
Vegeta Hakaishin[Hiatus]

A boy dies and get reincarnated in Vegeta body and get his soul merged with the original. Now follow his history of dominance and how he put not only Vegeta name but also his Saiyan race at the top of all universe. I do not own the Dragon Ball series. All rights are reserved to Akira Toriyama.

Odd_Hound · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Trunks Saga 2

In a few days Vegeta was already set in Bulma house. Her parents didn't find annoying how much people they daughter brought home, and welcomed everyone.

While most of them are busy setting the Namekians that came along too, Vegeta was busying himself trying to find a specific Namekian which would help him get stronger.

Normally it would be crazy to see Vegeta asking to train with anyone. He was a lonely guy, who likes to do things at his pace and alone.

But this time he needs the Namekian help. He needs to grow stronger enough to try and reach for Super Saiyan as fast as possible.

It would be better to build a gravity chamber and train there for a few months.

But right now he doesn't have the opportunity to ask that for Dr Brief.

So he is relying on Piccolo this time.

Both have a closer battle power, with Piccolo probably being stronger. They are close to 3 million. Vegeta feels that if he train with the Namekian, and with the Zenkai boost acting on his body he will be able to reach 4 million or more in no time.

Allowing him a good foot to becoming a Super Saiyan with the right trigger.

So he went to find Piccolo with these thoughts.

He was not difficult to find, while on earth the Namekian let his battle power low, but it still too high for earth standards.

After that he just need to point a lonely place, and he would probably be there.

He was able to find the Namekian on a remote place. There's no civilization around.

It would help, since their battle could get ugly pretty fast.

Vegeta was suppressing his ki, but he make sure to not let it be see as hostile. Whit this he approach Piccolo, only to see that he was in meditation.

So while making sure to announce his presence he waits until the man was ready.

When Piccolo finished it he stands up from the boulder and looked at Vegeta, trying to figure out what he wants.

Piccolo could sense that he was not hostile, but he still didn't trust the man.

He could do anything for all he knows. So he waits until the man spoke.

Vegeta:"I'll be direct, i want to train with you for a few days. A battle without killing"

Probably the best way to handle Piccolo was being as forward as possible.

He would convince himself if there is any gain or losses from this.

Piccolo took some time to analyze it. Fighting a Saiyan right now is beneficial to him, his goal is still surpass Goku, but he knows that right know he needs to work really hard for that.

Maybe seeing how a Saiyan fight everyday would give him a bit of insight.

But he still wants to make sure that there is no trick on this.

Piccolo:" Is this because Son was able to achieve the legendary Super Saiyan, that why you become so desperate to even ask for others help?"

"I judge you as a prideful guy who would try to surpass him alone, even if that kill you in the process"

Piccolo was right, he was like that, but his newfound personality allows him suppress this ego and acknowledge that other people have a lot to teach.

He didn't care about Kakarrot right now, there is a big fish on the game.

Big enough that both him and Kakarrot will have problems even if they team up.

God of destruction, Beerus.

He was his ultimate goal right now, they path would collide. Because Vegeta was aiming to become a God of destruction too.

But he can't say it right now so he went with the easy answer.

Vegeta:" True. In normal circumstances that is"

Piccolo:" You meaning..."

Vegeta:" Knowing Kakarrot do you think he would finish Freeza by himself?"

Piccolo though on this too, they both know how soft heart Goku is, and how much he like a challenge. If the person has the potential to become stronger he will spare them.

Both of them are those people that he spared.

But yet-

Piccolo:"There is no way that Freeza survive the explosion, even if he did it still the vacuum of space, i doubt he would survive that"

Vegeta:"He will, and even if he doesn't survives there still his father and brother, they are strong too and may harbor thoughts of revenge."

"Being prepared for it would not hurt, that is my motivation right now"

Piccolo though a bit about it, indeed they can still enact they revenge on Son, and earth would be dragged on it.

Become stronger right now would only bring benefits.

