
Vast: The Knight

In a realm of darkness and despair, Evran of the syrn race finds himself lost in life. A life filled with misery and loss has left him searching for purpose and meaning. Determined to rise above the hardships of his past, he joins the rebel forces in their fight against the Mariin kingdom. Along his journey, Evran discovers that his sword holds the key to unlocking great power, and he sets out to master its secrets. However, this world is one of harshness and unforgiving cruelty, and danger lurks at every turn. Only the strongest and most cunning can hope to survive and find success in this dark and terrible land.

Manny_Shelton · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


52nd Year of the 32,154th Cycle

Nalfesan, Mariin Territory

With each deadly swing the crowd's cheers grew wilder. Evran was busy defending himself against the ferocious attacks of the champion. The two combatants fought with a kind of desperation, their blades clashing and sparking in an almost hypnotic rhythm. Each combatant was fast and strong, it took all of Evran's skill to defend himself from his opponent‌. He could not afford to let up for even an instant. Not now.

He knew he had to stall the fight if he wanted any chance at winning the match. But that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. His opponent was too good. Every time Evran tried to get in a quick strike, the man simply brushed the attack away.


Evran was suddenly sent flying across the arena. He landed on his backside, stunned by the impact. It didn't last long though. A second later he was scrambling to his feet as the crowd jeered and booed him. Evran's face twisted into a snarl. He knew why the crowd cheered for his defeat. It was all because he was one of the syrn. The two black horns on his head marked him as one.

The champion's approaching footsteps shook Evran out of his thoughts. His threatening great axe made him wary.

So far Evran had managed to deal out some cuts here and there, but nothing too serious. That would change soon enough. His opponent was obviously feeling the effects of the poison. The way he stumbled forward, the laboured breaths and the pain displayed beneath his visor told him so.

The crowd was still on its feet, screaming itself hoarse. They were enjoying every moment of the fight.

"Kill him! Kill him!" they chanted.

"Kill the syrn!"

Suddenly the champion stumbled backwards, clutching his head. He screamed out in pain.


Evran didn't hesitate. He rushed forward, sword raised high. With one swift arching strike, he cut through the helmet of the champion. Blood spurted forth from the helm, soaking Evran's sword and arm in blood. The champion fell to his knees, dropping the giant axe. He was instantly dead.

The cheers from the crowd quickly grew silent. Evran's heavy arms yanked his sword free from the body. He turned his fatigued body to face the panel of judges to the side. A mixture of disbelieve and disgust were plastered on their faces.

"The fight is over," said one of the judges. "The challenger has won."

Evran almost smiled; he could hear the disdain in the judge's voice. He looked around the arena. There were no cheers. No applause. Clearly no one had wanted him to win the fight. Well, that was fine by him.

"So, my winnings-"

Evran abruptly heard clapping coming up from the stands. He looked over and saw a young man with long brown hair standing there applauding him. Evran's eyes narrowed. There was a wide grin on the man's face.

Who was he? Was this some sort of joke?

He glanced back at the judges, but none of them seemed interested in the man's sudden clapping. They were busy talking amongst themselves in the deafening silence of the arena. Finally, one of them gestured towards a guardsman standing near the entrance of the arena.

"You may follow him to collect your winnings for the match."

Evran nodded. Before he walked through the door and into the corridor beyond, He tried to catch another glimpse of the man that applauded him but he was nowhere to be seen.


The grey dark skies hung low overhead as Evran exited the colosseum. He carried his bloodied armour in a sack over his shoulder. He'd won his bout but it had taken everything he had just to keep the champion at bay for even a few minutes. If the poison hadn't worked so quickly, he might have died there in the ring.

Evran was startled as a man stepped out behind from a nearby tree. He quickly drew his sword.

"Easy there, friend," he said. "I'm not going to hurt you."

Evran recognised the man; he was the same one who applauded him back there in the arena.

"Who are you? Are you a thief?" Evran asked, not lowering his blade.

The stranger laughed. "Oh, I'm not. I'm Just a guy who knows how to appreciate a good show when he sees one."

"What do you want?"

"Just to congratulate you on a job well done." The stranger said now leaning against the tree.

Evran was puzzled. "I don't understand."

"You did well in there, and your use of poison was very subtle."

Evran felt a chill run down his spine. "How did you know?"

The stranger tapped a finger against his head. "Well, I do have my ways."

Evran frowned.

"My name's Gilderick," the man said. "And I've come here to offer you a proposition."

Evran lowered his sword, but he kept his guard up. "And what might that be?"

"I want you to join me. I could use some fighters like you."

"I'm not interested."

Gilderick smiled. "That's a shame. I thought we might be able to work something out. After all, I could teach you a whole lot more about your sword."

Evran hesitated.

"You've realized it haven't you? Your sword is special and I could help you realise your true potential."

"How do you know about my sword?"

Gilderick pointed to his own sheathed sword that hung around his belt. "I do have one myself. We are pretty similar you and I."

Still Evran did not trust the strange man.

Gilderick eventually sighed. "I can prove myself to you. How about it?" he said while unsheathing his own sword. "How about a little spar? I'll show you the power that I hold."

Evran's eyes widened. He was suddenly very wary of this man. He could see the danger in him. He could feel it.

Gilderick lunged at him without warning.

Evran brought his sword up, parrying the blow. Sparks flew as the swords clashed.

"Now, let's see what you're made of."

Evran pressed his attack. He swung his blade down in a savage arc. Gilderick avoided the blow easily. He let the sword get buried deep in the dirt.

Gilderick disappeared from Evran's view. Evran turned around franticly, but he couldn't find him.

He spun around again. Where was he? He'd lost sight of Gilderick. Suddenly the man appeared right in front of him.

How did he do that?

"I hope you didn't think I was gone for good," Gilderick said with a smirk.

Evran tried to bring his sword up, but he found that it was stuck in the ground. He struggled to pull it free.

Gilderick struck him across the face with the flat of his blade.

Evran staggered backwards, clutching his cheek.

"You'll pay for that," he growled in laboured breaths.

Gilderick laughed. "What are you going to do now?"

Right on que, Evran with a heavy grunt snapped off the handle of his sword. Then another blade instantly grew from the handle Evran held in his hand.

"Oh?" Gilderick sounded impressed.

Evran swung his new blade at Gilderick, but the man was ready for him. He dodged the blow and counterattacked. Evran deflected the first blow, but the second caught him across the shoulder.

Evran cursed and stumbled backwards, trying to regain his balance.

"You're good," Gilderick said. "But I'm better."

With blinding speed Gilderick attacked again.

Evran was forced to block the blows. He could barely keep up with the flurry of attacks. He could feel his strength ebbing away. In one last ditch effort Evran threw his sword away and tried to tackle Gilderick. But he only found himself planted face first in the dirt.

He tried to stand once more to attack but he was unable to. Exhaustion had finally found him.

"You're tired, aren't you?"

Evran wanted to prove him wrong but he was too drained to even do that.

Gilderick grinned. "Let's stop, shall we? I've shown you what I can do." he said while sheathing his sword. "So, what do you say? Want me to teach you how to be strong?" He said while out-stretching his arm.

Evran stared at the man's hand. He was unsure on what to do.

"Come on, this is a once in a lifetime offer."

"You don't care that I'm syrn?"

Gilderick nodded.

"And you're going to help me become strong?"

"Of course. And I'll also provide you food and a place to stay if you join me."

After a long pause Evran finally relented. "Fine, that sounds good to me. And could you stop with the smiling, It's unpleasant."

Gilderick's smile grew even larger as he helped Evran up on his feet.

"Oh, and you haven't told me your name, have you?"

"It's Evran."