
Vengeance Hunter

Heroes and Villains are the same, they need to be hunted. Thus swear the 'Vengeance Hunter'.

KJVZeanso · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Last Train Part 2

" This moment... " Vengeance Hunter in his younger self tries to see approach the door, attempting to open it as he braves himself, urging himself to see what's in the next door.

His heart races, as the door feels far than his reach.

Vengeance Hunter gulps, he breathes rapidly as he sees the door, as the thud sound rapidly continues inside the door he's about to reach.

" * Pant * * Pant * " some flashes of images began to appear on his mind, showing him some bloody pictures and his father's hand.

" Keurgh... " Vengeance Hunter clenched his fists, he looks at the door, braving himself, approaching it as he runs towards it.

In his run, the distance somehow is getting further and further, he runs in a loop like he's in a treadmill, running and sprinting as fast as he can while the thud sound and the chaotic voices coming out behind that door began get louder.

" I remember now, I remember now... "

" This is the moment, this is how... " Vengeance Hunter runs and runs, he runs even faster than before while his thoughts began to show him some images of the past relating to what he experiences now.

"(If my memories were correct, then this is the moment dad had his head almost crushed.)"

"(Beyond that door is the 'Executive Car' for the VIPs, the place is always used by those who can maintain their VIP membership over this Hellios Train since the Executive Car are filled with many luxuries than those who bought the ticket per transport.)"

"(Thus, the place is often used by annoying rich guys to do their 'rich behaviour', often using the female train staffs to please their own needs.)"

"(Thus, we who were not VIPs could only hear the gasping and moaning with patience as these rich assholes didn't think for a second that their actions could be heard by us despite their section's door had soundproof.)"

"(Thus, this always happen every time everyone had to take the train, worse even, some of the 'VIPs' who does this are the Heroes we people often knew and fond off.)"

"(Those Heroes, who often does this, often come out to the passenger section, were the people often foolishly let their women, their wives and daughters be with these false idols, even offering them as these Heroes politely asks them so, with their obvious evil grin even.)"

"(I always see them during these times, I always believed that my use of train will be free of seeing these incidents, but.)"

"(Instead..., what I witnessed within these trains...)" Vengeance Hunter runs as he began to approach the door, reaching his hands to it.

" *Pant* *Pant* "

"(Was far worse, than what I could've imagined?)" He says it as he finally able to reach the door and opened it.

" *Pant* *Pant* " Vengeance Hunter in his younger form, sees what's inside the room, he sees his father laying on the ground with his blood splattered everywhere.

" Who are you supposed to be? " Said the person on top of his father beating him.

" You... " Young Vengeance Hunter sees the person, recognizing him as one of the VIP Heroes who always use the trains during his time off. Young Vengeance Hunter sees around, seeing the Heroes' comrades are with the female train staffs they took for pleasure as they spent their time in the 'Executive Car'.

" Dad! " Young Vengeance Hunter plunges towards the Hero, punching him as he calls for his dad.

" You bastard Hero! "

" Release my dad now. " Young Vengeance Hunter managed to punch the Hero off his dad.

The Hero was moved as Young Vengeance Hunter holds his dad, but after Vengeance Hunter moved his position, he looks at him and grins.

" Hoho..., Dad... " said the Hero as he stands again.

" Now this is interesting, I was wondering if I should threaten this Ticket Inspector by harming his family. "

" But it seems the next victim has come to his own accord. " The Hero says as the other Heroes began to close the door, circling over Young Vengeance Hunter.

" Dad... " Young Vengeance Hunter cried for his beaten dad.

Just like the past he remembered in his mind, the flashback experience he went thus far played out just like what exactly happened back then.

His dad, the train's Ticket Inspector is brutally beaten by the Heroes as he confronted them for being too loud on molesting the Female Train Staffs in the Executive Car. This behaviour the Heroes did had already been done many times by Vengeance Hunter's dad, so many times that this time, the Heroes seemed to already lose their patience over their interference and began to take matters more seriously.

" You'll pay for this... " Young Vengeance Hunter says as he rises up, seeing the Heroes already circled him to as things played out.

" Your 'Dad' has been pissing us a lot lately, kid. "

" He ruined all of our fun, here. " Said the Hero to young Vengeance Hunter.

" Time and time, he interfered and made us almost had our VIP Status rebuked. "

" This time, we decided to show that lowly Ticket Inspector Dad of yours who's the boss around here, ain't that right, fellas? " Said the Hero to his comrades as they began to release their powers while showing their menacing grin.

"(Dad.)" Young Vengeance Hunter says as he began to remember what exactly happened at the time, back then, the Heroes effortlessly beat him to pulp and put him beside his dad after that happens.

"(I will make it different this time.)"

"(I don't care if this flashback experience, I went through is an illusion or not, but one thing matters.)" Vengeance Hunter begins to remember the outcome of the battle he remembered in the past, it fuelled his hatred even further as he prepared his fist. Preparing a rematch in a world that lets him re-experience that certain past.

He doesn't care if this was reality or not anymore, as the memory of this particular moment constantly plays out in his mind, Young Vengeance Hunter's fists began gripped even tighter, his glare sharpens, as the Heroes began to attack him just like the past he remembered.

" As he we finished beating up that Ticket Inspector, guess it's your turn now, kid! "

" Time for both father and son be our punching bag! " Said the Hero to young Vengeance Hunter.

" BRING IT ON!!! " Young Vengeance Hunter prepares for battle, he doesn't care if he's currently using the body of his weak past self before his drastic transformation to the Vengeance Hunter he is in the future, he didn't care if he still can't contact the System.

But now, the only thought he had now, is to return the favour to the Heroes who punched his dad to a pulp, both whether it happened in the past or happened in the experience he was present for. He will fight those Heroes even if they were probably some illusions in truth. But none of that matters now, the only thing matters is.


Avenge them, even if it's real or not.

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