

A week had passed since Lucas first successfully performed Legilimency on the grass snake. In that time, he had been diligently practicing, honing his skills and pushing the boundaries of what he could accomplish with the art of mind reading. The snake had become a constant companion, living in Lucas's cupboard and emerging only to hunt for mice in the garden. Lucas had quickly realized that the creature needed to eat, and he couldn't very well let it starve. So, he had taken to letting it out at night, allowing it to hunt and feed before returning to the safety of the cupboard.

He sat on his thin mattress with the snake coiled around his arm, and focused his mind, reaching out with his thoughts to brush against the creature's consciousness. He no longer needed the snake to actively open its mind to him; even when it tried to resist, to close itself off from his probing, it made no difference. His Legilimency slipped past its defences as easily as water dripped through rock.

The snake was a non-magical creature, except for the intelligence and awareness granted by his Parseltongue ability. Perhaps this was the reason for his easy access to its mind. The snake's natural defences, if it had any, were no match for the magical nature of his Legilimency.

The sound of the cupboard door being unlocked pulled Lucas from his thoughts. With a swift motion, he hid his arm with the snake behind his back and pushed it under his blanket just before the door opened, revealing the pinched face of his Aunt Petunia. She peered down at him with lips pressed into a thin line.

"Harry," she said. "It's time for breakfast. Come out of there and wash up."

Lucas blinked, emerald eyes focusing on his aunt as he pulled his mind back from the snake's consciousness. "Yes, Aunt Petunia," he replied. He stood up in a certain way to ensure his body blocked sight of the snake behind him, and followed Petunia out into the hallway.

They walked along the hallway, and Petunia spoke up, "I've been thinking, Harry. Perhaps it's time we enrolled you in some sort of activity. To keep you busy and out of trouble."

Lucas considered the suggestion. If he could gain access to other people through an activity, it could be helpful for his Legilimency practice. He needed to choose something that would benefit his young body without putting too much stress on it.

"What about Yoga?" Lucas suggested calmly. "I've heard it's good for flexibility and relaxation, even for toddlers."

Though such places are pretty much play-time for toddlers, it should give me some dedicated time to stretch my body and practice mind-reading.

The colour drained from Petunia's face, and her mouth opened slightly, as if she wanted to speak but couldn't find the words. The unnatural knowledge and articulation of her two-year-old nephew sent a chill down her spine, and she found herself questioning once again the strange nature of the child. Was this another manifestation of his abnormality, his connection to that freakish world her sister had been a part of?

Petunia's fingers fidgeted with the hem of her apron as she cleared her throat. "Yoga? Well, I s-suppose that could work. I'll have to discuss it with Vernon."

Lucas nodded in thanks.

When they entered the kitchen, Lucas noticed that Uncle Vernon was already seated at the table and absent-mindedly staring at the television. Dudley was in his high chair, messily eating his breakfast while occasionally glancing at the colourful cartoons playing on the screen.

Petunia cleared her throat, drawing Vernon's attention away from the television. "Vernon, I've been thinking," she began hesitantly. "Perhaps it would be best if we enrolled Harry in a Yoga class for toddlers. It would keep him busy and out of trouble."

Vernon's face scrunched up, and his moustache bristled as he turned his gaze to his nephew. He opened his mouth to protest, but Petunia quickly leaned in and mouthed, "Out of the house and away from Dudley."

Understanding dawned on Vernon's face, and he nodded slowly. While he was initially resistant to the idea of spending money on the boy, the thought of having less interaction between Dudley and the freakishly quiet and articulate child was appealing.

"Very well," Vernon grunted, turning his attention back to the television. "But make sure it doesn't cost too much. We're not made of money, you know."

Petunia nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. She busied herself with preparing breakfast for Lucas, while he took his seat at the table.

While the adults discussed the logistics of enrolling him in a Yoga class, Lucas's mind wandered to his magical abilities. He knew that he would continue to practice and refine his existing skills, but he also wanted to expand his repertoire.

Right now, his Legilimency was limited to the times when he had direct contact with the grass snake. During the periods when he couldn't practice mind reading, he needed something else to focus on.

Lucas thought about the cold, damp conditions of his cupboard. It could be quite uncomfortable at times, especially during the winter months. He decided that learning how to warm himself up, similar to the warming charm in the Harry Potter books and movies, would be a useful skill to master.

He began to ponder the emotional state that would be most conducive to creating warmth. Perhaps feelings of comfort, safety, and contentment would be the key. He would need to tap into memories of being wrapped in a cozy blanket, sitting by a warm fire, or basking in the sun's rays.

He took a bite of his breakfast, and mentally noted these emotions down to explore them further during his next meditation session. He knew that mastering a warming charm would not only make his living conditions more bearable but also serve as a stepping stone to more advanced temperature-related magic.

Throwing a fireball will be my initial goal for becoming a 'novice mage'.

Meanwhile, Vernon and Petunia continued their conversation, oblivious to the magical musings of their young nephew.

"I'll look into the Yoga classes today," Petunia said, placing another plate of eggs and toast in front of Lucas. "With any luck, we can have him enrolled by next week."

Vernon grunted his approval. "Just make sure he doesn't bring any of that freakishness to the class. We don't need any more trouble."

Petunia's fingers tightened around the spatula she held and nodded. She knew that enrolling Harry in a Yoga class was a bit of a risk, but it was one she was willing to take if it meant keeping him away from Dudley.

When breakfast concluded, Lucas excused himself from the table and made his way back to his cupboard. He carefully closed the door behind him, ensuring that he was alone and out of sight from the Dursleys.

