
Vega Dominion's Chosen

In the idyllic Vega Dominion, Valois, a young cultivator with a mysterious past, experiences a series of unsettling events. Originally from Earth, his life took an unexpected turn when his soul transmigrated into this fantastical world. Now, fueled by an insatiable curiosity and a unique connection to primal energy, Valois uncovers a horrifying secret. Shadowy creatures plague outlying settlements, and Valois discovers they're puppets controlled by a malevolent entity lurking beneath the land. This entity threatens to engulf the Dominion in darkness, shattering the peace Valois has come to cherish. Thrust into a desperate struggle against this unseen enemy, Valois's lack of experience is balanced by his unique connection to primal energy. He joins forces with seasoned cultivators, honing his skills and learning to wield ancient artifacts that disrupt the entity's control over the Shadow Stalkers. Caught in the middle of this complex conflict, Valois grapples with questions of trust. He must harness his connection to primal energy and unlock the true potential of the ancient artifacts. The fate of the Vega Dominion, his adopted home, hinges on Valois's ability to unravel the mysteries surrounding the Shadow Arts, expose the true enemy, and defend his new life before it's too late.

Najafi · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A Sanctuary and a Secret

The journey to the Guardian Citadel was arduous, a trek through dense forests and treacherous mountain passes. Valois, his body still recovering from his encounter with the Shadow Stalker, found solace in the rhythmic crunch of his boots on the gravel path. Despite the lingering aches, a spark of exhilaration danced in his chest. He was a cultivator, a novice yes, but a cultivator nonetheless.

Elara, his ever-silent guardian, walked several paces ahead. Her movements were effortless, a stark contrast to Valois's labored breaths and occasional stumbles. He stole a glance at her, mesmerized by the way she moved with a silent grace that spoke of honed skill and years of experience.

"Where exactly are we going?" Valois finally asked, his voice hoarse from disuse.

Elara glanced back, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "The Guardian Citadel is our sanctuary, a haven for cultivators who dedicate themselves to protecting the Vega Dominion from those who seek to exploit its power for their own nefarious ends."

"Nefarious ends?" Valois echoed, the memory of the Shadow Stalker flashing in his mind. "Like those creatures?"

Elara nodded grimly. "Shadow Stalkers are merely pawns in a much larger game. There are those who seek to disrupt the delicate balance of the Dominion, to exploit its aura for their own twisted purposes."

Valois frowned, the weight of her words settling on him. This world held more dangers than he could have ever imagined.

"But why me?" he blurted out, the question that had gnawed at him since his arrival. "Why was I brought here?"

Elara stopped walking, her gaze fixed on a distant mountain peak shrouded in mist. "There is something unique about your aura," she said, her voice laced with a hint of mystery. "The old man who brought you here sensed a power within you, a potential that could rival even the most seasoned cultivators."

"But I don't even know how to control this power," Valois said, frustration creeping into his voice. The memory of his near-devastating encounter with the moonpetal shrooms was a stark reminder of his limitations.

Elara turned to face him, her eyes searching his. "That is why you are here, child. The Guardian Citadel will train you, hone your skills, and help you unlock the true potential that lies dormant within you."

A flicker of hope ignited in Valois's chest. Training. Maybe with proper guidance, he could learn to control this newfound power, not just survive but thrive in this strange new world.

The journey continued, the landscape gradually shifting from dense forests to rolling plains dotted with quaint villages. As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the path, Elara pointed towards a cluster of buildings nestled amidst a grove of ancient trees.

"Welcome to the Guardian Citadel," Elara said, her voice echoing softly. "What is your name, young child?"

"Valois, Valois Egatya," he stammered, his gaze sweeping over the bustling activity around him.

Valois's heart hammered against his ribs. This was it, his new home, a place where he would learn the secrets of cultivation and hopefully unravel the mysteries of his own existence.

