
Veil of Light and Shadow

In the desolate and enigmatic lands of Shadowcrest Ridge, encircled by curses and plagued with greed and violence, emerges Rayan, a bounty hunter laden with a clandestine mission and armed with the legendary Twilight Blade. His audacious journey through Shadowcrest Ridge is fraught with peril and challenges, pushing him to the brink of his limits. As Rayan ventures deeper, the enigmas of his lineage, the profound secrets of the Twilight Blade, and the astounding conspiracies of the dominions within Auroria Continent slowly unravel. Who are the harbingers of light, and who are the emissaries of darkness? The veil between light and shadow shall ultimately be lifted.

long_yang · Fantasy
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236 Chs

Chapter 152: Destined but Not Fated

Hearing his own name uttered from Martha's pale, shriveled lips, Rayan couldn't help but draw a sharp breath. By the time he realized the chill had penetrated his spleen, the parcel in his hands had already been taken by Martha, and his rigid body subsequently relaxed, returning to normal.

"What kind of witchcraft or magic have you used on me?"

He immediately drew the Crow Sword, pointing it at Martha's retreating figure, and said coldly, "Although I have lost my Battle Qi, killing you would still be as easy as flipping my hand."

"To kill an old woman from behind?"

Martha laughed dryly, "No, Rayan, in your heart, I am still that kind landlady who gave you cakes and let you sleep in the stable. As long as I haven't done anything atrocious, you wouldn't treat me this way."


Rayan swallowed hard, Martha's words striking deep into his heart. He slowly lowered the Crow Sword and said to Martha, "I won't kill you now, but that doesn't mean I won't in the future. Anyway, you've got the Fire Scorpion eyeball, I've completed a task for you, even as a reward, you should tell me what exactly you want to do."

Martha's wrinkled face revealed a joyful smile, one that belonged to her younger days: "Continue helping me with the next task, and I will tell you, and I assure you, you will benefit from it."

Rayan raised an eyebrow, "Why should I trust you?"

Martha replied, "You don't have to trust me, you just need to trust your own judgment."

Silence settled like dead water, oppressive and heavy.

In Rayan's heart, whether to continue accepting Martha's mysterious tasks or to abandon them and leave it be, he had already made a decision. The reason he hadn't answered immediately was simply because he didn't always want to be led by the nose by Martha. This feeling made him uncomfortable, especially when he was unaware of the other party's intentions.

He faintly felt that there was more to Martha's affairs. Although his main goal now was to infiltrate the Firebird family and seek revenge on Duncan, if Martha's tasks did not conflict with his main goal, he was quite willing to delve deeper. After pausing for a sufficient length of time, he finally spoke, "Let's hear it then, what's the next task?"

Martha had seemingly anticipated Rayan's agreement, she cackled with a low and mysterious tone, revealing her yellowed teeth, "Steal four items for me…"


Rayan frowned sharply, outright refusing, "I won't do that sort of thing."

Martha shrugged indifferently, "If you prefer to snatch them forcefully, that's fine too. I just suggested stealing as it would be less troublesome."

"I'm not afraid of trouble, trouble usually fears me," Rayan stated coldly. "Tell me, what do you want?"

"Four Holy Light artifacts," Martha answered, "made of gold. One is in the Redwood family's possession, one in the Black-armored guard's warehouse, one in the Phoenix Lady's bedroom, and the last one, in the Lion King's palace."

Hearing this, Rayan's brow knitted with knife-like wrinkles. Besides the Redwood family, the Black-armored guard's warehouse, the Phoenix Lady's bedroom, the Lion King's palace... none were easy places to enter.

If it came to a forced attack, not to mention whether his abilities were sufficient, it would probably directly impact his revenge plans.

It seemed Martha was right; stealing was the most effortless method. If necessary, he really would have to use his Stealth skill to steal. Though stealing was not exactly honorable, given that the targets were all high and mighty nobles, it did not feel too incongruous.

"You are very smart and adaptable."

Martha nodded in approval, then, carrying two packs of Fire Scorpion eyeball, slowly walked towards the room behind the counter.

"Wait, I haven't agreed yet," Rayan said.

"You don't need to say it out loud; I believe you will definitely bring me the four artifacts."

Martha said without turning back, "Enjoy tonight, Rayan…"

With that, she disappeared behind the shadowy door panel.


Rayan knocked on the counter, "I need a few new rooms—"

He suddenly caught sight of three ornately patterned long bronze keys neatly placed on the counter, and involuntarily took a sharp breath.

This innkeeper, she's getting more and more mysterious, and her tasks more and more intriguing. What could possibly be the end result…

A faint smile crossed Rayan's lips as he placed the pre-prepared gold coins on the counter, picked up the long bronze keys, and turned to walk back to his own room.

