
Vegeta Hakaishin[Hiatus]

A boy dies and get reincarnated in Vegeta body and get his soul merged with the original. Now follow his history of dominance and how he put not only Vegeta name but also his Saiyan race at the top of all universe. I do not own the Dragon Ball series. All rights are reserved to Akira Toriyama.

Odd_Hound · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

The 3 Years 1

-Back on Earth-

An old man was tirelessly working on what he would call ''his life project''. He was able to acquire advanced schematics which would further his research even more. He reckoned that it had at least made his project evolve a dozen years in the future. He was almost close to the definitive conclusion. He had already analyzed everything that he should and had made his calculi. There is no way that he will lose, not with the beings that he was giving birth to inside this lab.

He will have his revenge and with this he will be able to prove his own intelligence. And for that, he is willing to do anything. Not only kidnapping orphan children, but experimenting on himself, his child and wife.

He was looking at a large four-legged cicada inside the bright tank filled with green water. The computer was making all the sequences without rest and adapting the experiment the best that they could. What would have taken decades to finish, now would only take a measly 3 years at max. This and the other one were his best projects. He was deemed them as perfect when complete.

But he would only use them in an emergency case, one that would be required in case his calculus went wrong. Thus, he turned around to look at his now complete version of a backup plan.

"Both of you can be considered my first Super creation. Thus, naming you Super 17 and Super 18 will not be bad."

He looked at 2 young people sleeping inside a-coffin like machine. They both look alike. Of course they look, they are twins.

One was a man of around 20 in age, he had black hair and a scarf was wrapped around his neck, he would be deemed handsome by most people. The other one was a woman, blond in hair with a curvaceous appearance. She would be considered beautiful in any place.

"My creations will surpass everything. Even you, Son Goku".

What the old man failed to calculate, was that his plan would be thrown into disarray by a number of factors. Unfortunately to him, these factors are unpredictable.


At the Capsule Corp.

Bulma was fiddling with some magazines and thinking about what to do with her bored self. When she felt a vibration coming from the garden. She took a look at it and she saw one of their company spaceships landing there.

Without much thought, she ran there, since she knew who was inside. She was thinking about how she should present herself. Scold him for making her bored? Maybe tease him a bit since he didn't took her with him on the trip, which must have made him bored too.

'He only thinks about training most of the time. Maybe I should give a piece of my mind just for the fun, since he let a beautiful girl like me all alone here' Bulma was smiling and thinking on how to do this little mischief.

But when she saw the scene in front of her, her face went into a number of emotions. She saw Vegeta coming out of the ship with a woman that resembled her sister a lot, hugging his arms. And he wasn't doing anything to stop it.

"Y-You, Vegeta, what are you doing with….Eh w-wait. Sis?!!!" Bulma was screaming when she saw that, in fact, it was her sister.


'What was happening?'

"Ah, Yahoo Sis~." Tights waved at her while innocently smiling, pretending not to see how Bulma was almost burning her with a look.

"What are you doing clingy at my man Tights?!" She was angered. She was almost accepting the fact that Vegeta wasn't going to settle for 1 woman. But going for her mother, and now her sister...

She was the first wife, the number one on the scale and she pretended to keep that position.

"He is officially my man too. No jealous sis, if you keep looking at me like that your eyes will fall", she said with an easy smile.

Vegeta was looking at the 2 bickering a bit when he noticed the other one coming from behind them.

"~Ah~ Welcome back Vegeta-chan~I missed you" Bikini passed her daughter and went to hug Vegeta. She was kissing his face and sneaking some at his lips too.

" Yeah I'm back." He just allowed. It is not bad to have a place to go back.

"Not even you, Mama!" Bulma despaired a little bit. What is this man doing with her family?

"And you too, Vegeta! At least pretend to show a bit of discomfort. You leave your beautiful and smart girlfriend behind, and come back with another woman!" She was still angered.

"Hmph. Why would I do that? There is no discomfort here. My pride doesn't allow me to lie'' This was not what she wanted to hear. Though without saying much and before she could leash at him again, he just went there and kissed her.

"Hmmpm…❤️" She was a bit surprised at first but soon enough she just went along.

"I'm back, Bulma" he said with a bit of a smile. Her anger just evaporated right there.

"Tch..Sneak attack is unfair…" She smiled at him. "Welcome back"

They all went inside and Vegeta told them what happened on this trip. Tights too, explain to her family what she was doing so far from home. Bikini didn't have much reaction since she knew her daughter, and Bulma knew that she was just like that too, so instead of becoming too worried, they started to talk about what she found there.

