
Veil of Light and Shadow

In the desolate and enigmatic lands of Shadowcrest Ridge, encircled by curses and plagued with greed and violence, emerges Rayan, a bounty hunter laden with a clandestine mission and armed with the legendary Twilight Blade. His audacious journey through Shadowcrest Ridge is fraught with peril and challenges, pushing him to the brink of his limits. As Rayan ventures deeper, the enigmas of his lineage, the profound secrets of the Twilight Blade, and the astounding conspiracies of the dominions within Auroria Continent slowly unravel. Who are the harbingers of light, and who are the emissaries of darkness? The veil between light and shadow shall ultimately be lifted.

long_yang · Fantasy
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236 Chs

Chapter 213: Deciding Victory with One Move

Thinking of this, she sneered and said, "The tournament isn't over yet, and the final War God hasn't appeared. The bets will only get more exciting. Is Phoenix Lady bringing up the gold coins now because she's afraid I'll renege on the debt? You should know that I won't be leaving Stonerock City anytime soon. Even if it's sixty thousand gold coins, let alone six thousand, someone will pay it for me. And you know who that someone is."

Phoenix Lady's phoenix eyes narrowed, and her hand shook the black silk fan faster. She certainly knew who Eileen was referring to.

Although she was filled with desire for Rayan, she still loved the Lion King. The Lion King was not only her lover and the father of her son but also her trophy. She wouldn't allow any other woman to come between them.

Facing Eileen's arrogance, Phoenix Lady suppressed her anger, a cold smile appearing on her beautiful face.

"Yes, I know."

She slowed the movement of the black silk fan and said gently, "I also know you'll be seeing him tonight..."

"That's right."

Eileen said smugly, "He is very vulnerable right now, and I happen to be the only one who can comfort him."

"Well, have a pleasant evening then. As for the debt..."

Phoenix Lady's smile returned to its normal state. "You're right, Eileen. The upcoming matches will be more and more exciting. We don't need to rush to settle accounts..."

Eileen's heart skipped a beat. She sensed an underlying meaning in Phoenix Lady's words, but she didn't detect any ominous hints.

She coldly snorted, "Don't worry. When it's time to settle accounts, I'll settle with you."

Phoenix Lady smiled, "The next match will be Rayan against the Gold-edged noble's Oath Knights. Eileen, would you like to borrow more money for betting?"

"Of course."

Eileen said matter-of-factly, "The overall strength of the Gold-edged nobles is around the Eighth Tier Battle Qi. They won't be easy to deal with. If Rayan still wants to challenge them all at once, with his personality, he will undoubtedly say something about winning with one move. I can assure you as a Grand Mage of the Holy Light Sisterhood, he will surely lose this time."

"Exactly, Eileen is absolutely right!"

Marquis Hart jumped up, "Rayan is ridiculously arrogant. He got lucky the last two times, but this time will be completely different! All of you here are Gold-edged nobles and masters of the Gold-edged Oath Knights. As long as you strictly order your Oath Knights not to forfeit or surrender, Rayan will definitely lose if they can endure one move!"

The other nobles nodded in agreement. Although losing the last two times was frustrating, this time they felt in control.

"I'll bet ten thousand gold coins!"

Marquis Hart said boldly, "I'll bet on Rayan losing."

The other nobles were also excited, eager to win back the money and face they had lost. "I'll bet ten thousand too!" "Me too!" "I'll bet eleven thousand!"

"I'll bet twenty thousand!"

Eileen raised her voice and said to the smiling Phoenix Lady, "I assume Phoenix Lady will lend me the money?"

"Of course."

Phoenix Lady laughed, covering her mouth, "How could Kiana refuse a request from the Holy Light envoy?"

"Hmph, I'll pay you back with interest this time." Eileen said firmly.

"That's not certain." Phoenix Lady shook her black silk fan.

Eileen glared at Phoenix Lady, wanting to tear her face off and stomp on it. But in public and as the debtor, she had to soften her attitude and coldly said, "Fine, let's wait and see."

Lady Spring Rain adjusted her dress uneasily and whispered to Phoenix Lady, "Although Rayan isn't an Oath Knight of the Firebird family, he is connected to the Firebird family because of me. Marquis Hart keeps betting against him, which is really..."

Phoenix Lady smiled slightly, squeezed Lady Spring Rain's hand, and whispered, "Ignore that foolish nephew of mine. Without his interference, we wouldn't have made so much."

Lady Spring Rain was stunned, then burst into laughter, "You're right, ma'am."

"Are you betting this time too?"

Phoenix Lady asked, "I suggest you don't. Rayan might not win, so keep your fifty thousand gold coins."

