
Vegeta Hakaishin[Hiatus]

A boy dies and get reincarnated in Vegeta body and get his soul merged with the original. Now follow his history of dominance and how he put not only Vegeta name but also his Saiyan race at the top of all universe. I do not own the Dragon Ball series. All rights are reserved to Akira Toriyama.

Odd_Hound · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

The 3 Years [3]

With Goku showing his symptoms early, Vegeta was able to get rid of it with Bulma's medicine that Trunks brought from the future. After a few days inside the chamber, Goku's health was renewed and they started practice again.

Since the chamber was the same as the Lookout, one year there was 1 day outside. And they can use it as much as they want to.Staying there as long as they like, of course, time would affect them too, and they would grow old like normal.

Vegeta made sure to put one of the healing machines inside it for Goku to use in case he wants to exploit his zenkai.

With this, Goku himself was making a lot of progress too. Vegeta went at him with everything and didn't let him breathe. It was a spartan training session which brought a lot of results.

Inside, Goku's base level increases to 16million and Vegeta's base level to 30million in just a few weeks. They both help each other, but since Goku couldn't put Vegeta in a death situation, his gains were a bit lower than it should at the moment.

But he reckons that soon enough Kakarrot will be able to do that and then he will be able to become even stronger. He wants the challenge and welcomed it. He wasn't dispirited that his rival was able to close the gap between them so easily. In fact, he wants more. The more this Saiyan grows, the more he will too.

Outside of the chamber, there were 2 figures exchanging blows in the training room. The room was equipped to withstand heavy pressure and hard blows, so at this level there was no problem with going a bit all out since they would not destroy the place.

Piccolo lowered his level to be able to help Gohan. What he was impressed with, though, was the speed that Gohan was growing.

'He is a Saiyan too, so that's only normal'. He thought

Gohan was doing his best to give chase and hit Piccolo, who was dodging and observing everything. Until he found a mistake in Gohan's posture and was able to hit him in the back, bringing him to the ground.

The boy was taking gulps of air and trying to get up, but Piccolo stopped him. "Let's take a rest, Gohan, after that we can continue."

"Y-yes..haa..haa~" The boy sited there.

That when they hear someone approaching them

"Hm? Vegeta is not here? I thought he was the one training here like always… Ah Gohan-chan and Piccolo, welcome." Bulma was the one who came here.

"Hello Bulma-san". Gohan greeted her. While Piccolo only nods his head.

"Hmm, I wanted to show him the new upgraded toy...Well let's test this here then" Saying that, she put a scouter on her eyes and turned it on and started scanning Gohan.

"Hmm...Power of 4.005.560..ow you are pretty strong Gohan-chan. And Piccolo….A 5.000.000...? I was sure that Vegeta said you are stronger…"

Of course, Piccolo's power was well beyond that, just suppressing himself to help train Gohan.

"A scouter?...Bulma-san, you made this one?" Gohan has a curious face looking at it.

"No. Vegeta brought some advanced models to me and asked me to upgrade it. Being the genius that I'm, of course I was able to do that." Bulma said with a smug face.

"Now they can read energy and transform it into numeric reads to understand the level of strength of someone. They can go up to 999 Billion for now.''

"Not only this, but I was able to engrave most known languages on it and most known planets too. Now, if you scan a bit of the planet and input some keywords, they can give you the info about that place."

"I'm incredible, right? Vegeta will be surprised when he sees this fufufu~" She was explaining it but Gohan didn't understand a flick of it. So he just nodded his head.

She was able to make a lot of things with all the things that Vegeta brought back. She reverse engineered their medicinal chamber and alien technology, including devices and gears, and was ready to create a product based on it. A genius indeed.

Inside the chamber, the 2 Saiyan were in a fast exchange of blows. A year had already passed. They were training with everything that they got. They were able to master the Super Saiyan transformation and were now progressing to increase its power or surpass it.

Rapid flashes of punches and kicks could be seen there. Goku was fast in his blows , his martial artist self knew how to perfectly control his energy. But Vegeta was even faster, seeing Goku's progress was helping him have even greater ambition, and thus, he was improving himself even further too.

When their fists clashed again, sending a ripple of energy around, they stopped to rest.

"Fuu~~ you really strong Vegeta! It seems that I'm barely keeping up with you. And you were even suppressing yourself", Goku said with a smile on his face. He finds it really good to go all out against someone stronger than him.

"You were the anomaly here, Kakarrot. Improving this much in a short span of time." Vegeta was looking at him like he wanted to punch his face. He was stronger and he would stay like that for the rest of their life. But the sheer determination of this guy to push beyond his limit against an opponent stronger than him was a miracle.

'That's the protagonist for you.'