Vegeta gave most of the gear to Bulma to see what she could do with it. He said that even if she reverse engineered the tech it would be fine. Especially the scouter and the Medical Machine. Although he doesn't want to be reliant on them again , most of their functions are convenient.

The search and communication from the scouters can provide information about planets and systems too. Upgrading that would be good. Convenient tool.

(Author thoughts: Especially for me.)

Capsule Corp helped Vegeta sell most of the material and equipment that he got from this trip. Especially Sky Gold, it sold at high price since on Earth it's a bit scattered, and thus valuable. Of course, with time it would lose a bit of its value if he kept bringing a lot of it, but it was of no concern to him, since now he was filthy rich. Though he is still not as rich as Bulma's family.

But that's enough money, since he was able to buy a Manor. It was close enough to Capsule Corp but in a secluded place. He was able to reform the old Manor there and make it bigger. He wants to have enough space to add training equipment too.

He asked for a training room with all the equipment that he needed, including a gravity machine, robots, a strong enough room to not explode etc.. Bulma was the one to oversee it. She was acting like a wife and a manager to him.

She and Tights came to live with him after it was done. Bikini stayed at her home, but she would pay a visit there every day, bringing a lot of food that she made.

Vegeta was thankful for that because her food was the best one out of the 3. Although they contract some chefs after that, being a Saiyan, Vegeta eats a lot and they would need someone else doing the food most of the time.

But Vegeta still wanted to learn how to cook. It may be convenient in the future.

His room was a big one, with a bed big enough to support a lot of people. It didn't have much more there, since most of the time he didn't care for material things. It was already a weird step to buy a house for him.

He lets Bulma and Tights do whatever they want with it, including the money that he has. Which was reaching the hundred billions with all the things that he has.

After setting everything there, he was going to act now. First things first, he will invite Goku and Piccolo to train there. He feels that they would benefit from the Gravity machine and sparring opponents.

"Also, I plan to keep a close look at Kakarrot since his heart disease may kick anytime." He doesn't plan to let him die in this reality. Goku is the best rival that he has. They both know how to push each other further, so he doesn't plan to let him go right now.

After straightening everything inside his new house, he warns both Bulma and Tights about him going out for a bit. He gave his bye to them.

He went and took fly to Goku House.

It has been almost half a year since Trunks warning. If they are training regularly, then they should have made good progress.

Arriving there, Vegeta starts to look for Goku. He could feel their ki clashing on a nearby island. Probably training there to not destroy their place.

Arriving there, he could see 3 figures clashing at each other at high speed. The disappear and reappear in each place exchanging blows and dodging. Vegeta stopped there and waited for their section to be over.

Both are trying to prepare Gohan the best they could. While looking at them, Vegeta notices that at least at base form Piccolo was stronger than Goku. They were not going all out, but by the moves one could see who was stronger.

When they stopped, they looked at Vegeta's direction. Vegeta nodded to them and approached.

"Hey Vegeta, I thought you wouldn't join us." Goku said with his easy smile. He was happy to have another partner to train with.

"You got stronger again. What are they feeding you to grow stronger so easily?" Piccolo arched his eyebrows. He could sense that the guy was even stronger than before.

"Hmph, that's Saiyan blood for you. Though you wouldn't stay behind Piccolo. That is if you become one with that guy again." Vegeta sent a knowing look to Piccolo. Who in turn had a troubled face. He didn't like this idea a bit. Having to fuse with Kami would require a lot of effort from him. Mentally, that's it.

So instead he just pushed it aside. They talk for a bit over the fact that they had a lot to do before the Androids attacked. Vegeta was telling them of what he had done until now, including going out to another planet and killing Cooler, Frieza's brother.

"Although I was the one who killed his brother, what he initially wanted was to come to Earth to find Kakarrot." Vegeta said, looking at a serious but relieved Goku.

"I see so they are still out there. Though I'm not gonna lie that I would have liked to fight him." Goku had an almost disappointing face. He will always love strong opponents.

"It was good that you took care of him off the planet. For all we know, he could have come and destroyed the planet with everyone here." Piccolo says with eyes closed. He was thinking that there were still a lot of strong guys out there.

After getting everything on the table, they start to train again. Gohan didn't say anything, for now he wants to become stronger to help his father and friends. So he welcomed any training for those 3 years.

As always thanks for the reading.

The update may get a bit irregular on these days. Work is pilling up and i need to finish them.

But don't worry i don't plan to get done with this fanfic so soon. Still have a lot to tell with it.

Odd_Houndcreators' thoughts