
Vaulstrae (Paused)

One fateful day, Asaki's life took an unexpected turn when the apocalypse struck the continent of Vaulstrae. Indeed, black smoke, emanating from the dead body of an old man, started changing almost all the earth population into bloodthirsty creatures. But on the other hand... It seems that those who survived the First Night got something in return, supernatural abilities gave by strange scrolls which appeared from nowhere. At this moment, Asaki didn't know it yet, but this was the beginning of the deadliest hunt the world had ever known.

Sauldor · Fantasy
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43 Chs

The Nine Lords

Celia backed away even more, not prepared for already another revelation. It... Asaki didn't look normal, not evil or anything similar, but...

"Since... Since when did you know ?"

An amused smile drew on the man's face on again, as his lightless eyes, because of the lack of light here, filled with the pain of a certain memory.

"Since I also had a dream too."

Getting transpierced right into the chest wasn't something you could actually forget that easily, it was painful, sudden, nauseous and... Uncommon.

Truth be told, since Asaki got attacked by the Crocodile and Flying bastard during the first night, he always had some difficulties to properly remind about some stuffs. Like, recently, the entire memory of him touching a dark ticket on a sand dune.

He was dying, his organs crushed, and slowly losing his blood. And yet... After he fainted while touching this strange thing, not a single wound was recovering his body.

"You... You had a dream too ?"

Even if Celia tried to stay calm, she couldn't fully hide the nervousness and surprise in her voice. After all, Asaki had suddenly transformed into a sort of omnipotent genius during their travel, he, who always seemed...

"I'm gonna repeat once again but... Even as an Aurora... You're surprising me."

Asaki nodded at the first question with a quiet smile, slowly walking to the altar to caress the pristine handle of the dagger, loudly calling for him since the beginning.

"Don't misunderstand... I'm really not that smart or anything else, just pretty delusional and lucky that my fears came true."

And just a few seconds later, his fingers closed around the handle, the base of the encrusted amethyst gently pressing against his clear skin.

"As for the dreams... Since we both survived, and "slept" during that long, having you suddenly wanting to tell me something you couldn't... Pretty easy to guess that you also experienced something as I did."

Celia still couldn't agree with such an explanation, it wasn't only delusion or luck that the man actually pulled out...

He instantly linked the presence of a bit of dust, Ataraxi, strange attitude of persons DURING an apocalypse and some simple words... To a whole scenery, which he already knew the future.

And so... While just coming out from a death one month long.

"You're actually pretty scary..."

The woman sighed, with both nervousness and amusement, her heart however truly racing because of fear.

"I thought I was a bit special, but being an Aurora surely is enough, right ?"

Asaki also smiled, caressing the silver blade with his other hand as he kept looking at the angel.

"I guess you also touched some kind of black scroll, right ?"

This time, Asaki didn't need to say it, as Celia was the one to ask question and reveal things now. He simply nodded, while replying.

"Black with golden letters, although, since it was while dying, I don't recall pretty well what I saw."

Celia caressed her chin some seconds while thinking, as she always did since they met. After a few seconds of hesitation, she stopped, and prepared herself to finally say everything she also knew.

"Do you know each Lord of the Letatras, Asaki ?"


Celia approached to the altar where Asaki found the dagger, slightly caressing the pristine white table, where stood dozens of extinguished candles, crystals and ivory chalices, filled by water and even alcohol. Above it, still dressed stone mountains, the mix of gray and white shining even more as she directed the flashlight to it.

"And of course, I'm not talking about the "New Letatras" thing, but the true one."

Added Celia, now standing only a few meters away from Asaki. The young man silently shook his head, still holding the dagger as if it was some kind of treasure.

"Then I guess that I should teach you some bases about The Letatras, since our dreams... You'll see by yourself."

Celia was still a smart person, and not someone you should underestimate, in fact... It was surely the biggest mistake to make, out of all.

So it wasn't surprising that she also had guessed something Asaki hadn't guessed yet, she was an Aurora, not him. The fact that he outsmarted her until now already was a miracle by itself.

But, something about what she had told him still disturbed the young man. What did Celia meant by teaching him the old Letatras ? How would she know it ? And... Why ?

But Asaki stayed silent, simply following with his eyes the scarlet form of Celia, walking to another avatar behind them.

"Firstly, let me remind you of how it is said that the world was created."

Her soft hand caressed this time the black surface of the altar, just before Celia sat on top of one of the bench. She then crossed her legs, and played with one of her hands with the black pants covering her thighs.

"And why ? What does it have to do with-"

"Wait and listen ! You'll understand."

An amused smile crossed her face as she sighed, slightly clearing her throat before continuing.

"Once upon a time, merged from dying gods the Nine Lords..."

The warm and gentle voice of the Aurora was now perfectly reverberating inside of the silent church, as with her other hand, she slid around her fingers some of her crimson hair, playing with it as she talked.

Outside of the church, could now also be heard small drops of rains crushing on the roof, the distant explosion of sudden thunder echoing throughout the forest.

"Before everything lived two being, two entities, two gods. Aegir and Vanir. The first had the sword of destruction, Desnir, and his brother had the hammer of creation : Creanir."

Then, the young woman told Asaki how the two gods lived together, creating, destructing, reconstructing, over and over galaxies and stars.

Yet, there was one thing they couldn't do.

Creating life....

"Vanir, following his brother's idea, used the power of Creanir to try making another God. But he needed something to sacrifice for it, and so slashed one of his hand. But..."

At the exact moment, a black and dark emerged from the arm, taking the form of a gigantic black smoke, but there was a problem... This third God, a taken a liking to the taste of blood.

"Nàgr, the third and last God, filled by the desire of tasting more and more blood, entered inside of Vanir. Eating then the god's flesh, which reappeared again and again during an eternity."

Vanir, ashamed by such a mistake, never said anything to his brother. Bearing the infernal pain of being eaten during millions of years. But after so much time... He finally gave up, letting his unwanted child possessing his body.

"Nàgr, still wanting even more blood, and now armed with the body of a God itself armed with the hammer of creation, then instantly attacked his brother. The fight lasted during too much time to be defined, even the word eternity not enough to describe it."

But, facing the body of his brother, creating an infinity of weapons, even if he had the sword of destruction...

"Aegir lost."