"Still, it's pretty hard to go beyond the normal Super Saiyan. I have an idea but it seems that its not the right moment yet." Goku was musing a bit. Since they were able to master Super Saiyan, they were trying to surpass it on a daily basis. But they were unable to at the moment.

"Of course it wouldn't be that easy. But it's good to be like that." Vegeta said, crossing his arms. Goku looked at him with confusion.

"Why is that good? If we stay in this form forever, it will reach a time when we reach our limit, right?

"Idiot. Mastering a transformation is fine, but never let go of your base. If we work our bases further, then the transformation itself will become more potent. We shouldn't forget that." Vegeta said while thinking about how to improve his training too.

"Well, that's true". Goku nodded his head. In the end, it will come time for them to surpass themselves.

"Lets go out. It's been a year already, we should work on other things and let your son and Piccolo use it to train", Vegeta said, walking to the door.

"I cant wait to fight the Androids. Hope they are strong too. It's exciting to think about it."

Walking out of the room, the 2 went directly to where Piccolo and Gohan were. The 2 later noticed immediately how stronger these 2 Saiyan's had become in only 1 day( 1 year).

The clothes were torn apart and they had some bruises from the last sparring match. Piccolo was surprised, he never thought they would be this strong after only a year. He was thinking that the traning must have been hellish.

Gohan ran to his father to hug him, and Goku took him and tossed him in the air.

"Hahah Father, you are stronger. Stranger than before", Gohan was happy for his father, since he thinks he is the strongest in the world.

"Hahaha Gohan can be stronger than me if he wants to. And you became a bit stronger training with Piccolo."

"Were you going there too, Piccolo? It's a pretty good place to train." Goku asked him.

"Yeah, I'm taking Gohan with me. Lets see how far he can go". He started to walk towards them.

"Go with him, Gohan. After that, we can train together too" Goku let Gohan go and promised to train him later.

"Yes, father. Then I'm going". Gohan smiled and went with Piccolo in hopes of catching up with his father.

"Help him achieve Super Saiyan too, Kakarrot. The boy has a lot of potential hiding there." Vegeta said while walking to the main building.

"Yeah, he has a lot more than me. He will be strong if he keeps training." Goku followed him. They are starving so they need a banquet right now.

Entering the house, they were greeted by Bulma holding a scouter in her hands and looking happy for some reason.

They look confused at her and then Vegeta remembers that he asked her to take a look on one of their scouters. So, walking close to her, he asked.

"Did you finish it? Pretty fast too. It was to be expected, the best thing about you is your head" He nodded his head.

"Of course, your soon-to-be wife is the genius of genius. And right now she will see how much stronger her soon to be husband had become" She turned on the scouter and the numbers started to go up.

"Power up a little bit, Kakarrot, without transforming. Lets see if this toy can read it" They stopped suppressing themselves and allow their Ki to flow. It was like strong waves.

"Woww! Son-kun has a power of 72.987.700...And Vegeta..is even higher with a 97.683.489...Incredible!" Bulma was pretty surprised.

"Hmph. That's a good starting point. We have a lot of time to become even stronger" Vegeta said, nodding his head. He has this feeling that things will not be so simple in this timeline, but he will be prepared and stronger.

Cooler gave him a feeling of discomfort, like he was an anomaly. And he knows too, that some small changes in history can lead to big changes in the future. So he needs to be prepared since he is already changing a lot of things.

For exemple: If Zamasu happened to still attempt his plan in this timeline, would he be stronger, since Goku is stronger now? Or what will happen if Cell took part of his cell and is now stronger? He needs to plan for these things, because these changes are his responsibility.

But for now he should rest and spend time with his woman. Staying a year inside a chamber with a man all day is stressful.

So he kissed Bulma, praising her for the good work with the scouter.

"Hehehe~. It's a sin to have a wife so bright as I" She nodded her head

That's when Tights comes out saying "It's not good to lie so much, Sis. Though that's expected from someone that lie even their age.'' Tights was coming to like to tease Bulma a little bit.

She approaches too, kissing Vegeta.

"Bleh~, I'm not lying, I'm still in my 20s, at least my looks are. And about being his wife, it was Mama who proposed the idea, you know.." Bulma said with a smug face.

"She did, but she said ''Why don't both of you marry Vegeta-chan~''. Though I doubt it was for our happiness. It was probably for her to have a reason to visit every day." Tights added. Her mother wasn't the brightest of the people. But she was a bit smart when she wanted to.

While they were talking and not allowing Vegeta to move, Goku was poking Vegeta, asking him where the food was. Vegeta shook his head and they all went to eat.

Life is really different now. More noisy, but not so bad.

As always thanks for the reading and the feedback. you guys are helping a lot.

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