The Citadel itself was a marvel of architectural ingenuity. Buildings constructed from a pearly white stone rose from the ground, their spires reaching towards the twilight sky. Gardens overflowing with vibrant flora and fauna adorned the courtyards, and an air of serenity permeated the atmosphere.

As they approached the grand entrance, two figures emerged – a wizened old man with a long, braided beard and a woman whose stern expression was softened by the warmth in her eyes.

"Elara," the old man boomed, his voice surprisingly strong for his age. "Back at last, and I see you've brought a new face with you."

Elara inclined her head respectfully. "Master Theron, this is Valois. As you requested, I have brought him to the Citadel."

Master Theron studied Valois with a keen gaze that seemed to pierce right through him. Valois squirmed under the scrutiny, a sense of unease crawling up his spine.

"Hmm," the old man grunted after a long moment. "I sense a raw, untamed power within him. But potential nonetheless."

The woman at his side stepped forward, her gaze more appraising than critical. "He looks strong," she said, her voice a low rumble. "But can he handle the rigors of training?"

"We shall see, Amara," Master Theron replied, his eyes twinkling with an amusement that surprised Valois. "We shall see."

Elara cleared her throat, her voice cutting through the tension. "Master Theron, Amara, perhaps we should discuss Valois's placement within the Citadel later. He must be exhausted from the journey."

The old man boomed with laughter. "Of course, of course. Forgive my enthusiasm."

Elara ushered Valois through the grand entrance, the massive oak doors groaning shut behind them with a finality that seemed symbolic. The interior of the Citadel was just as impressive as the exterior. Polished marble floors gleamed in the warm glow of enchanted sconces, and the air hummed with a subtle energy that sent a tingle down Valois's spine.

"Welcome to the Guardian Citadel, Valois," Elara said, her voice echoing softly in the vast hall. "This will be your home for the foreseeable future."

Valois nodded, his gaze sweeping over the bustling activity around him. Cultivators of all ages and appearances milled about, their movements imbued with a practiced grace that spoke of years of training. Some sparred in designated areas, their bodies blurring as they exchanged blows, while others sat in quiet contemplation, their auras swirling around them like miniature nebulas.

"These are your fellow guardians-in-training," Elara explained, gesturing towards the bustling crowd. "You will learn alongside them, train with them, and forge bonds that will see you through the challenges ahead."

A pang of loneliness lanced through Valois's chest. He was a stranger in a strange land, surrounded by people whose lives revolved around cultivation, a concept that was still alien to him. Would he be able to fit in? Would he be able to bridge the gap between his ordinary past and this extraordinary present?

As if sensing his apprehension, Elara placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, Valois," she said, her voice gentle. "You will find your place here. The path of a cultivator is arduous, but it is also rewarding. You have the potential for greatness, and we will help you reach it."

Her words offered a sliver of comfort, but Valois couldn't shake the feeling of being overwhelmed. He was a novice surrounded by prodigies, a blank slate amidst a canvas of vibrant experience.

Elara led him down a hallway lined with ornately carved doors, each leading to unknown destinations. They stopped before a door engraved with a swirling symbol that pulsed with a faint blue light.

"This will be your chamber," Elara explained, pushing the door open to reveal a surprisingly spacious room. A simple cot, a sturdy desk, and a bookshelf filled with leather-bound tomes lined the walls. Sunlight streamed through a window overlooking a tranquil garden.

"It's… nice," Valois stammered, stepping cautiously into the room.

Elara smiled. "It's basic, but functional. You'll find everything you need here for your studies and meditation." She gestured towards a particular book on the shelf. "This is a beginner's guide to aura manipulation. Familiarize yourself with it. Master Theron will assess you tomorrow, and your training regimen will be determined based on your progress."

Valois picked up the book, its worn leather cover whispering promises of knowledge. He traced the inscription on the cover – "The Art of Cultivation: A Beginner's Guide." This was his first step, his gateway into this world of power and potential.

