
Frieza Revenge 2

Looking at the man in the sky, Frieza started to laugh''Hohohohoho, so even after I killed you, you still came back for a beating, Vegeta. That's disgraceful even for you''

Frieza was mocking the person that he easily defeated and killed, and indeed, Vegeta was humiliated by him a year ago. But this time things are different, a lot different.

''Since you are here, I thought about paying you a visit and sending you to your place. Don't worry, I heard hell is a good place to stay, so my gift is to send you there by myself'' Vegeta says with a smirk which makes a vein pop at Frieza's head.

''Wait, you don't need to concern yourself with this f-Vegeta-san. I'll take care of it!'' The boy says with a bit of desperation in his voice. Vegeta looked at him and landed close to him.

''Here look after her, go sit somewhere else to watch a bit of the show'' Vegeta let Bulma with the boy. He couldn't fight while she was hugging him, she even wrapped her legs around him.

''Wait you can't just let me here, with a stranger of all people. He may be cute...and honestly he even looks a bit like you, but you can't just do that!'' Bulma says it much to the boy's dismay. He almost cringed.

''He is a saiyan, he's probably gonna to protect you. This is only gonna take a bit. I can entertain you after that'' Vegeta says while walking ahead already.

''Idiot, I'm warning you, even if you die the Dragon ball can't resurrect you anymore. You hear me?! After that don't come crying for me!'' Bulma was worried. She couldn't feel Ki, but she knew that Frieza was hella strong. Just being this close gave her the creep. If she met the guy alone she would have fled in panic.

''She's right, I can take care of it in an instant, you don't need to put yourself in risk'' The boy said with a lot of concern. The man was almost throwing himself in a fate that the boy must avoid at any cost.

''Humph'' Looking back at the boy, Vegeta says with a smirk ''Kakarrot is not the only Super Saiyan you know..'' The boy was startled. If what Vegeta says is true, then either he knows of the boy's identity or he himself achieved that state too.

Both shouldn't be possible at this time of the story.

Walking ahead, Vegeta stopped in front of the Father and Son.

''Did you make your amends before dying again, or better yet, did you come here to apologize? Bow down your head and ask me for forgiveness hohoho''Frieza was cocky, he didn't believe that the man in front of him could do any type of harm to him. He had already taught him a lesson. The only one that he cares about is the Super Saiyan one, not this.

''Hard to take you seriously when you are so afraid of a simple blond hair, Frieza. The ex-emperor of the universe chasing after an image. And he even brought his Papa with him'' Vegeta says with a sly smile, making another vein pop at Frieza's head.

''Hoho so that's it. Fine, I'll entertain myself with you Vegeta, before that other monkey arrives. I'll make sure to keep things like last time, and kill you at the moment that he comes.''

''Don't worry, things will not be like last time, since this time we were going for the real one'' Frieza was a bit confused at the start about what Vegeta said, and then confusion became panic. Finally, it became fear when Vegeta start to rise his power.

Bulma and the boy were already a bit far from the place to not get in the way of the battle, but not too far so in an emergency the boy could help him.

The others could feel again a strong ki rising like a wave.

''Father…?'' Gohan said. Again, he could feel a Ki similar but yet different than his father.

''Gohan, what you talking about?''Kuririn asked, looking back. They were almost at the landing place.

''This ki looks like my father back then at Frieza's fight!''Gohan was saying while hoping that it was his father, that he was finally back.

Piccolo, on the other hand, already understood everything.'So he really reached that strength too.'

Back at Frieza, he was having a hard time. The man in front of him was raising his power by a lot and his energy was awfully similar to that man. But it didn't stop there.

The ground started to shake and the sky went a bit dark again. The moment that Frieza saw a signal of Vegeta's hair change to blond, he panicked.

He went to the sky and in a fit of panic, he made a ball of energy so large that it threatened to destroy the whole planet. "Tch you and this planet can all go to hell!!!!'' Frieza screams while condensing a lot of energy on this energy ball. The ki condensed there was enormous, and sparks of electricity started to appear all around it.

