
Veil of forbidden desires

In the mystical realm of werewolves, under the moon's silver glow, Vincent Savage stood as a figure of mystery and allure. Born into the werewolf kingdom, his true lineage was hidden from him, but whispers of his heritage grew as he matured. Vincent's sapphire eyes and fiery red gaze hinted at his inner turmoil and passion, while a crown-like tattoo on his belly marked his royal lineage. Despite his noble birth, Vincent faced doubt and adversity due to his smaller stature and his rivalry with Damien Steel, a formidable werewolf. Vincent's path was fraught with challenges, but he found allies and adversaries alike, each crucial to uncovering his past and true nature. Meanwhile, in a realm where shadows danced, sixteen-year-old Grace lived under the cruelty of her aunt, her spirit quietly yearning for adventure. One fateful night, fleeing her aunt's abuse, Grace stumbled upon a wounded Vincent in the forest, setting in motion events that would intertwine their destinies. As Vincent battled Damien, he was thrown into Grace's world. Their eyes met, and a spark ignited, blurring the boundaries between their realms. Despite the risks, Vincent and Grace's love grew, even as Vincent learned of his royal heritage and the strict prohibition against human contact. They met in secret at the veil separating their worlds, driven by a love that defied ancient laws. Facing numerous trials, including Vincent's battles and the revelation of his true lineage, they stood together against a monstrous force guarding the veil. With the help of Vincent's father, the Alpha King, and through their combined strength and love, they vanquished the creature. But the victory was bittersweet, as Vincent's father perished in the fight. In the aftermath, Vincent and Grace learned of a prophecy requiring Vincent to give up his werewolf powers to unite their worlds permanently. Despite Grace's pleas, Vincent chose to sacrifice his abilities, shattering the veil and ensuring peace. Though no longer a werewolf, Vincent's love for Grace and their united future outweighed the loss. With the veil gone, the human and werewolf realms began to merge. Vincent, now without his powers but full of resolve, led with wisdom and empathy, striving for unity. Grace, by his side, bridged the gap between their communities. Together, they built a new home, symbolizing a world where differences were celebrated, and unity was achieved. Their love and sacrifice marked the dawn of a new era, remembered and honored by all.

Ahmed_Kaosara · Realistic
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

The Human World (Mario) 

 The evening air was thick with tension in the small, dimly lit apartment. Grace Williams, a petite sixteen-year-old with doe-like eyes and a fragile frame, stood trembling before her aunt, who loomed over her with an expression twisted by anger and frustration. 

 " Useless girl! " Her aunt spat, throwing a dish towel onto the counter with such force that it knocked over a glass. " You can't even do the simplest chores right! " 

 Grace flinched, tears welling up in her eyes. She had been living with her aunt since she was five years old, enduring years of harsh words and relentless criticism. Her parents' tragic accident had left her with no other family, and her aunt had reluctantly taken her in. But the years had been unkind, each day a new struggle for Grace. 

 " I'm sorry, Aunt Martha, " Grace whispered, her voice barely audible. " I'll do better, I promise. " 

 Her aunt's cold eyes narrowed. " You'd better. Or you'll find yourself out on the streets. " 

 Grace felt her chest tighten, the weight of her aunt's words pressing heavily on her heart. She had heard such threats before, but each time, they seemed to cut deeper. With a final glare, Aunt Martha stormed out of the kitchen, leaving Grace alone with her thoughts. She stood there for a moment, taking in the chaos of the kitchen--the overturned glass, the scattered discharge--before slowly beginning to clean up. 

 Grace's hands trembled as she picked up the broken pieces of glass. She couldn't help but wonder why her aunt hated her so much. Despite everything, Grace had always tried to be obedient, to stay out of trouble, but it never seemed to be enough. She loved her aunt, the only family she had left, but it was clear her feelings were not reciprocated. 

 As she worked, her mind drifted to the future. Grace had always dreamed of escaping her current life, of finding someone who would love her and take her away from the misery she endured daily. She imagined a rich billionaire sweeping her off her feet, rescuing her from her aunt's tyranny. It was a fantasy she clung to, a beacon of hope in her otherwise bleak existence. 

 Grace's seventeenth birthday was only a few months away. She often prayed that by then, she would find true love. She believed in love deeply, almost naively, and held onto the hope that it would save her from her current life. Stories of werewolves had always fascinated her, tales of powerful, mysterious beings hiding among humans. She didn't know if they were real, but the thought of them excited her. Maybe, just maybe, one day she will find herself in such a fantastical world. 

 After cleaning the kitchen, Grace felt the need to talk to someone, to vent her frustrations and sadness. She reached for her phone and dialed her best friend, Fred. Fred had been her rock through the years, always there to listen and offer comfort. What Grace didn't know was that Fred harbored a secret crush on her, a feeling he had kept hidden for fear of complicating their friendship. 

 The phone rang a few times before Fred picked up. " Hey, Grace, " he said, his voice warm and reassuring. " What's wrong? " 

 Grace's voice broke as she began to speak. " It's Aunt Martha again. She ... She said she wishes I had died with my parents. " The tears she had been holding back finally spilled over, and she sobbed into the phone. 

