
Vast: The Knight

In a realm of darkness and despair, Evran of the syrn race finds himself lost in life. A life filled with misery and loss has left him searching for purpose and meaning. Determined to rise above the hardships of his past, he joins the rebel forces in their fight against the Mariin kingdom. Along his journey, Evran discovers that his sword holds the key to unlocking great power, and he sets out to master its secrets. However, this world is one of harshness and unforgiving cruelty, and danger lurks at every turn. Only the strongest and most cunning can hope to survive and find success in this dark and terrible land.

Manny_Shelton · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The Farm Sword

Evran followed behind Gilderick as K'thlara led them deeper inside the camp. Soldiers stopped and gawked as they noticed him pass by. Evran still felt wary but at least no one was making a move against him.

K'thlara finally stopped when they reached a large tent near the centre of the camp. She opened the flap and gestured for them to enter inside.

Inside the tent, Evran spotted many tables covered with maps, papers, books and other various items. Several people were working intently on their tasks, some sitting on chairs while others were standing. At the centre of the room three figures; a woman and two men stood around a table bickering softly.

"Ah! Milfsilla I'm back!" Gilderick exclaimed happily as he walked towards the trio.

Milfsilla, the woman with long flowing blonde hair turned her attention towards Gilderick. The white mask she wore, covered the top half of her face. Her white robes glimmered in the light of the lantern hanging above them.

"Welcome Gilderick," Milfsilla greeted him warmly, "it's good you are back. I assume you have brought another one?"

Milfsilla glanced behind Gilderick to take a look at Evran, but her smile turned into a frown as she noticed what he was.

"A syrn? You've brought one of them here?"

"Well, you did say I should bring anyone who owned a Centrum sword."

Milfsilla frowned even further, "Yes... yes I suppose I did."

She waved a hand towards Evran, "Come closer, syrn."

Evran hesitated for a moment, but eventually decided to do as she asked. Stepping up to the table, he stopped Infront of Milfsilla and the other two men; they wore navy blue military uniforms.They were staring daggers at Evran. He folded his arms over his chest as he kept an eye on all three of them.

"What is your name?" Milfsilla asked.


"And your age?"


She next turned her attention to the sword at his waist. "Do you know the name of your sword?"

Evran shook his head.

Milfsilla reached out her hand to touch the pummel, but he grabbed her wrist before she could.

"Don't touch my sword." he hissed in an angry breath.

Her piercing blue eyes glared into his for a few seconds.

She eventually sighed and withdrew her arm.

"Very well," Milfsilla replied, "Gilderick can help you later to figure out the identity of your sword."

One of the men spoke up, "Wait, you aren't suggesting that the syrn stay here, do you?"

"Oh, be quiet you." Milfsilla snapped back at him. "We need every able-bodied man we can get. And if this syrn has a Centrum sword then he deserves to fight beside us just like everyone else."

Silence fell upon the tent until Milfsilla cleared her throat.

"So, Evran, you do know that if you join us, you would be fighting against your own kind?"

Evran nodded.

"That won't bother you?"

He shrugged. "I don't care about any of that. As long as Gilderick helps me become stronger, I'll fight for you."

Milfissa slowly nodded her approval, "Alright, Gilderick show our new recruit where he will be staying."


The sky darkened overhead as nightfall approached. Evran followed behind Gilderick as the two made their way north of the camp.

"So, how did you do it?" Evran asked.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Earlier today at the gate, the guards just let us through with no problems. Did you use your power on them?"

Gilderick smirked, "Yes obviously."

Evran raised a brow. "How did the power of freedom let us pass?"

"Well, when I use my ability, I am free to go anywhere I please."

Evran frowned, "That's a strong power, I wish I could do that."

"Well life is unfair, isn't it? Now come on, we are here."

Evran looked on ahead at the wooden shack they were approaching. It wasn't as large as he had hoped, but he supposed beggars couldn't be choosers.

The door of the shack swung open. A skinny young woman dragging a heavy bucket of water stepped out from inside. Her dark brown hair had been tied back into a bun, revealing several scars across her forehead. Evran guessed her to be of similar age as him.

Her eyes widened as she noticed Gilderick. She clasped her hands to her mouth, letting the bucket fall to the side.

The water spilled out unto the ground.

"Sir Gilderick! You're back!" She yelled out, "but oh no! My water!" she rushed to pick up the bucket.

"I see you are as clumsy as ever Marie."

Marie pouted as she crouched over at the empty bucket. "Now I have to create more water again..."

Gilderick laughed heartily, "Now, now. That isn't really important right now. You should say hello to our new recruit."

Marie gave Evran a quick onceover. He watched her gaze at his black horns. He had expected her to look at him with disgust or fear, but instead she seemed intrigued by him.

She stood up suddenly and marched straight towards him.

"You're syrn!" she said in excitement.

"Yes I-"

"You're like our cow, Mr Betty!"

Evran stared blankly for a moment. Did he hear that right?

She kept going on, "hopefully he'll stop feeling lonely now since he's got company now. I bet you both will get along great together!"

Evran looked towards Gilderick for help but all he could see was a wide grin plastered on the man's face.

"Um... yeah," Evran finally said.

"Great!" Marie clapped her hands together excitedly. She turned her attention back to Gilderick.

"Sir! I completely forgot to make the bread you asked for, could I do it for you now?"

Gilderick nodded, "If you aren't too tired then I'll gladly take some now."

Evran paused, "Wait are you the one that bakes the bread?"

Marie's face beamed. "I see you've had some! Well Prepare to have your knickers blown off! You haven't had it fresh!"

Marie outstretched her hand. A golden light enveloped her palm. Evran stared in awe at the light. A silver curved dagger materialized in her hand a moment later. Marie held the dagger up above her right hand. Slowly, brown liquid trickled down from the blade of the dagger and unto the palm of her hand. The liquid bubbled then expanded and took the form of bread.

"Here," Marie said, handing the bread over to Evran, "eat it while it's fresh!"

"What was that?" Evran asked, taking the bread.

"It was her sword, show him Marie." Gilderick said.


The dagger in her hand began to glow golden again. Evran noticed the form change into one of a long sword. When the light dissipated, he noticed that the sword looked identical to his and Gilderick's own swords.

Marie grinned as she held her sword high, "You're looking at my Farm sword."