Piccolo:" Fine, but don't expect me to teach you anything, i only want to see what I'm capable of at this moment."

Vegeta nod his head, now is where things would get started.

He fixed his gloves and look at Piccolo while smiling.

Vegeta:"Fight me with everything that you got, it would be disappointed if it end fast"

Piccolo smiles at the comments, when it comes to fight they both reveal they true colors.

Warriors and Martial artist who thirsty for a good battle.

Vegeta though that it was finally the time to test the capabilities of this body. Although he has plenty of memories of his fights, a good practice would give him a better control of this body.

In the future he was fighting faster and stronger opponent, so right now he needs to adapt his mind to this body, who is a lot weaker.

And with this thought he entered in his classic battle position, he will start slowly and see how much he can achieve.

Piccolo readily enter his Battle position too. Although he said that he would use all his power, he still had his weighed clothes on himself.

While Vegeta was with his damaged battle gear. He still needs to ask Bulma to make some Saiyan gear to him yet. It as thought for a latter moment.

Without any warning both started at the same time, clashing hand to hand at first.

Both are somewhat tactical fighters, they try to read they opponent and see if they can counter they weakness. Though Piccolo is better at this, Vegeta still have his brawler style from his saiyan bloodline.

They quickly changed a few blows, any normal person would only see a few afterimages of they exchange, but for both that was still low level. Only testing each other.

Piccolo aimed for a jab at Vegeta face, the latter quickly dodge and came with a kick at the Namekian side. He was able to block with one hand but he left his other side open for a weak blast that push him a few feet behind.

Whit that both stopped, Piccolo understood that he need to go all out to have any benefit from this fight. So he took out his weighted clothes.

His power rose to a new level. This was an early method of training with gravity, Vegeta himself knew the benefits of training with weights on your body.

You need to have better control over your power, needs to spend less Ki to do simple things. Your movements became sharper more deadly and faster.

So now he is finally taking it seriously, and it show when he moves fast for a kick at Vegeta guts.

The latter was able to block, though a bit late and was send flying, but the combo didn't end there. It was followed by a blast that make his body fly a bit higher, where Piccolo appear to deliver a punch and send him to the ground.

Vegeta took the fall to ground, the damage wasn't to big, but while he was busy thinking on what to do a knee came from above, aiming to bury him even more at ground. Vegeta was able to narrowly escape, but the results was an enormous crater at the ground.

Vegeta took a deep breath and prepare again, this time he was going on defensive. Piccolo took it as an invite and went with everything.

Piccolo was fast, he could hit vital places and seep the stamina of his opponent without much effort. But Vegeta was adapting too fast, even for a saiyan.

He was too able to make his body adapt to the decades of fighting experience that he had in his minds.

Soon enough Piccolo hit was being blocked and countered on a regular basis. His speed was not to special anymore.

The battle was intense enough to alert Gohan, though he didn't intervened, he was asking why they are fighting each other.

At this time he was still on Bulma house, initially he was going to take a look at the battle. But decide against it, he need to help here, and needs to find a good excuse to tell his mother about why he didn't make his lessons.

While Gohan was worried about it, Vegeta and Piccolo was at the verge of end this.

They are both bleeding a lot from the hits, and they clothes are torn. Only 30 min passed after the started of the fight.

Piccolo was thinking that Saiyan are really a weird race, the more the fight progress the more stronger they became, especially Vegeta, his grow was out of the word.

He could tell that at some point he was stronger than him, but know they are equal, with the chance of Vegeta passing him if they continue like this.

But not only Vegeta gain from this fight, for some reason Piccolo feels that he was battling against someone far experience in fighting. He feels tha Vegeta didn't expend a lot of Ki on his moves and make sure to fix his shortcomings after they are showed.

To him Vegeta was a good example to learn from practice, he only aimed for his weak spots, so Piccolo was too able to see them and try to fix it in the middle of the fight.

He was learning and growing strong too.

