
Vegeta Hakaishin[Hiatus]

A boy dies and get reincarnated in Vegeta body and get his soul merged with the original. Now follow his history of dominance and how he put not only Vegeta name but also his Saiyan race at the top of all universe. I do not own the Dragon Ball series. All rights are reserved to Akira Toriyama.

Odd_Hound · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Tournament Saga[2]

Inside a lab sat a purple man with his legs crossed on top of a table, his arms locked behind his head. He was looking at some screens that were displaying videos of battles, either happening or having already occurred, in this timeline or another.

The man was content with the outcomes, indifferent to whether the good guys won or lost. His sole objective was to gather enough energy generated by their battles to further his research.

Now, he eagerly awaited a certain Doctor who was undoubtedly evil, yet they shared a bond through the sheer madness of their minds. Every moment of their lives was consumed by this pursuit—it was their essence and their purpose.

The purple man had assisted the doctor in constructing the ultimate android, with hopes that they might achieve the doctor's desired goal, or perhaps not. Nevertheless, the purple man was unconcerned.

"I hope this will be a grand battle. The presence of certain individuals here makes it even more exhilarating. But I must bide my time; there will be a perfect moment to act," he chuckled. Though he was still pursued by his adversaries, he couldn't and didn't want to stop now.

At the very least, he wished to witness the outcome of this reality. If the pieces fell into place, he might be able to utilize them for his own plans.

"Perhaps I should make some slight alterations to that future as well. It poses the risk of easier discovery, but it would be an intriguing territory to explore," he mused to himself, with thousands of plans and schemes racing through his mind.

"Yes, let's do it. If luck is on my side, things may become even more captivating there," he concluded. If she were here, Thights would say he resembled the archetypal mad scientist, albeit with a certain charm about him.

He was neither good nor evil.

Merely a scientist.


After Trunks finished his training, Vegeta ceased his intense training and focused more on meditation and Ki control. He aimed to perfect his control to delve even deeper into his Godly Ki, a crucial aspect of his path to invincibility.

Of course, he didn't neglect his family, making sure to spend time with everyone as much as possible. He went on dates with Bulma and Tights. He also went on a date with Bikini, who didn't want to go shopping for clothes or visit parks like the other two. Instead, she had a sweet house in mind that she wanted to visit.

Another member who spent time at Vegeta's home was Android 18. She dropped hints, indicating her desire for Vegeta to take her out and buy the clothes he had promised her. Although she praised Bulma and Tights for their clothing choices, she wanted some new outfits for herself. Since Vegeta was the one who destroyed her wardrobe, he had to buy her new clothes now.

Vegeta assured her that once all their current problems were resolved, they could go shopping as many times as she wanted. She was almost jumping with joy, he noticed that even though she no longer considered herself fully human, she still had a girl's heart. She maintained a sense of rivalry with him, not wanting to lose again, yet she had a laid-back attitude as if it wasn't important at that moment.

While training, Trunks made sure to visit Gohan and Goku, spending some time with them. He informed Vegeta later that Piccolo had disappeared somewhere and when Goku tried to sense his Ki, it led him to the Lookout.

Vegeta smiled upon hearing this information. He was already a Super Namekian, but fusing with his other self would bring him closer to the power he remembered from his future.

Another person who left and disappeared was Android 17. He mentioned wanting to participate in the tournament, but before that, he wanted to explore the natural world of this reality. He never returned, leaving Android 18 behind.

Finally, the preparations for the tournament were completed. After two weeks, they would bring an end to this spectacle once and for all.

They decided to set up the ring in a remote, deserted location where no one was allowed to approach, ensuring no audience would be present. Instead, drones equipped with cameras would transmit the event live over the internet and various channels. The public interest was not significant, with only a few people curious to see what it was all about.

The rules of the tournament would be the same as any other:

-No killing inside the ring.

-If you were knocked out of the ring or if any part of your body left the ring, you would lose.

-There's no time for the battle.

And so on.

Most people simply went online to catch a glimpse of these supposed super beings. Although they weren't under threat this time, they were still curious about the outcome of the tournament.

At Vegeta's house, Bikini, Bulma, and Tights were watching the event on their TV. Android 18 and Trunks joined Vegeta, allowing them to be closer to the battle and watch from there.

"I hope nothing bad happens. Vegeta's luck isn't always the best," Tights expressed her concern. Despite witnessing Vegeta's strength firsthand in battle, she still showed great concern for her husband.

