
Chapter 1"Different"

I woke up from that terrible nightmare again.

Bloody Hell, what was that? I could only recall the part when the boy was killed, but nothing more. I could also not remember what they looked like since I, most of the time forget my dreams.

I've been getting those dreams more often since I turned 16, I don't exactly know the reason behind it. I was sweating abnormally even though it was cold and rainy outside. I walked to my door and through our hallways, passing through my grandparent's room trying to get to our kitchen to freshen myself up. I walked down the stairs quietly because I don't want to wake them up. As I was tiptoeing, I heard voices...whispering voices of a man and a woman, It came to my conclusion that it was my grandparents so, I didn't bother tiptoeing anymore since they're already awake. I continued walking down our stairs, only to be stopped when I heard the phrase, "We have to tell her the truth Alan, she has to know or else those bloody dreams will haunt her forever" I was pretty sure they were talking about me since we're only three living in this house and besides, we are very distant from our neighbors for 'who knows what the reason is'. "We can't risk her dying and handed over to the Mortems" I heard my grandfather say. Mortem was a familiar name for me, I just don't know where I heard it. "who said she'll die? besides she'll be in great hands at Kleton Academy with Frederick Griffin" Grandma said in a whisper-shout voice.

"There are possibilities, Emma! She could-" out of curiosity, I interrupted.

"I could what Granpa?" I said in a serious tone. They looked shocked as I spoke to them. I believe it was now 3 AM in the morning.

"How long have you been here Ven-Ven?" My grandma asked me. Ven-Ven was my nickname ever since I was just a little kid. I quite liked that nickname since I felt like I was loved like a baby. No one ever calls me that except for my grans, of course, set aside the fact that I have no friends that could call me that.

"I've been here long enough to know that you're hiding something from me... I believe it associates with someone called Griffin and that Kleton school?, what was that my beloved grans?" I replied to them with my eyes glistening with curiosity. I could swear I saw something change in their eyes, but I reckon that was Just from me still being sleepy.

"Nothing Ven-" Granpa was cut off by granny.

"Enough of this Alan! Let's not make her a fool and take her away from where she belongs! She should be with one of her kinds, she needs to!" My gran shouted at my grandpa.

"She belongs nowhere but here Emma! I can't risk losing her just like her mother! I promised that she will be unharmed and safe from those creatures!" My grandad shouted back. What in this wicked world was going on? I swear everything is getting weirder and weirder by time.

"Can you please stop shouting?! Answer my question and I'll be happily going back to bed!" I shouted in frustration. What's wrong with these two? They've been getting into fights often this month, what the bloody hell happened?

"Venice, I'll tell you later when the sun rises, I and this man have some things to sort out. Freshen yourself and get back to bed please?" she said before leaving. She and Grandpa Quarreled as they parted from me, leaving me alone in the Kitchen. I watched them as they slowly disappeared from my sight, I could hear crickets making their usual noises at this hour. I faced the sink and ran the water through my hands to catch some of it falling from the faucet, I splashed it directly to my face to freshen myself and to help me wash off the sweat I had from my dream earlier. This got me thinking, I had those dreams multiple times this week, why is that? It would be weird if it just appeared suddenly unless I had traumatic experiences to dream about those kinds of dreams, I had a pretty boring childhood and was homeschooled for no reason so I'm pretty sure that I grew up normal with no traumatic events. I looked outside our window, admiring the beautiful moon, lightning up the dark and gloomy sky. Darkness really comforted me at many times, like the time where I tried to talk to a girl my age when I was five, she ignored me and called me a freak but I really don't know why. I remember crying beside a tree and found myself staring at the moon for comfort purposes. I also remember a boy approaching me and handing me a towel to wipe my tears away, he was very kind to me and didn't call me a freak like every other kid in this town would. I tried to befriend him but he ended up moving to another town for education purposes. He is also the only one to ever call me by my nickname 'Ven-Ven' aside from my grans. He was my first friend as a child and my only friend throughout my childhood, it was unfortunate for me to lose him.., well, I didn't technically lose him, we're just in a long-distance friendship. That's what I like to call it.

I climbed up the stairs and passing through the hallway where my grans' room is located and to my room I went.

I lay down on my comfy bed and just laid there for hours until it was already 6 am. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened hours ago like...what in the world are they talking about? Handing me to a Griffin guy and sending me to some academy? pathetic! It's like they don't want me anymore and decided to just throw me out into that school. 'Am I that freak and annoying?' these are the thoughts that lingered through my mind as I lay still with my blanket covering my body from the cold weather. I honestly couldn't sleep because I splashed myself with water earlier that had woken the crap out of me.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 7:30 in the morning. I got up from my bed, had a warm bath, and changed clothes as usual. I followed my morning routine and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. As usual, everything was already prepared, the utensils, plates, napkins, and the food itself. I was greeted by my granny's usual morning hugs and my grandad's morning 'good mornings'. We ate quietly and drank our drinks. Almost finishing my food, It came to me that they still haven't answered my pending question,

"Ummmm... about earlier. Could you please answer the question that I asked? It would be a great help to maybe lessen loads of questions I have on my mind." I asked politely, maintaining my respect for the people who raised me when my parents couldn't.

"I believe, I and you grandad have decided that it's time to reveal some secrets untold for years" Oh this is gonna be exciting! It better not be stupid or else I would literally throw a tantrum in front of them, just kidding...I would never do that HAHAHA. I gave them a 'what is it' look so that they know I'm waiting for answers.

"We will be enrolling you to a school called Kleton Academy: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, This is a school for witches and wizards like you, your mother, and father," Grandad said. Are they joking? I'm not buying this... there are no such things. All of these were just some stupid imagination of mentally ill people.

"You are obligated to fight against dark arts created by our creator. This is a school where you can learn spells and hexes" Grandmother continued. I'm literally not buying for this. This is pathetic! Are they crazy or what?

"I'm not Believing you until you hand me proof," I said confidently, expecting that they would give nothing.

"I'm not surprised you doubted, but just in case you did we actually do have some proof" She added then opened a long, rectangular box. She then opened it revealing a.....Wand?

"This my dear is a wand made from the finest ingredients you could ever find to make a wand" lol, still not buying it. Must be a toy somehow. Need more proof.

She then waved it and shouted 'resilio'. My mug instantly shrunk into a tiny mug barely even seeing it. What in the wizardry is this? This can't be true. I don't want it, although it's kinda cool in some ways still, I don't wanna be a.....witch!

"I know It's hard to process everything Ven, but in some time you will, there you will be safe from the most powerful dark art" If this is all real, why didn't they tell me sooner? I have billions of questions running in my mind but I'm too shocked to even ask.

"Why are they after me?" this is the only question I could say aloud. Then my Grans replied at the same time.

"Because you're different"