
Veil of Light and Shadow

In the desolate and enigmatic lands of Shadowcrest Ridge, encircled by curses and plagued with greed and violence, emerges Rayan, a bounty hunter laden with a clandestine mission and armed with the legendary Twilight Blade. His audacious journey through Shadowcrest Ridge is fraught with peril and challenges, pushing him to the brink of his limits. As Rayan ventures deeper, the enigmas of his lineage, the profound secrets of the Twilight Blade, and the astounding conspiracies of the dominions within Auroria Continent slowly unravel. Who are the harbingers of light, and who are the emissaries of darkness? The veil between light and shadow shall ultimately be lifted.

long_yang · Fantasy
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236 Chs

Chapter 198: Ancient Arena

Eileen said triumphantly, "Yes, I am indeed far inferior to my younger sister, but you must understand, when men are at their weakest, even a sow has a chance. Besides, my legs are as warm as my sister's, and they can warm our Lion King just the same."

Phoenix Lady turned her head away, "You make me sick!"

"I used to feel the same about you," Eileen sneered. "But thanks for forcing me to act against my father at the banquet. Without such intense hatred driving me, I might not have lifted my skirt for the Lion King. This is all thanks to you. Now, I can enter and leave this palace as I please, just like you did back then. Although I'm not young, I still have my periods. Maybe after a few more times with the Lion King, I'll bear him a child. By then, you and your Second Prince will be cleared out."

"You..." Phoenix Lady tried to punch her, but her body was paralyzed by electric currents, and she bit her lip until it bled. "Eileen, don't get too cocky!"

Eileen wasn't angry at all. She patted Phoenix Lady's cold cheek, "They say Phoenix Lady has excellent self-control, but it seems you also lose your temper. I'd love to chat more, but dawn is breaking, and I need to get some sleep, change my clothes, and attend the tournament. Tonight, I will comfort our grieving Lion King—he probably can't do without me now. Phoenix Lady, you should take care of yourself."

With that, she stood up triumphantly and swaggered down the steps.

Phoenix Lady watched Eileen's departing figure with venom in her eyes.

The Lion Guard, holding an axe, had witnessed the entire conflict. After Eileen left, he cautiously approached Phoenix Lady and bowed, "Madam, the ground is cold. Do you need help getting up?"


Phoenix Lady almost shouted, "I can get up myself! No one can truly bring down Kiana Firebird!"

The Lion Guard retreated awkwardly, about to leave when Phoenix Lady called him back, "Go find Imperius and tell him I need to see him immediately!"

The Lion Guard hesitated for a moment, then nodded and left.

Phoenix Lady struggled to support herself, staring into the dark, muttering to herself, "Eileen, you're dead..."

By dawn, the chaotic Stonerock City finally calmed down.

Thanks to Eileen's search, the Lion King knew that the demon race had left the human world and that the demon skull was still in Stonerock City. He ordered the noble families to cease their search and focus on preparing for the tournament. This was partly because the search was unlikely to yield results and partly to stabilize the people's unease.

With the search over, the terrified residents finally relaxed. They didn't understand what the Lion King had lost, but when they opened their doors and saw the arena on the east side of the palace avenue adorned with colorful noble banners, their fear vanished.

The tournament was undoubtedly a national celebration. Nobles could gain honor and status, while commoners could release their stress and passion. This was precisely what the Lion King and Eileen wanted.

For rulers, no matter how much ugliness and injustice lurk in society, how many women are violated, or how many shops are looted, as long as overall stability can be maintained, even if it's a false stability, it can be treated as if nothing happened.

As for those whose interests were harmed, they were a minority. No one would speak up for them loudly. With a little appeasement, the situation could be managed. If that didn't work, they could be labeled as criminals disrupting stability and locked up for years, ensuring no one dared to speak out again.

For Eileen, a stable situation meant avoiding the throne's attention, allowing the loss of the demon skull to remain hidden for now. She could stay in Stonerock City and enjoy her "queen-like" life.

She understood that the mastermind was unlikely Phoenix Lady. To find the demon skull, the key was Rayan.

Rayan had been the target of her and the Redwood patriarch's efforts to win over. But after Eileen's affair with the Lion King, her mindset changed. She didn't believe a young foreign noble could help her and no longer needed to pursue Rayan.

