
Chapter 30: Utterly and Happily Crushed


It's almost time to head back to Las Vegas, but first we have something very important to do.

"Do I look like a dick?" I ask as I straighten my bow-tie. "Should I have gone for something more casual?"

"It's your wedding day, dude," Georg says. "It's customary to wear a tux."

"I guess you're right," I say, fiddling uselessly with the tie.

There's a sharp knock on the door that's quickly followed by Holly's uncle Troy as he steps into the room. "You ready, Evan?"

"Born ready," I tell him.

He gives me a once-over. "You look good, son. No nerves?"

He's totally feeling me out. I get it. He's like a father to her, more than her own father, really. And he'll be the one giving her away today. He wants to make sure I've really left behind my womanizing ways. My words, not his. He called me the night after my very public proposal, asking me if I was sure, his warning message loud and clear - Do not hurt my Holly-dolly or I will fuck you up.