Lady Spring Rain said nonchalantly, "The fifty thousand was easy money, so I don't mind losing it. Besides, I have confidence in my Oath Knight. Rayan won't lose."

"Confidence is good."

Phoenix Lady said sourly, "But we women shouldn't be blind in our choices."

Lady Spring Rain blinked, "Ma'am, are you not betting on Rayan to win?"

"I need to think about it—"

Phoenix Lady paused, then smiled, "But whatever, I'm happy today, so I'll continue betting on Rayan to win. Send out the third batch of food under the Firebird family name and give each audience member three gold coins."

A servant answered and left the noble stand. Shortly after, dozens of magical fireworks painted the sky red above the arena.

The initially despondent audience, seeing the continued distribution of gold coins, got excited again. No one was willing to stop, throwing themselves into the next round of betting with even more enthusiasm.

The next match was undoubtedly the Gold-edged group's Oath Knights.

A Black-armored guard responsible for drawing lots walked up to Rayan, cautiously asking, "Lord Rayan, do you need to draw lots this time?"

Rayan glanced at him indifferently, "No. I will challenge the entire Gold-edged group."

The Black-armored guard wasn't surprised, showing an expression of having expected this. "Then please wait a moment, Lord Rayan. I will inform the Gold-edged group's Oath Knights."

The Gold-edged group's Oath Knights were all gathered in the rest area, their faces solemn. They also wanted to forfeit like the Silver-edged group's Oath Knights, but they had just received orders from their masters to endure one move no matter what.

With their strength, enduring one move was absolutely possible, but the price would be exceptionally heavy. Thinking of this, all twenty Gold-edged Oath Knights wore bitter expressions, dragging their feet as they finally walked out of the rest area to face Rayan.

Rayan didn't bother riding the Emerald Fire Thunder this time, facing the entire Gold-edged group alone.

"You won't forfeit, right?"

"No, no, we won't." A nervous representative of the Gold-edged Oath Knights wiped his sweat.


Rayan nodded in satisfaction and said to the adjudicator Trevor, "Lord Trevor, we're ready. You can start."

Trevor didn't waste any time, immediately announcing the bets were closed and the match began.

The audience, who had already placed their bets, held their breath, looking more nervous than the Gold-edged Oath Knights in the arena. Most had bet on Rayan losing, anxiously waiting for Rayan to raise one finger again.

Sure enough, Rayan didn't disappoint, slowly raising one finger—

The audience, including the nobles, breathed a sigh of relief—

Rayan pointed at the Gold-edged Oath Knights and then beckoned with his finger. "Come on, all of you at once."

The audience was stunned.

Wasn't it supposed to be decided with one move? Why was it now all at once?

The most surprised was the representative of the Gold-edged Oath Knights. He stammered, "Lo-Lord Rayan, did you misspeak?"

"No," Rayan answered calmly.

"Sh-shouldn't it be decided with one move?" The representative finally managed to get the words out, sweating profusely.

"Oh, one move."

Rayan said calmly, "I'm afraid if I say 'decide with one move,' you will forfeit again."

"No, no!"

The representative hurriedly waved his hands, "I just said we will absolutely not forfeit, absolutely not surrender."

Rayan immediately responded, "You said 'no' so many times. How am I supposed to know if you're surrendering or not?"

"We absolutely will not surrender!" The representative was almost in tears.

Rayan shrugged, "Forget it then. I just want a good fight this time, not like the last match. So this time, we won't decide it with one move. Let's take our time."

As soon as he said this, the audience immediately began to wail. Without deciding it with one move, the twenty Gold-edged nobles might have a chance of winning, but it was extremely slim.

The noble ladies and gentlemen in the stands also lamented. Many had placed heavy bets this time. If the previous rounds were small stakes, this round's thousands were enough to make them feel the pain.

"Have faith in your Oath Knights!"

Marquis Hart urged, "Rayan hasn't won yet. He's just one person. How can he defeat all your Gold-edged Oath Knights?"

The nobles' faces slightly improved at this.

Eileen shook her head and sighed heavily, "We've lost. No need to watch; we've lost again. I didn't expect Rayan to not only have strength but also be very smart..."

Marquis Hart said indignantly, "He's just lucky!"


Eileen let out a bitter laugh, "There are so many Fighters in this world, why is he the lucky one? Defeating the fat knight can be called luck. Defeating the Copper-edged group's Oath Knights with one move can be called luck. Making the Silver-edged nobles surrender without a fight can be called luck. But when facing the Gold-edged group's Oath Knights, suddenly fighting steadily, can that also be called luck?"