Elara placed a hand on his shoulder once more, her touch grounding him. "Get some rest, Valois. Tomorrow is a new day."

With a final nod, she turned and left him alone with his thoughts and the daunting weight of his new reality. Valois sank onto the cot, the book clutched tightly in his hands. He was a long way from Westbridge High, a long way from the life he once knew. But as he gazed at the inscription on the book's cover, a spark of determination ignited within him. He would learn this art of cultivation. He would unlock the secrets of his power. He would find his place in this strange new world. And maybe, just maybe, he would even find a way back home, forever changed by his extraordinary adventure.

The following morning, Valois awoke with a renewed sense of purpose. He devoured the contents of the beginner's guide, his mind sponging up information about aura manipulation, cultivation techniques, and the different schools of thought within the Guardian Citadel. The knowledge was vast, complex, and at times overwhelming, but Valois persevered, fueled by a desire to understand the power that thrummed beneath his skin.

As promised, Master Theron arrived shortly after midday. The old man surveyed Valois with the same piercing gaze from the previous day, his weathered face unreadable.

"So, young Valois," he boomed, his voice surprisingly sprightly for his age. "Tell me, what have you learned from your studies?"

Valois, his heart pounding in his chest, launched into a nervous recitation of the key concepts he had gleaned from the book. He spoke of aura channels, core strengthening, and the different methods of aura manipulation. To his surprise, Master Theron listened patiently, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"Not bad, not bad at all," he chuckled once Valois finished. "You have a strong grasp of the fundamentals for someone who only picked up a book yesterday. But knowledge alone won't make you a cultivator, young one. Now, let's see it in action."

Master Theron led Valois to a designated training area within the Citadel – a vast courtyard paved with smooth stone and bathed in the warm glow of the morning sun. Other students, clad in simple training robes, sparred with each other or practiced their aura manipulation under the watchful gaze of instructors.

"Let's start with a simple exercise," Master Theron instructed, gesturing towards a large boulder placed in the center of the courtyard. "Focus on your aura, channel it into your hand, and try to move the boulder."

Valois closed his eyes, focusing on the tingling sensation within him. He remembered the feeling of manipulating the aura during his encounter with the Shadow Stalker, the surge of power that coursed through his veins. He pictured that energy, channeling it towards his hand.

Sweat beaded on his forehead as he strained, pushing his newfound abilities to the limit. At first, nothing happened. Frustration gnawed at him, a stark reminder of the vast gulf between theory and practice.

But then, a faint tremor shook the ground. Valois opened his eyes to see a crack appearing on the surface of the boulder, slowly widening as he poured more energy into his hand. With a final groan, the boulder shifted, rolling a few inches across the smooth stone.

A triumphant grin spread across Valois's face. He had done it! He had actually moved the boulder with his aura!

Master Theron chuckled, a deep rumble that seemed to emanate from his chest. "Not bad, Valois. Not bad at all. You have a natural affinity for manipulating aura. However, your control is still rough. Imagine your aura as a flowing river, not a chaotic torrent. Focus on channeling it smoothly, efficiently."

Valois spent the rest of the morning training under Master Theron's watchful eye. He practiced channeling his aura into different parts of his body, strengthening his core, and refining his control over the energy that pulsed within him. It was a demanding exercise, both physically and mentally, but Valois pushed himself, fueled by a desire to prove his worth.

By the end of the session, Valois's muscles ached, and his head throbbed. But he also felt a sense of satisfaction, a dawning understanding of the power he possessed.

Master Theron clapped him on the shoulder, his touch surprisingly strong for his age. "You have the potential, Valois," he declared, his voice gruff but filled with respect. "I will train you myself. But be warned, the path of a cultivator is fraught with challenges. Are you prepared to face them?"

Valois met Master Theron's gaze, a newfound determination burning in his eyes. "Yes," he declared, his voice ringing with conviction. "I am ready."

Master Theron nodded curtly. "Then let us begin."

