
Chapter 22: What the Actual F#CK?!


Who has two thumbs and got voted in as Pacific division starting winger for this weekend's All-Star games? This guy.

Okay, that didn't work out as well as I thought it might. Just imagine me pointing my two thumbs at myself.

Whatever. I'm psyched.

Did I mention I'm also one of four captains for this rave-up? Yep. El Capitan. That's me.

And the icing on the cake? Georg got voted onto the All-Star team. I was honestly shocked, because Georg is a bit of a wild-card and has a smaller fan base than some other players have. However, he's been on fire this season and his play has been way above-average, so there is no arguing he's right for the job.

Because there are two of us from the Crush, Fiona sends the media team to follow us through the weekend. There are skills competitions and three-on-three matches. It's going to be a total blast.