That actually surprised Piccolo a bit, fighting against this guy was a lot helpful.

After thinking a bit from this Piccolo made his move, he opens with a few blasts that Vegeta easily swiped to the side. Piccolo expected that and prepare to deliver a kick at his torso.

But that was his feint, Piccolo lower his legs a little bit and aimed at Vegeta legs, he wants to take off his ground to give him a chance to do a stronger hit.

But Vegeta just jump to avoid the hit, Piccolo's feet connect to the ground making another of the dozens crates that they already made.

With the jump Vegeta lifted his legs and kicks Piccolo chin sending him to the air.

Now that Vegeta was becoming faster, his reaction to Piccolo hit and feints became better. He became predicable.

He aimed a few blast at Piccolo and quickly follow with another kick at his back and a punch at his guts that brought him to the ground, creating a scar at the terrain.

The fight was over, Piccolo was gasping for air and Vegeta was standing looking at him.

A good smile on his face he learned a lot from the Namekian. So out of respect he extended his hand to him.

Piccolo saw that and laugh a little bit, accepting the help.

Piccolo:"hufh..I lost this one... growing while fighting is really a trait that feats you guys"

Vegeta nods and laugh a bit.

Vegeta:"We can only grow fighting stronger opponents, the stronger the better"

Piccolo:"Makes sense how that guy became strong so fast"

They looked at each other and smirks, after a good fight they can grow to respect each other as fighters.

Vegeta looked at his body for a bit, it was damaged to the limit, almost perfect for the Zenkai to work, now he only need to heal it.

He can spend a few days healing it to the fullest, to see how much he will gain from this. But now thinking about it, he should have asking for some Senzu beans before entering the fight.

Or at least he should have brought Dende with him, if so he could fight all day and have a lot of gains.

He will remember to try and visit Dende while he was still on earth, if he's not wrong he will stay here for 1 year, he can use him as a healing machine for the time being.

Speaking of healing Piccolo was healing some of his wound with his self healing ability, a very convenient one to have.

Shame that he could choose only 1 boon from God before, if it was 2 he could ask for a regeneration ability.

Maybe he can ask for the Dragon Balls, thought he will need to wait for half a year for that. It's better to put that on his list to remember.

In any case this fight was a good lesson to him, he was able to catch up and surpass Piccolo based solely on experience, his body started to react better as the fight drags on until he reached his peak.

Overall it was a good experience. He would want to keep this pace for a few days, so he asked Piccolo to accompanied him on this. The latter agreed to his own benefits too.

After that both went their way. Reaching Bulma house the scene that greet him was a weird one.

Bulma was standing in the garden with her hands at her hips, behind her was a dome like shape house with the writing of Capsele Corp. on it.

Looking at Vegeta state Bulma frown so hard that he thought that she was entering in some kind of battle mode right there. Vegeta thought that he didn't had time to indulge the woman right now. His body was tired and he need to heal it fast to go back to training. Also there are other things that he wants to check first.

Vegeta wants to talk with Dr.Brief right now about the Gravity chamber, so he just walked forward without pay much attention to the girl. This actually worsen her mood, he should at least look and talk a bit with her since he is staying at their home.

And what about his clothes all torn and all the blood, the fool was fighting again. She could actually feel a bit of the vibration of their fight, though not so good as Gohan could.

So she was worried. Not even her knew why she was, but she could not help it. So she makes sure that he could see how much trouble he is giving her right know.

With that in mind she pointed at him with her finger and demanded.

Bulma:"Bath, now, you stink, and change the clothes too, there is no way you are entering here like this"

Vegeta stop at his track for a few seconds. The true is, he forgot how much pain in the ass this woman can be. Though he was thinking that he wants to see what kind of attitude she will have when he wipes that selfish smug of her face.

So he changed his course and went directly to her. Much to Bulma dismay. Although she was a strong girl, that was only when it comes to be courageous. She wasn't that strong when it comes to temptation. And to her, that almost naked man in front at her was enough temptation.