Of course, she wouldn't immediately confront Rayan about his contact with the demon race. In fact, she felt that the longer the search for the demon skull took, the more she would gain from the Lion King.

She hoped the Lion King would fuck her every night as he did her sister. If she got pregnant, she could leave the Holy Light Sisterhood and marry the Lion King as the eldest daughter of the Redwood family, becoming the true queen. At that point, the crown prince and the Second Prince would be cleared out of the palace.

This dream depended on the demon skull not being found quickly and Rayan not revealing the demon race's secrets soon, giving her enough time to play her "role-playing" games with the Lion King.

The plan was perfect, except she overlooked one point:

Rayan was not someone who could be easily manipulated.

Even a smart woman like Phoenix Lady couldn't do it, and Eileen was overestimating herself...

In the Pigs and Whistles inn, after a whole night's rest, Rayan was refreshed and fully recovered. Dressed neatly, he opened the door and headed for the arena.

Martha appeared in the hall like a ghost, expressionless, and reminded Rayan, "Make sure you get the last Holy Light artifact. You must."

Rayan replied calmly, "Just be ready with the mysterious reward you promised."

Martha stepped aside, her cloudy eyes watching Rayan leave the inn.

A strange smile appeared on her lips, "Of course, Rayan. This reward will definitely surprise you."

She hid her smile and hobbled toward the dark door behind the counter...

Rayan left the inn, found a deserted alley, took out the magic bell, cleared his mind, and let the mysterious power within him take control, establishing a Soul Link with the Emerald Fire Thunder inside the bell.

The magic bell immediately rang, emitting a melodious sound. A gust of black wind emerged from the bell, carrying the force of a thunderstorm, quickly transforming into a demon steed with flaming hooves.

Emerald Fire Thunder neighed and affectionately nudged Rayan, completely different from its previous violent demeanor. Rayan happily patted its silky mane, then mounted it, "Let's go."

Emerald Fire Thunder raised its front hooves and trotted out of the alley, carrying Rayan proudly toward the arena.

The streets were crowded with commoners heading to the arena, their slow pace severely hindering Emerald Fire Thunder's speed. Frustrated, Emerald Fire Thunder neighed angrily, intimidating those in its path.

Seeing the ferocious steed, people quickly moved aside, clearing a long path straight to the arena.

Emerald Fire Thunder, satisfied, shook its head, its flaming hooves speeding along the road. Its hooves pounded the sturdy cobblestones of Stonerock City, sending green sparks flying. Each step left web-like cracks in the ancient dragon-era stones.

Onlookers were amazed, envious, fearful, or jealous. Rayan sat comfortably on Emerald Fire Thunder's back, indifferent to the gazes cast his way.

He wasn't worried about Emerald Fire Thunder being recognized. As long as it didn't transform in front of people, few could identify it as a Magical Beast. Even if someone did, it didn't matter. Anyone who dared touch his steed would lose their head.

Emerald Fire Thunder continued to gallop, matching its new master's arrogance, ignoring everyone's stares.

At the last intersection before the arena, a Gold-edged noble carriage suddenly appeared from the other side. The driver, terrified by Emerald Fire Thunder, panicked, and the mare froze in fear, standing still in the middle of the road.

The driver screamed and fled, while the noblewoman inside the carriage covered her face and screamed in terror—

Rayan frowned, his mind commanded, and Emerald Fire Thunder leapt into the air, its hooves landing on the wall, leaving large hoof prints.

Emerald Fire Thunder ran sideways along the wall for several meters, as if on flat ground, before landing smoothly behind the trembling carriage. The green sparks from its hooves scared the mare so much that it collapsed, its hindquarters soaked with urine.

Rayan was delighted, surprised that Emerald Fire Thunder not only understood his intentions but could also run on walls. He patted its neck and, ignoring the noblewoman's grateful thanks, urged it toward the arena.

The arena was grand and ancient, covering several miles, with walls towering tens of meters high. It was probably the largest arena in the four kingdoms.

The closer he got, the smaller Rayan felt. However, in terms of completeness, this was an unfinished ancient arena. The left wall and stands were built, while the right side was just a framework, with ostentatious stands added later, filled with carvings praising Holy Light, clearly not from the rigorous dragon era.