
Chapter 1: Whispering Winds

She was running, her breaths coming out in ragged gasps, trying desperately to keep pace with the man in front of her. His long, white hair shimmered in the darkness as he walked further and further into the woods. She opened her lips to speak, but before she could utter a word, he vanished into thin air.

"Shhhhrrrrr," the sound of the wind echoed in her ears, waking her suddenly from her recurring dream. Her pale, bare skin felt the cold draft that blew through the window, causing the curtains to flutter. She sat up, her blanket lying haphazardly on the floor. With a quick flick of her hand, she switched on the lamp beside her bed and closed the window. The clock indicated it was around five in the morning, and the long night was gradually yielding to the dawn. Wrapping the blanket around her body, she laid back down and drifted back to sleep.

It was Christmas Eve of 2019, a day that passed like any other, devoid of surprises. It held no special significance for her, though she couldn't help but notice the joy in the faces of families celebrating together, making it the best day of their lives.

Her name was June Green, and as her mom used to tell her when she was a child, "Juno means the Greek queen of goddesses, which connects vitality, energy, and eternal youthfulness." Born in June, she carried the name of her birth month. June was a twenty-year-old girl who had recently overcome a painful breakup.

Family was a delicate topic for June; her parents had tragically passed away in a car accident when she was only ten years old. She was the lone survivor. She had a mother's friend, Aunt Mary, who was in her late thirties with white skin, short curly red-brown hair, and beautiful blue eyes. Aunt Mary, a librarian, had a son named Thomas, an eight-year-old with an infectious cheerfulness. Their home was thirty minutes away from June's.

[Phone rings]

Picking up the phone, a voice called out loudly, "JUNEEeee... It's Christmas, girl! Come to our home. We have prepared lots of food you'll love, and it's going to be an amazing night. I have a surprise for you. Helloo...?" The voice belonged to Lisa White, June's best friend and the younger sister of Aunt Mary. Lisa had short black hair, dark brown eyes, and a hot, tanned complexion, owing to her love for traveling and partying. She was a striking contrast to her sister, but since June first met her ten years ago, Lisa had become her closest friend and confidante.

"Of course, I am coming. I have a surprise for you as well," June replied. Lisa's excitement was evident in her voice.

"Okay, I'll call my sis as well. Be here on time, okay? Love you, bye." The call ended.

"Phew..." June exhaled deeply; it was already one in the afternoon, and she still needed to shower. The little white cat that sometimes followed her around was nowhere to be seen. "Guess she's not hungry," June mumbled to herself.

Her residence was at the highest level of the city, perched atop a hill. To reach the bus stop, she had to walk about ten minutes, and fifteen minutes to get to the subway station. It was a serene and peaceful location. June had rented the top floor with a roof in a three-story building, making it the tallest around. She took pride in nurturing many plants and flowers, with the "White Rose" being her favorite.

June's dwelling consisted of two small connected rooms, occupying three-quarters of the roof. An external staircase allowed direct access from the ground level, but due to her busy schedule juggling various jobs to cover student loans and bills, she hadn't gotten to know her neighbors well. She used to have a beautiful home and family, but that was long ago, a fleeting moment in time. She had to sell her father's old red van last year to make ends meet, a difficult decision to make.

After her shower, she dressed warmly and wrapped a red scarf, lovingly crafted by her late mother, around her neck. With the scarf embracing her like a tender hug, she set off for the Christmas party.