With that, Valois embarked on his formal training as a Guardian. The days that followed were a whirlwind of activity. Valois spent his mornings honing his aura manipulation skills under Master Theron's rigorous tutelage. He learned about different cultivation techniques, from body tempering to elemental manipulation. He sparred with his fellow students, each encounter a brutal test of his physical and mental fortitude.

In the evenings, Elara would guide him through meditation techniques and theoretical aspects of cultivation. He devoured the books in his chamber, his thirst for knowledge seemingly insatiable.

One evening, as Valois sat with Elara in the serene tranquility of the Citadel gardens, he couldn't shake off the nagging sense of a missing piece.

"Elara," he began, his voice hesitant, "there's something I don't understand."

Elara turned to him, her gaze filled with an unspoken invitation. "What is it, Valois?"

"Master Theron mentioned that there's something unique about my aura," Valois said, his voice barely a whisper. "What is it?"

Elara's gaze turned distant, a flicker of worry crossing her face. "Your aura, Valois," she said, her voice low, "has a unique quality. It seems to… resonate with a primal energy, an energy rarely encountered in the Vega Dominion."

Valois frowned. "Primal energy? What does that mean?"

Elara hesitated, then leaned in closer, her voice barely above a murmur. "There are whispers, Valois, of a bygone era, a time when the Vega Dominion pulsed with a different kind of energy, a rawer, more potent force. Some believe this primal energy still slumbers beneath the surface, waiting to be awakened."

Valois's heart hammered against his ribs. A bygone era? Primal energy? Could this be the reason he was brought to the Vega Dominion? Was there a connection between his arrival and this ancient power?

"And you think my aura…" he stammered, struggling to articulate his thoughts.

"May resonate with it," Elara finished, her eyes locked on his. "It's a theory, just a whisper, but it could explain the unusual properties of your aura."

The weight of this revelation settled heavily on Valois. He wasn't just a cultivator with potential; he was a potential conduit for a legendary power. A shiver of excitement ran down his spine, tinged with a sliver of apprehension.

"Is this good or bad?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

Elara's expression remained unreadable. "That depends, Valois. Primal energy is a powerful force, capable of immense destruction or creation. The key lies in control. If you can master your aura and learn to harness this primal energy, you could become a force for immense good. But if it falls into the wrong hands…"

She didn't need to finish the sentence. The image of the Shadow Stalker flashed in Valois's mind, a stark reminder of the darkness that lurked in the shadows.

"I will learn to control it," Valois declared, his voice filled with newfound determination. "I won't let this power fall into the wrong hands."

Elara offered a ghost of a smile. "That's the spirit, Valois. But remember, the path of a cultivator is fraught with danger. There will be those who seek to exploit your unique abilities for their own gain. You must be prepared to face them."

Valois squared his shoulders, a newfound resolve hardening his features. He may have been a stranger in a strange land, but he wouldn't be a pawn. He would control his own destiny, master his newfound power, and unravel the secrets of his past.

The following weeks blurred into a rigorous routine of training and study. Valois pushed himself to his limits, his body screaming in protest as he honed his aura manipulation and delved deeper into the theoretical aspects of cultivation. He sparred with his fellow students, each encounter a brutal test of his physical and mental fortitude.

One particular student, a fiery redhead named Anya, emerged as his primary rival. Anya was a prodigy, a natural at cultivation with a sharp tongue and an even sharper wit. Their spars were intense, a clash of wills and burgeoning power that left them both bruised and battered, yet strangely invigorated.

Despite the grueling training, Valois thrived in this new environment. The camaraderie with his fellow students, the thrill of pushing his limits, the insatiable hunger for knowledge – it all fueled a sense of purpose he had never known before.

One evening, as Valois sat in his chamber, a book on elemental manipulation open before him, a knock sounded on his door. He looked up to see Elara standing in the doorway, her expression grave.

"Valois," she said, her voice urgent, "we need to talk."