 Fred's heart aches hearing her cry. " I'm so sorry, Grace. She shouldn't say things like that. You're worth so much more than she makes you feel. " 

 Grace sniffled, wiping her tears away with the back of her hand. " I just don't know what to do, Fred. I feel so trapped here. " 

 "Why don't we meet at our usual spot?" Fred suggested. " We can talk more there, and you can get away from your aunt for a while. " 

 Grace nodded, even though Fred couldn't see her. " Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes. " 

 Hanging up the phone, Grace quickly grabbed her coat and slipped out of the apartment, careful not to make any noise that might alert her aunt. The night air was cool against her skin as she made her way to the park where she and Fred often met. It was a small sanctuary for her, a place where she could find some semblance of peace. 

 As she walked, her mind wandered back to the tales of werewolves she had read about. She wondered if there was any truth to them. Could there be creatures out there living in the shadows, hiding their true selves from the world? She found the idea both thrilling and terrifying. 

 Little did Grace know, the world of werewolves was very real, and she was about to be thrust into its heart. 


 In the heart of the werewolf realm, Lutheran tensions were rising as well. Vincent Savage, a young werewolf with a leading but powerful build, stood amidst a group of wolves. His dark hair and striking eyes marked him as someone different, but it was his small stature in wolf form that made him a target. 

 "Hey, smallish wolf," Damien sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. Damien was everything Vincent was not--tall, broad, and menacing. He had a commanding presence that made others wary of crossing him. 

 Vincent kept his gaze steady, refusing to be intimidated. He had learned long ago that reacting to Damien's taunts only fueled his rival's cruelty. 

 " What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? " Damien continued, stepping closer. 

 Vincent remained silent, his jaw clenched in determination. He knew Damien was trying to provoke him, but he wouldn't give him satisfaction. 

 Frustrated by Vincent's lack of response, Damien's expression darkened. He moved swiftly, shoving Vincent with enough force to send him stumbling backward. " You don't belong here, " Damien hissed. " You're too small to be considered a real werewolf. " 

 Vincent's eyes flashed with anger, and he straightened, meeting Damien's game with defiance. " And you're not fit to be the Alpha, " he shot back, his voice laced with sarcasm. 

 Damien's eyes widened in fury. " What did you say to me? " he growled, stepping even closer. 

 " You heard me, " Vincent replied, his voice steady despite the tension crackling in the air. 

 Damien's face contorted with rage, and without warning, he lunged at Vincent. The other wolves, sensing a fight, quickly formed a circle around them, eager to see the outcome. Vincent braced himself for Damien's first came flying towards him. He dodged the blow with a speed that took Damien by surprise. 

 A fight broke out, the forest echoing with the sounds of snarling and growling. Vincent fought with everything he had, his movements almost a blur as he landed punch after punch on Damien. Despite his smaller size, Vincent was quick and agile, his strength surprising his attackers. 

 Damien, along with a few of his loyal followers, tried to overpower Vincent, but he held his ground, his determination unwavering. Finally, Vincent saw an opening and took it, delivering a powerful blow that sent Damien sprawling to the ground. 

 Breathing heavily, Vincent glared at Damien. " You'll never be Alpha, " he said, his voice cold and unwavering. 

 Damien struggled to his feet, his eyes burning with hatred. " I'm going to get you, Vincent, " he spat. 

 " That is if you catch me, " Vincent replied, turning and fleeing into the forest. He knew he couldn't stay and fight forever. His best chance was to find a place to hide and regroup. 

 As Vincent ran, his mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. He had always known that Damien saw him as a rival, but the intensity of his hatred was staggering. Vincent knew he had to be careful, now more than ever. His position in the pack was precarious, and one wrong move could mean his downfall. 


 Back in Mario, Grace arrived at the park, her heart heavy with the weight of her aunt's cruel words. She spotted Fred sitting on their usual bench, a look of concern etched on his face. As soon as he saw her, he stood up and enveloped her in a comforting hug. 

 " Hey, " he said softly, pulling back to look at her. " You okay? " 

 Grace shook her head, fresh tears spilling down her cheeks. " No, I'm not okay, Fred. I don't think I ever will be. " 

 Fred led her to the bench, and they sat down together. "Tell me what happened," he urged gently. 

 Grace took a deep breath, trying to steady her voice. " Aunt Martha was angry again. She said she wished I had died with my parents. I don't understand why she hates me so much. I've tried so hard to be good, to make her happy, but nothing I do is ever enough. " 

 Fred's heart aches for her. He hated seeing Grace in so much pain. " Grace, it's not your fault. Your aunt is a bitter, angry person. Her words don't define you. " 

 Grace looked at him, her eyes filled with sadness. " But they still hurt. I just wish I could escape from all of this. Maybe find someone who will love me and take me away. " 

 Fred's heart pounded in his chest. He wanted to be that someone for her, but he knew now wasn't the time to confess his feelings. Instead, he squeezed her hand, reassuring her. " You will, Grace. I know you will. You're strong, and you deserve so much better than this. " 

 They sat in silence for a while, the night enveloping them in a peaceful cocoon. Grace leaned her head on Fred's shoulder. The stars twinkled above them, providing a brief respite from their troubles. 

 Grace sighed, the weight of the world still heavy in her heart.