In the room, the twelve Sworn Protectors of the barbarian tribes and the bounty hunters from the Mad Dog Group were staring at each other, neither side speaking. Considering their strengths, Eta couldn't possibly defeat the Sworn Protectors, who, despite being weary and scarred from a long journey, still matched the level of Junior Heroes. Their flawless teamwork and seasoned combat experience meant that even Trevor might not come out unscathed against these twelve. But the Mad Dog Group, having recently pledged allegiance to Rayan, were high in spirits and did not regard these ragged slaves as a threat.

As Rayan entered, the expressions of both groups eased slightly.

Rayan handed one of the long bronze keys to Eta, "After everything is settled, you and your brothers will move into the inn. I'll arrange the future for you."


Eta respectfully took the key, glanced at the Sworn Protectors of the barbarian tribes, and left the room with two bounty hunters.

Rayan turned and gave the other two keys to the Head of the Sworn Protectors, explaining in the language of the barbarian tribes, "These are the keys to your rooms, go and rest."

The Head of the Sworn Protectors took the keys, bowed deeply to Rayan, and again to Sola on the bed, before leading the other Sworn Protectors out of the room.

With the room now empty, only Sola and Rayan remained.

As Rayan approached Sola, she lay motionless on the bed. "Master, Sola is obedient..."

Rayan felt a pang of heartache, thinking that Sola no longer needed a master like him, nor would his reputation as a fire spirit affect her, yet she remained so submissive to him, and he had hurt her with his words, even causing her to harm herself—

Rayan tightened his lips, half sighing, half sorrowfully, "Sola, forgive me."

Sola immediately sat up from the bed. "Master, I have never blamed you, not before, not now, nor will I in the future. Everything you do is for Sola's sake. Before, Sola was just worried about being driven away by the master, but today, after meeting the Sworn Protector and hearing their stories about the Fire Wolf Tribe, Sola understood her true mission."

Sola's voice choked up, "Master, if anyone should say sorry, it should be Sola. I swore to always follow you, but I can no longer fulfill this vow... I can only pray to the Creator to bless you with fortune in adversity..."

She wanted to cry, but tears wouldn't come out. It was more painful than anything else.

Rayan pulled Sola into his arms, his fingers threading through her silky hair, caressing the ends. "Sola, I have my fate, and you have your responsibilities. The fault lies not with us; we simply met at the wrong time. I can't leave my revenge to go with you to the barbarian tribes, and you can't stay to drift with me. Perhaps this is what it means to be destined but not fated. But remember one thing, as long as you don't remove the brand, I will always be your master, no matter the circumstances, you belong to me and only to me. Without my permission, you are not even allowed to die!"

Sola buried her face in Rayan's strong chest, her delicate fingers feeling his powerful heartbeat, moved, she said, "Master, I belong to you, not just my life and soul, but my body as well."

Rayan's heart raced, he understood all too well what Sola meant. In fact, from the moment Sola asked to stay another night, he knew there would be a moment of heartfelt honesty.

He desired Sola, whether it was the physical instinct or the reluctance to part with his female slave, he wanted her. He had planned to wait until after the revenge was completed, but now, they only had one last night left. After tomorrow, they would be worlds apart, not knowing when they might see each other again.

Unable to control himself, Rayan cradled Sola's delicate face and deeply kissed her lips.

Her lips were as soft and smooth as mutton fat jade, burning with a hot flame, her plump lips trembling slightly, filled with tears of joy and a confused response, so intoxicating that he was lost in a whirlwind of passion.

He didn't know how to explain this sudden kiss, the only thing in his mind was not to stop, unless he could no longer breathe. When this nearly suffocating kiss finally ended, he began to find a reason for the kiss—but his hands had already crawled to her chest, seeking out her firm nipples before his thoughts could catch up.

Sola's face flushed, but she showed no sign of stopping him, her breathing rapid and disordered. Her bright orange eyes shimmered with desire, longing for Rayan to tear open her bodice or bite her tongue, to take further actions towards her.

She dared not speak, fearing that any word might shatter this nearly dreamlike scene.

Rayan, fighting hard to restrain his impulse to slide his hand down her beautiful legs, merely helped her to lie down stiffly and then quietly held her, doing nothing more.

Sola's heart nearly stopped beating. She opened her mouth several times, barely managing to ask in a tearful voice, "Master, am I not good enough?"

"No, Sola," Rayan said, "I need to first allow your body to recover, because—"

Rayan caressed Sola's still-flushed cheek with his arm, speaking tenderly, "Tonight, what we need to do requires strength..."