
Veil of Light and Shadow

In the desolate and enigmatic lands of Shadowcrest Ridge, encircled by curses and plagued with greed and violence, emerges Rayan, a bounty hunter laden with a clandestine mission and armed with the legendary Twilight Blade. His audacious journey through Shadowcrest Ridge is fraught with peril and challenges, pushing him to the brink of his limits. As Rayan ventures deeper, the enigmas of his lineage, the profound secrets of the Twilight Blade, and the astounding conspiracies of the dominions within Auroria Continent slowly unravel. Who are the harbingers of light, and who are the emissaries of darkness? The veil between light and shadow shall ultimately be lifted.

long_yang · Fantasy
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236 Chs

Chapter 79: King of Robbers

Gruk bitterly said, "We had prepared a large sum of money to honor you, but our clothes and money bags were..."

He dared not mention that his clothes were stolen by a "big-breasted woman" and could only change his words to say, "We lost our clothes and money bags ourselves."

"It doesn't matter, you can leave the goods behind."

Crow Lord, very considerate, said, "We at Shadowcrest Ridge will take good care of them for you. Once you bring enough money, we will return the goods to you—of course, don't forget to bring the storage fee. Miss Olivia, how much is the daily storage fee for your warehouse?"

"That depends on what the goods are," Olivia said indifferently.

Simon's face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly spoke before Gruk could, "Lord Your Excellency, we are willing to write another promissory note, even for a higher amount, just asking Lord Your Excellency to let us pass first!"


Crow Lord asked with interest, "Why the rush? What is it for?"

Simon stammered, "It's for nothing, just... just not wanting to miss the delivery date to our customers. We at the Righteous Blood Group value our reputation highly."

"For your reputation, one thousand gold coins."

Crow Lord, unceremoniously, extended one finger.


Simon almost immediately agreed.


Crow Lord didn't expect Simon to agree so quickly. It seems that the "goods" inside the black iron cage must be worth far more than a thousand gold coins. But what kind of slave could be more expensive than a thousand gold coins?

"I've changed my mind."

Crow Lord raised three fingers, "I want three thousand gold coins."

This was simply extortion! Just moments ago, he had said this place wasn't a market and no bargaining was allowed, yet now he was raising the price sky-high!

Simon glanced around surreptitiously, noticing that no one seemed outraged. The well-respected traveling merchants had already benefited from Crow Lord, certainly not speaking ill of him, and the residents of Shadowcrest Ridge naturally bowed to their lord, surely not opposing him. Looking around, these were all their enemies; they were completely isolated and helpless, with no other choice but to agree.

"Three thousand gold coins, deal."

"No, five thousand." Crow Lord kept pushing further.

"...Five thousand gold coins, deal."

"I've changed my mind again—"

Before Crow Lord could finish, Olivia pinched the muscles on his back covertly and whispered a reprimand, "Stop playing around, Rayan, lest all hell breaks loose!"

"Hmm... let's just round it up then, ten thousand gold coins," Crow Lord said with a pained expression.

Simon's mouth twitched, "Ten thousand gold coins, that's what a local great lord collects in taxes in a year." He realized Crow Lord was like an insatiable wolf, no matter what he agreed to, Crow Lord would always ask for more.

This is a robber, a true robber, one who can instill fear without even wielding a knife!

Crow Lord menacingly pressed, "Deal, or no deal?"


Simon gritted his teeth, "Ten thousand gold coins, within a month, to be paid to Shadowcrest Ridge!"

Though it was termed a repayment, the hatred in his eyes was not lost on Crow Lord.

"As the creditor, I decide when it will be repaid."

Crow Lord motioned for the few prestigious traveling merchants to help draft the promissory note again, then had Simon sign it.

With witnesses and physical evidence, it wouldn't be easy to deny it.

Once the promissory note was handed to Olivia, Simon asked with a trembling voice, "Can we go now?"

Crow Lord immediately ordered, "Give them some clothes."


Swann's mother, holding the three men's clothes, came out with a smiling face, "Distinguished guests, I hope these clothes fit you."

Gruk's eyes widened, "Fuck! That's the—"

"Shut up!"

Simon could hardly restrain himself from killing Gruk, the idiot. It was obviously a tactic by Crow Lord to provoke them. If Gruk said something he shouldn't have in his rage, Crow Lord wouldn't even need to give the order—the anger of a thousand residents would be enough to tear them apart. "Put on the clothes, let's leave quickly!"

There was no greater humiliation than this, yet he had to endure. Gruk glared hatefully at Swann's mother and whispered lowly, "Bitch, I'll be back."

"No, lord said you won't be coming back."

Swann's mother smiled coyly, set down the clothes, and sauntered away.

Simon's heart sank, and when he looked up again, Crow Lord had disappeared without a trace, and Olivia was gone too, leaving only a sinister crow on the solemn seat.