''Frieza stop!! You will destroy the planet!!'' King Cold alerted Frieza yet the latter didn't want to hear. He needed to kill this man right at that moment. He would not miss this opportunity.

Vegeta's power exploded and he screamed. With this, Frieza screams along and throws the Death Ball at him, not even touching the ground and the energy was already destroying everything.

"Hohoahahaha dissapear monkey!!'' Frieza's laugh could be heard even when the surface of the ground was being rendered to dust with the enormous energy that he put into this attack. And then his laugh stopped when he could feel his Death Ball being pushed up.

"Hmph.I hope this is not the best that you can come up with, imbecile'' Vegeta's hair turned gold and his eyes were a cold blue and his power was tremendous. Even in this 1st grade form, if there's a scouter who could measure his power, it would put him at 450million.

That was too overpowering for the current Frieza, so he easily pushed back his Death Ball, making it explode in the sky close to Frieza, who tries to protect himself from the wild energy.

The others could see the explosion. They already started to fly at the moment that they felt an enormous ki signature close.

When they reach there, they saw a changed Vegeta. ''That's a Super Saiyan...Incredible, it's not my father but Vegeta-san!''Gohan says he hoped to be his father, but with a new Super Saiyan here, Frieza could be defeated.

''So that's a Super Saiyan'' Kuririn and the others were amazed. This was the first time that they had seen one. His powers were on another level.

Back to Frieza, he was screaming and almost going crazy from anger. The eyes of this monkey were the same, looking at him like he was a waste of time.

So screaming and throwing caution at the window, he attacked, trying every type of move in hopes of hitting Vegeta, but he was easily dodging everything. They started to jump from place to place, the hits that couldn't connect hit some mountains and the ground rendering dust from them. Even with this much power, he still couldn't hit him.

Vegeta let one punch connect to his face. Frieza smiled for a brief moment when he got him, until Vegeta caught his hand saying "You are awfully slow" and punched Frieza in the gut, stealing his air and making him throw up, followed by a kick sending him flying through some mountains.

He didn't let Frieza rest and appeared behind him to elbow his back. Frieza's consciousness went dark but before he could even register what happened, Vegeta punched him to the ground, burying him there.

Their levels weren't the same. Vegeta could end this in a hit, yet he was toying with him. Both of them knew, including the man that was watching everything waiting for an opportunity to strike.

King Cold saw the opening and tried to hit behind Vegeta, but what he hit was just his after image, and then he felt a strong blow on his back that stole his breath, sending him flying. It didn't stop there. Vegeta quickly appeared in front of him and kicked him down. He was buried in the ground. Then, coming from above, another knee strike from Vegeta buries him even more and creates a crater in the ground.

Vegeta comes close and Frieza tries to get up, trying to use this opportunity to land a hit, only to have it blocked and let him open for a punch at his face, following by one in the gut. He walked behind him and got his tail, tossing him in the air.

Only to come crashing at Frieza's back with an elbow, taking him to the ground to stay there with his father.

Vegeta feels that it was enough torture for him already and plans to end this.

In one of his hands, a light purple energy starts to condense. He pointed it to the duo. ''Big Bang attack!''. The energy ball, bigger than a person flies to them. At the last ditch of effort Frieza tries to stop it. It was a miracle that he could still move. But it wasn't enough.

''!!I...I'm the strongest in the universe!!!Losing to someone...ungggg. Like you!!!!!!HnnAaaaaaaaaaa!!!!''

''Hmph. what a disappointment'' Vegeta added with a bored voice.

Vegeta added a bit of strength. The explosion engulfed both of them, rendering them to dust and the ground to debris. Frieza's screams could still be heard for a moment until there was only silence, showing the end of the ex-Emperor and his father's life. He again lost to the Super Saiyan. This time there is no coming back...At least for now.

Thank all you guys for keeping reading. I'm reading all the comments and suggestion while trying to cook something up. I already have +24 chapter ready but i'm keeping revising them while writing more. Anyway thanks again.

Odd_Houndcreators' thoughts
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