she knew of.

He hailed from an ancient and prestigious wolf house, he could almost be regarded as royalty. She had heard about his father before, no matter who you were in this city or how misinformed you might be like she was, Raymond Zorander was a name that sent shivers down the spine of every person except her father perhaps. She had flashbacks about his name coming up during family meetings but she couldn't quite remember. She never fancied meetings much, so it was easy for her to forget whatever was talked about. She made a mental note to pay attention during the next one if she was going to be tutoring the son of the most famous alpha in the state. She continued to read further and a small gasp escaped her mouth when she saw his net worth. What was an 18-year-old doing with such wealth? It was beyond her, there were just a few billion dollars between his and her father's net worth. She couldn't bring herself to think about how rich his father would be.

He could have flown the best teachers from anywhere in the world, he was certainly capable enough to afford their services, what was so special about her? She was starting to feel suspicious about the whole arrangement. Had he been watching her before today? How did he know about her excellent grades and her ambition to become class president? No one was that lucky at guessing. She was sure that she was being watched or something.

Despite the negative thoughts and alarm bells ringing in her head, she was excited by the prospect of having lessons with Logan for some reasons she couldn't bring herself to say yet, majorly because she was short of coherent words to describe how she had been feeling since their first encounter.