The high-nosed, goatee-guard chuckled as he walked over, "Distinguished guests, would you like us to find a few big-breasted women to help you get dressed?"

Being humiliated by a clearly weaker opponent was a different feeling.

Gruk roared angrily at the Black-armored guard, "No need! Just drive everyone here away!"

The effects of the strong adhesive had worn off, and they could leave the bath at any time, but with the hall crowded, walking out naked from the bath was truly...

The goatee-guard smirked, "So many people, we can't just shoo them away. If you have the patience, you might as well soak a bit longer."

"No, we don't have the patience."

Simon, mindful of Swann's mother's last words, stood up directly from the bath, "We must leave quickly."

Gruk and Nos also stood up amidst the laughter of the crowd, not even drying themselves off, hurriedly dressed, and slipped out of the council chamber like dogs with their tails between their legs. They checked the integrity of the black iron cage, and seeing no problems, they mounted their horses.

The residents of Shadowcrest Ridge seemed still unsatisfied, mocking them all the way until they chased them out of the town entrance...

On the other hand, Crow Lord had left the council chamber early, only to be stopped by Olivia on the road.


Olivia, hands on her hips, sternly asked, "Where are you going?"

Crow Lord frowned, displeased, "I am Crow Lord, I go wherever I want."

"Humph! Now that it's just the two of us, why don't you take off that mask?"

Saying that, Olivia reached for Crow Lord's mask, but he agilely dodged.


Crow Lord authoritatively said, "Stop making trouble, or I won't be polite!"

Olivia coldly smiled, "You sound very much like a lord right now."

She persisted in blocking his way, reaching for the mask again.

Crow Lord angrily grasped her wrist, "Olivia!"

"Rayan!" Olivia retorted sharply.

Though masked and taller, Olivia knew beneath the mask was Rayan. He was just purposely using another identity to avoid her.

"Why, why won't you talk to me? Why do you deliberately avoid me?" Olivia tried to be forceful, but found herself on the verge of tears.

"I haven't, I..."

"Wu ah!"

A crow circled overhead, seemingly urging Crow Lord to hurry.

Crow Lord shifted his gaze, released Olivia's hand, and said coldly, "I don't want to hurt you, step aside, I still have unfinished business."

Olivia bit her lip, eventually stepping aside, letting Crow Lord pass. She was not the kind of woman to act recklessly; she knew when not to stand in a man's way.

"You owe me an apology!"

"Crow Lord owes nothing."

"I'm not talking about Crow Lord, I mean you, Rayan!"

Olivia shouted, "You owe me one!"

Crow Lord said nothing, following the crow's flight direction, heading into the dense forest...

Gruk and the others galloped away, leaving Shadowcrest Ridge in just half an hour.

"Good that those two Black-armored guards didn't tamper with our war horses."

Simon, seeing Stonerock Kingdom just ahead, couldn't help but sigh deeply. "Once we're in Stonerock Kingdom, we'll be completely safe."

"Fuck, I can't swallow this insult. I'll definitely level Shadowcrest Ridge! I'll fuck every woman in Shadowcrest Ridge a hundred times!"

Nos's face was still swollen like a pig's head, but his tongue was functioning normally again.

"There will be a chance!"

Squad leader Gruk assured his brother, "Once we deliver the goods to Lord Simon's master, we'll ask that upper-class noble Your Excellency to help us deal with Shadowcrest Ridge—Lord Simon, you must feel the same, right?"

Don't dream about it, as if you could even meet the master? Simon thought coldly, but answered aloud, "Of course."

Receiving a positive answer, Gruk's spirits visibly lifted, "Lord Simon's master must be a significant noble, otherwise why would Lord Simon agree to a ten thousand gold coin promissory note?"

"Right, right!"

Nos also chimed in, "Brother Simon, oh no, Lord Simon, the humiliation we suffered today, we count on you to wash it away."

Simon smiled proudly, even feeling that these two idiots weren't necessarily a lost cause; at least they could serve as the vanguard for revenge against Shadowcrest Ridge.

"Let's hurry on our way, this place is still not safe. Once we reach Stonerock City, we can plan further."

"Lord Simon is really cautious, Nos and I are both Sixth Tier Fighters, and Lord Simon, you are a Seventh Tier Fighter, who could possibly defeat us?"

Gruk laughed heartily, complimenting, "Besides, that Crow Lord only relied on having more people. In terms of intelligence, he's far from matching Lord Simon. Otherwise, he wouldn't have let us go after humiliating us like that."

"That's true."

Simon had always been puzzled why Crow Lord would set such harsh conditions that were almost impossible to meet and yet still let them go. "Letting a tiger return to the mountain is not a wise move; it seems that Crow Lord is still inexperienced—But, have you guys noticed he looks somewhat familiar?"

Gruk was about to respond when suddenly a sharp screech echoed overhead.

"Wu ah!"

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