
Chapter 3

Alison Smith POV

"Hello guys!" she says, and at that moment I felt like strangling her, Jesus Christ I hate this bitch

I will give you all a quick introduction that I hoped I didn't have to do but here we go. Meet Rebecca Miller, my old best friend who is currently sleeping with James when he is too busy to go to one of his nightclubs to pick up different women. Oh yeah, she was also one of the many girls who pretended to be my friend for a few years so they could get closer to him and hit on him, guess what? It worked.

"What the fuck are you doing in MY house?" I ask with all the intention of getting her out of there, whatever it took I would do it and I hope it is the bad way

" I invited her"

"Well, that's good to know James. Now do me a quick favor and take her with you on the way out. Have a nice trip" When I said that the whole room went silent, we have to take into account that when I found out about everything 2 years ago we started a physical fight on my 20th birthday. I think that leaves it clear that I don't want her near me, dead or alive. Guess who took her to the hospital though? Of course, it was Prince Charming, Mrs. James McAllen.

"Alison, don't be like that. You won't be the only woman in this little group forever. It's easier to accept it, this attitude doesn't look good on you"

"Do you know what would look good on you? You inside a coffin. Do you want me to do that favor for you or are you gonna get that excuse of a face out of MY house?"I ask and I see Alex and Mateo putting their hand in front of their mouth trying hard not to laugh

"Rebecca it would be better if you leave, this house is her's and James made a huge mistake inviting you" Mason says getting up from his chair and going to her side to get her out but she pushes him, who does she think she is?

"Stop being like that, he will never want you. You kicking me out of here isn't going to stop me from being in his house and his bed tonight" she says and I burst out laughing. Look, I know I am supposed to be possessed at this point. But that bitch is funny.

"In his house? Go ahead and tell me where he lives by the way. If you really know"

"He lives in an apartment in the center of Brooklyn, I've been there" she says all victorious and like it was the most obvious thing ever

"Honey, in this precise moment you're in a suburb of New York, does this look like Brooklyn? Because last time I was updated, he was my next-door neighbor. Welcome to Carmel, James could never live in the center of Brooklyn. The apartment in Brooklyn is used occasionally for some stays in the city or to be with the girls he meets. Now you learned where he lives, you can avoid the humiliation next time. You can leave now."

"Is this serious?" she asks James who is looking me dead in the eyes and I shrug my shoulders, she isn't my problem. And I sat down and started eating, I just really want her gone.

"You should leave, we will talk later" he says and she leaves absolutely mad, I love this "Thanks Alison, now she knows where I live for fuck sake"

"If you hadn't brought her to my house she wouldn't need to know where your's is. It's fair."

"Just eat, the problem is gone. She left already"

I decided to ignore my dear brother and kept on drinking and eating, and I still couldn't bring myself to believe that he invited her here, he must be getting crazier than I thought. After a few hours of conversation, I finally had the confirmation that their intention was to stay here to look after me. They think I'm going to die and that after me comes all the bullshit. What a genius idea Alison, you could have made a threat that wouldn't put you under constant vigilance.

"You know that you're not going to sleep here right? Don't abuse it, by doing that you are just proving that you're scared and it makes us a bigger target" I say and they look at each other realizing the message

"Call if you need anything or message us and we will come. Don't hesitate" Mason says, and they all leave after that. Ethan, Mason, and Mateo live about 5 minutes from here and Alex lives next door to James. It's not that far away.

I went to my bedroom and I fell asleep fairly quickly, it's 2 in the morning, it's not surprising. The next day, I made a few phone calls and after that, I went to the kitchen and started breakfast, that until I saw James entering my kitchen. Again?

"Did you forgot something yesterday? Your friend isn't here, I can assure you that" I said going back to making breakfast

"That's good because I don't really want in the morning, but you know it. I came to simply to have breakfast with you. Or I can't?"

"I would say it's more the second option. My brother hasn't lived here in a year, so I would say that you're in the wrong house. You should be bothering your other neighbor"

"I'm pretty sure this is the right house. Just have breakfast with your favorite person" he says and I start laughing

"The only certainty I can give is that you're pretty down on the list of my favorite people. First is my father, then is Alex, we have Ethan too and then you can realize where this is gonna go right? You're way closer to Rebecca. The good thing is you're one of the favorite people of my brother. That is good. For you"

"You're always so kind. I will forgive you for the words that you pronounce while hot-headed because you're such a great cooker." he says as soon as I put the pancakes I just did on the counter and he just takes half of them to his plates and he also goes after my orange juice. Did he lose his mind?

If there's anything true on what he said is that I'm a good cooker and I will eat my food without further stressing myself with his presence. With him here or not, I will eat. And I did and he soon left after trying to kiss my head.