
Veiled Brilliance: Chronicles of a Reincarnated Being

Glen was taken advantage of throughout his entire life. Depressed at the miserable state his life is in, he goes for a walk and ends up dying. He meets the god over death who gives him a second chance at a new life in a world of magic and a system. Join him now, as Eric, as he fights to seek happiness in his new life. This is my first book so feel free to leave your feedback. I feel that criticism helps to improve some people and I'm one of them. Right now I'm writing whenever I have the free time. This isn't meant to be fast paced but if it's too slow just let me know. Expect a few errors because I'm only human after all.

Eaglestriker_22 · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Chapter 46- Taking out the Trash

Now more focused, a list of skills and spells that I can use to beat this guy flash before my eyes. I start off by taking a step back further into the shadows, where my mana will recover faster from all the spells I'm going to cast. He inches forward as well, taking my step back as a sign of a retreat.

I cast all my blessings on myself and flash different colors for a brief second as they take effect. He immediately reacts by jumping towards me, aiming his glaive for my chest once again.

I cast Curse of the Manatee on him, reducing his speed by a margin. Now much faster than him, I easily sidestep his glaive then counter by slashing at his throat. His eyes widen as he somehow manages to step back, and my dagger grazes his throat.

He jumps a good distance between us, and I don't try to pursue, for I hold the advantage now. I cast Invisibility once more and fade from his view.

His glaive sparks as he swings his weapon towards the right and left, spewing a column of flames to cut off potential routes to flank. This was fine by me as I had no intention of flanking at this moment. Thinking he's won the fight, he boasts,

"Just reveal yourself Assassin. This weapon allows me to cast spells without chanting and I have a skill that reveals if you get close. I beat you at the long-range game should you try, so this fight belongs to me."

I don't bother responding as I decide to take his challenge of a long-range battle by summoning two clones next to me. Seeing the clones rise from the shadows next to me, he smirks while leveling his glaive at one.

"So be it."

The clones charge forward as a black fireball form at the tip of his glaive. I point towards his location and 6 shadow daggers begin to rotate next to him. In shock, he immediately turns to face the daggers, sending his fireball off to the wall to next him as he holds his glaive up to block the first spinning dagger.

He grunts as the dagger connects with the glaive and is stronger than expected which makes him take a step back as the next dagger also comes into contact with his glaive. He backs up and I disperse the shadow daggers as they no longer are effective just as the clones reach him.

As he's distracted with the clones, I activate my Shadowmancy spell, and try to summon a wolf but find my understanding of the spell too low and can only summon small animals or objects. A bit disappointed, I settle on a snake, which I summon from one of the shadows of the pillars near him.

Seeing that he's clearly good with his glaive, he has no problems easily dispatching the first clone then turns his attention back to the second clone. Just as the snake enters his skill's radius, I notice his attention turning my creature to which I summon another set of shadow daggers to distract him.

Deciding to avoid the daggers completely, he jumps to the left, towards the clone since he could deal with it more easily. The clone slices at his chest which he deflects away with the edge of his glaive and brings his weapon back up to stab down at the clone.

With the snake now in position, I switch places with it, bringing me behind the guy who pauses as he feels my presence. He has no time to react as I quickly stab him in the back. He gasps as he looks down to see my blade through his chest. As a last-ditch effort, he spins around and stabs his glaive down towards me.

I swap with the clone he was previously fighting making him stab the clone, as I use my other dagger to stab him through the back again and he drops his glaive and falls to his knees.

Coming around in front of him, I kick the glaive further away from us, and check to see if he was near dead. Judging from the defiant look he was radiating; he still was inclined to continue fighting. Taking the chance that I could use Merciless, I tried to push my luck.

"Do you surrender?" I ask hopefully. 

He spits blood at me, "I'll never surrender to someone who serves that thing. I curse you, Assassin. May you never find peace."

"Okay." I reply as I slice his throat and he falls to the ground in his own blood as I recover my other dagger still in him.

Leaving the pyramid, I sigh as I think about all the work, I have cut out for me and hope the rest are just as easy as this guy.

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