"Seriously, it'll be fine, sis. Big Trunks is there too, and my husband isn't weak," Bulma reassured her. Trunks was in Bulma's lap, watching the TV as if he wished to be there.

"Hmm, maybe I'll make a cake if they win. He liked the last one," Bikini pondered which sweets she should prepare for Vegeta.

Both sisters chuckled at the scene and turned their attention back to the screen.

In a desert location, the fighters awaited the start of the show. Those who had arrived were Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta, Trunks, Android 17, Krillin, Yamcha, and Tenshinhan. The last 3 believed it was too early for them to participate in such a competition, so they were merely spectators. Android 18 also stood on the sidelines, watching the action. Although she had the desire to fight against Vegeta again, she decided to postpone it for another time. This stage was meant for them.

After a few minutes of waiting, they could sense two powerful Ki energies approaching. One of them was the highest they had ever sensed in their lives. They landed near the ring and walked towards the group, the one at the front exuding an imposing presence as if he already owned the entire place.

The being bore a striking resemblance to a cicada. He had a green body with black dots, and his Ki resembled that of the strongest warriors on Earth, as well as Frieza and his father. He was accompanied by Android 21, who walked neither too close nor too far from him.

'Ho, he really took our cells back then, and this form... Now that's interesting. What kind of outcome will he bring?' Vegeta pondered to himself as they approached. Cell was already in his strongest Perfect form, being an Android born without the need to absorb the other two.

Cell approached the ring with Android 21 trailing behind him.

Goku stepped forward fearlessly and locked eyes with Cell. He could sense the immense power emanating from him, and it fueled his own determination.

"So, you're Cell. You're pretty strong. Let's give it our best," Goku said, saluting him.

"Son Goku... My programming allows me to go all out against you. Unfortunately for you, I was born perfect, so there's no chance of you winning. Just make sure you don't bore me too much," Cell replied with a confident tone. As an Android brought into his perfect state, he was the most powerful creation that Dr. Gero had managed to make. He took pride in his strength, not in Gero himself. There was nothing he believed he couldn't accomplish.

"Where is Dr. Gero? I imagine he wouldn't want to miss such a spectacle," Android 17 asked, although most people already knew the answer.

"He's dead. His greatest creation is already here. There's no use for the man anymore," Cell answered with a cold voice. He didn't care about Gero; the man was not his father, only his creator. Gero had given birth to something that surpassed him, hoping to achieve what he himself couldn't.

"He can die in peace, knowing that his dream will come true. By my hands."

Androids 17 and 18 didn't pay much attention. They had long disobeyed Gero's programming. They were fortunate that they didn't explode before Bulma removed their bombs.

However, Android 21 had a troubled expression on her face.

She may not have liked Dr. Gero's methods, but he was still their creator, the one who brought them into existence. What troubled her most was the instability of the new android, Cell. She feared that if things went wrong, he might not spare anyone, not even the planet.

'...He is far too unstable, Dr. Gero. Why did you create such a flawed being?'

Despite this realization, they proceeded with the tournament. The battles would be determined by drawing lots. Each participant took a number, and whoever had the same number would be their opponent.

Piccolo vs. Android 17

Vegeta vs. Cell

Goku vs. Android 21

Gohan vs. Trunks

"This time I was the lucky one," Vegeta said with satisfaction. He was pleased that he wouldn't have to worry about others having to fight Cell first.

Goku had a sullen expression, feeling like he had drawn the short straw. However, he was also a bit happy because he knew Android 21 was still strong.

Vegeta smiled, confident in his upcoming battles. He could see Cell's strength and believed he could defeat him easily, unless Cell had a hidden advantage. He also had confidence in fighting against Android 21. Although it was stated that she had more potential than Cell, she would serve as a good sparring partner.

The first battle was between Piccolo and Android 17. Piccolo jumped into the ring, followed by 17. Piccolo exuded a calm aura, but his presence carried even greater pressure, despite his hidden power level. Those who knew him well already understood what he had been doing during the two-week preparation period.

As they faced each other in the ring, 17 smirked and said, "Hurry up and don't disappoint me. I want a good warm-up before fighting that Saiyan."

Piccolo responded by taking off his weighted clothes and tossing them to the ground, leaving a dent in the arena floor.

"I, too, want to fight against someone else," Piccolo declared. He looked at 17 and raised his Ki to a high level, causing lightning to flicker around his body for a moment. The pressure alone would send most people flying. He smirked confidently.

"I'll be sure to end it quickly."

Thanks for reading it.

I'll try to upload another chapter tomorrow since it will be their fight.

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