
Veil of Another World

In a world where magic weaves through the very fabric of life, Alex, a young man burdened with regrets from his past life, finds a second chance in a medieval realm brimming with enchantment and peril. Determined not to repeat his past mistakes, Alex vows to embrace this new world with an open heart and a spirit of adventure...

GaloreFern · Fantasy
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26 Chs


The air was already thick with the residue of our spells as Lena and I faced Corvus, the ground beneath us scorched and slick with ice in equal measure. We were in the thick of battle, our initial exchanges with Corvus having proven that we were not the novices he might have remembered. Each spell we cast was a testament to our growth, a blend of the fiery determination and fluid adaptability that had defined our journey.

Lena, with her control over wind and water, created a whirlwind of icy shards, each one aimed with precision that had become second nature to her. Her advanced rank in magic was evident, her spells weaving seamlessly together, challenging Corvus's defenses in ways that visibly surprised him.

I, bolstered by my intermediate mastery of light and fire, complemented her efforts with blasts of heat and blinding radiance, aiming to penetrate the barriers Corvus erected with ease. The sword at my side, though primarily a symbol of my journey, felt alive with potential, waiting for the moment to be called upon.

Corvus, for his part, seemed to relish the challenge at first, his earth magic responding with a life of its own, creating barriers and projectiles that tested our agility and resolve. But as we managed to land a few well-placed strikes, the amusement faded from his eyes, replaced by a focused intensity that spoke of a shift in the battle's tide.

"You've learned well," Corvus acknowledged, dusting off his cloak from the remnants of Lena's last attack. His gaze then hardened, the playful mentor no more. "But it seems I've been underestimating you. Let's see how you fare when I get serious."

With those words, the very atmosphere changed. Corvus's stance deepened, and the elements themselves seemed to pause, as if awaiting his command. The ground rumbled, not with the localized intent of his previous attacks but with a deep, resonant power that felt more primal, more connected to the earth's core.

Lena and I shared a quick glance, a mutual recognition of the danger we were about to face. We had pushed Corvus to reveal his true power, and now we would see the full might of an emperor-class mage unleashed.

Without warning, the battle escalated. Corvus summoned a torrent of elemental magic that was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. Flames hotter than any I had conjured roared towards us, met by gusts of wind so sharp they cut through the air like blades. Water surged up from the ground, attempting to ensnare us, while stones shot towards us with deadly precision.

We fought back with a desperation born of necessity, our spells a blend of defense and counterattack, trying to find a rhythm in the chaos. Lena's mastery of wind and water was our saving grace, her ability to divert and manipulate Corvus's attacks buying us precious seconds to regroup and retaliate.

My own contributions felt increasingly futile against the onslaught, but I refused to back down, channeling every bit of my knowledge into creating openings for Lena's more powerful strikes. The sword at my side suddenly seemed like the key—a focus for my magic and determination. With a shout, I charged, light and fire coalescing around the blade as I aimed for Corvus.

The collision of our powers was cataclysmic, a shockwave of energy that sent us all reeling. For a moment, Corvus's guard dropped, the briefest lapse in his otherwise impenetrable defense.

It was all we needed. Lena, seizing the moment, launched a concentrated blast of icy water directly at Corvus, hitting him square in the chest and sending him staggering back, his concentration broken.

Breathing hard, we prepared for his counterattack, but instead of immediate retaliation, Corvus paused, a wry smile creeping across his face as he regained his composure.

"Very well," he said, his voice carrying a new edge. "You've earned this much. Let's see how you handle what comes next."