
Vector Control in MHA [COMPLETED]

Completed/Dropped A normal man, through some bullshit luck, got chosen to reincarnate in another world after getting killed by the legendary Truck-kun. Distraught at the fact that he died without losing his V-Card, he becomes impatient and wanted to get the reincarnation process over quickly. Because of this, he ended up annoying the ROB overseeing his reincarnation, and to spite him, the ROB rigged his quest system. Because of this he ended up being forced to keep the timelines of the worlds he travels to intact and as close to canon as possible. If not, the world collapses. The problem? The bad guys all have power ups while the good guys get nothing. Follow our resident MC as he tried to keep the timelines intact while doing his best to become relevant and interact with the characters... and maybe get some girls on the way. Maybe. ----- First world: MHA I'm planning to have harem in the story but I REALLY want to keep it small, like 1-2 people per world, 3 if we're pushing it and it's a harem heavy world (e.g. DXD). During the beginning, the MC's personality will be... finicky. I haven't really decided what personality to give the MC at this point. Well, I tried giving him a cool-headed personality, but... that backfired. I don't want to write a character like that. So yeah, you have been warned. The story will generally follow canon but the way certain events are carried out can change. First time writing, I accept constructive criticism, tell my how I can improve and I'll do my best! I also apologise for any plot holes. DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything except for my own OC. The cover pic is something I found off google, it's not mine.

DJDAN · Anime & Comics
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130 Chs

Chapter 64 MC gets busted

It's been 2 days since the training camp invasion incident. Damn, we're getting a lot of invasions, now that I think about it…

Several things happened in the meantime.

First off, I had Stark Industries donate a lot of medicare pods and medicine to the hospital everyone was recovering at. Although no one died, people still got hurt, especially from the poison emitted by that Mustard villain.

So everyone is well on their way to a full recovery. Especially Izuku. Although he's taken way less damage than in canon, his legs were still shattered and his whole body is a bit battered up. Although, it's almost completely healed thanks to the medicare pods and Recovery Girl.

Everyone was also given a pack of high-quality nutrient fluids, boosting their natural recovery rate and giving them a lot of energy.

Ragdoll is fine, she wasn't abducted by All for One. Pixie-Bob is also completely fine due to me saving her from that surprise attack from Magne. She ended up getting a lot more… comfortable with me due to that. I'm not complaining.

Now, some bad news. [Gamer's Mind] is still suppressed. Something that I'm thankful for, however, is that the immunity to any harmful mental abilities is still in place, its just the emotion control effect that's gone. I'm getting more used to controlling my own emotions, however, thanks to [Self Reprogramming].

Now, right before this whole event started, I got a quest that told me no one had to die, which I completed thanks to my predictions and preparations. Thus, I received my reward. And honestly… I got really disappointed.

[Quest complete, receiving rewards.]

[Received: +500% exp.]

Yeah, it's just experience points. I thought it was some kind of super-rare ancient item that even the Gamer ability couldn't understand. But no, it's just that the emotion suppression effect isn't the only thing that's being suppressed by that mysterious entity. Even the quest reward description was bugged out. I hope no important parts of the Gamer ability is glitched.

LV 71 > LV 76.

And you know the drill.

LUK: 268 > 318.


Speaking of levels, while wandering around the hospital, visiting everyone within the last couple of days, I've saw their levels rise as well. Some more than others, but they all did, both in class 1A and 1B.

While I was aimlessly wandering around the hospital, I got shot.


(A/N: Payback you fucker!)

*We are having difficulties, please stand by.*

While I was aimlessly wandering around the hospital, I saw Momo just leaving a hospital room. She's not hurt from the Nomu like she was in canon, I gave her a force field ring that protected her from the Nomu. I did say I prepared, didn't I?

Momo- "Arata."

She sees me and walks over to me. I nodded back while smiling. What? I'm happy to see her.

Arata- "How are you?"

Momo- "Fine, thanks to you."

My smile gets strained. I feel guilty, although I didn't put her into that situation, I could have stopped it…

Momo looks down at her hand. I follow her gaze and see that she's still wearing the force field ring I gave to her a couple of days ago to protect her from the Nomu.

Momo- "You're incredibly smart. I don't know why but you purposely didn't score the top marks in some of the subjects, didn't you? Even though you could have."

Actually, that's because I wanted to be with you when you make a study group…

She takes something out of her pocket. A small black device the size and shape of a small coin. I feel something's a bit off.

Momo- "I saw these in the database of the bracelet you gave me. LI-7 type spy bugs. I found one in the forest and thought you must have been the one to place it. If there's one there must be more, right?"

My heartbeat starts to get a little faster. That feeling gets stronger.

Momo- "You gave me the ring to protect me. And it did. It protected me against several attacks the Nomu threw at me. If not, I would not have had the time to make any defensive objects."

I knew where this was going. I wanted to stop her from saying anything else but I just couldn't. The words got stuck in my throat. I couldn't say anything, I could only watch as she spoke the words that I was hoping she wouldn't say.

Momo- "I've had a couple of days to think about this and I just have to ask, but… you… knew, didn't you?"

And there it is…

Momo- "You knew about the attack. The villains. The Nomu. Why… didn't you tell anyone?"

I could only just stare at her, my smile is gone and an ashamed look replaces it. This isn't an act.

She turns her gaze from the ring and bugging device and looks at me. Her obsidian eyes are piercing into me, making the pain of guilt for not preventing the event I didn't even know I had flare up.

I bite my lip and turn away. I can't look at her. It hurts. I've never missed [Gamer's Mind] more than I do now. What can I say? I don't know. What can I do? I also don't know.

Without warning, the inventory screen pops up in front of me. How? I didn't call it. Is it another bug? Just before I closed it, something catches my eye.

The Egg.

For some reason, it feels like the Egg is mocking me. Like it's telling me to stop worrying over something that can be solved easily.

What do you know? You're just an egg.

I stop feeling anything else from the egg and close the inventory window. I look back at Momo to find that she's still staring at me, she hasn't looked away. But, if you look closely, her eyes are getting a bit moist.

The Egg comes back to mind. I close my eyes and speed up my mind into a pseudo bullet time. Think, what can I do? Lie? No, she wouldn't believe anything I would say. Tell her I knew? She would lose all trust in me.

Then… tell her more than just the truth? I don't mean I should mix truth and lies, but… maybe…

I open my eyes and look at her. Only a second or so has passed even though I would have been thinking for what felt like a minute.

Arata- "Can we talk?... About me."

I think its time to tell her my origin. Specifically, my past life and my true abilities.

Momo looks conflicted about something before she nods her head. Honestly, she's too good for me. Normally people would have turned away the moment they realised I knew something vital but kept in a secret. Really, even now… I can't help but fall for her more.

Arata- "Let's go to the roof."

I turn around and lead the way. It's time to tell someone else about me. I wonder what Rumi will think about this…

On the way up, I grab a can of coffee. I'll be needing this.


A/N: You know shits happening when the Egg gets a capital E.

Momo: I'm about to beat his ass.

MC: Ah fuk.

AN: Momo sadist confirmed?

Please let me know if I missed anything! Also consider dropping a power stone, it helps and you get a free one daily!