Reaching under his blanket, Lucas gently retrieved the grass snake, which had remained hidden during his absence. He held the creature up to eye level, hissing softly in Parseltongue, "I apologize for the abrupt movement earlier. I had to hide you quickly to avoid being discovered."

The snake flicked its tongue out, tasting the air as it seemed to accept the apology.

Lucas settled back into his cupboard, the grass snake coiled comfortably around his arm, and closed his eyes to focus on his mental landscape. The vast, calm sea stretched out before his mind's eye.

"I'm going to practice some new magic," Lucas hissed softly in Parseltongue. "I need to find the right memories to fuel these spells."

The snake flicked its tongue out and nodded its head. "I will be here, Speaker," it replied.

Lucas gave it a small smile, and gently stroked the snake's scales. He took a deep breath and allowed his mind to drift, searching for a memory that would resonate with the warmth he sought to create.

Suddenly, an image formed in his mind's eye. It was a memory from his past life, a moment of pure contentment and joy. He saw himself as a child, no more than five years old, sitting on his mother's lap as she read him a bedtime story. The room was softly lit, the small glow of a lamp casting a warm, golden light over them both.

Lucas could feel the warmth of his mother's embrace, the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. He remembered the sense of safety and love that had enveloped him in that moment, the way the world had seemed to fall away until there was nothing but the two of them, lost in the magic of the story.

As he focused on this memory, Lucas felt a gentle warmth beginning to spread through his body. It started in his chest, like a small sun glowing softly, and gradually radiated outward, flowing through his limbs and warming his fingers and toes.

"It seems to be working," he hissed to the snake. "Can you feel the warmth as well?."

The snake tightened its coils around his arm, as if seeking to share in the warmth. "Yes, Speaker. " it replied. "It's a lot warmer than before."

Encouraged by his success, Lucas reached deeper into the memory, allowing the warmth to intensify. In his mind's eye, the vast sea began to change, the water taking on a golden hue as if reflecting the light of a thousand suns. The surface rippled gently, each wave carrying with it a pulse of comforting heat.

Lucas basked in the warmth, feeling it fill every fibre of his being. He knew that he had found the right memory and the associated emotion to summon forth warmth.

After several long moments, Lucas reluctantly pulled himself back from the memory, allowing the warmth to fade. He knew that he needed to practice the other half of the equation, the cold that would balance out the heat.

If I'm going to work on summoning a fireball in the future, I might as well start working on its opposite as well…

Once again, he searched his mind for a suitable memory, one that would evoke the icy chill he sought to create. This time, the image that formed was far less pleasant.

Lucas saw himself as a teenager, standing alone in a crowded school hallway. All around him, his classmates laughed and chattered while their voices blended into a noisy mess. But despite the press of bodies, Lucas felt utterly alone, as if an invisible barrier separated him from the rest of the world.

He remembered the icy sting of rejection, the way his peers had shunned him for his intelligence and his introversion. He recalled the numbing emptiness that had filled him in those moments, the sense that he would never truly belong.

Lucas slowly felt a creeping coldness seeping into his bones. It started as a faint chill, like a winter breeze, but quickly intensified, becoming a deep, penetrating frost that seemed to emanate from his very core.

In his mind's eye, the vast sea began to change once more. The golden hue faded, replaced by a deep, icy blue. The surface of the water stilled, becoming smooth and mirror-like, reflecting a sky filled with cold, distant stars.

"Good, good, it seems this worked as well," Lucas smirked, noting his breath turning to mist in the chill air.

The snake flicked its tongue thoughtfully. "Indeed, it is very cold, Speaker," it shivered while responding. "Might I suggest we seek a warmer spot? I find warmth to be far more agreeable to my well-being."

Lucas chuckled at the snake's polite request. "Alright, we'll find some warmth soon," he promised, amused by the snake's formal yet earnest plea for comfort. "Just a little longer in the cold, and you'll feel the warmth again."

With a mental command, Lucas banished the coldness, allowing the warmth to return. He practiced switching between the two states, alternating between the comforting heat and the biting chill, until he could summon each sensation at will.

While he worked on that, the vast sea in his mind shifted and changed, reflecting the ebb and flow of his emotions. The golden warmth and the icy blue swirled together, creating a mesmerizing dance of colour.

Finally, after what felt like hours of practice, Lucas opened his eyes. He felt drained, both physically and emotionally, but also exhilarated by his progress.

"I think I've got the hang of it now, though I still require a lot more practice to get comfortable with it," he hissed to the snake, the corners of his mouth lifting slightly.

The snake nodded its head against his arm. "You have done well, Speaker," it replied.

Lucas smiled gently at its answer. He knew that he still had a long way to go, that there were countless other spells and abilities he needed to master. He especially still had to teach his magic how to channel warmth and cold without the dependency on these emotions. But for now, he allowed himself a moment of satisfaction.

With a contented sigh, Lucas leaned back against the wall of his cupboard, the snake coiled comfortably around his arm.


During these three weeks, Lucas dedicated himself to the practice of summoning warmth and cold through sheer force of will. He spent hours in quiet contemplation, his eyes closed and his breathing steady, as he worked to detach his magic from the tether of his emotions.

In the stillness of his cupboard, Lucas visualized the vast, tranquil sea that had become his mental anchor. He imagined himself floating on its surface while his thoughts and feelings drifted away like leaves on the wind. With each breath, he pushed his emotions further into the background and continuously practiced his new 'spells'.

It was a slow, arduous process, but Lucas could feel himself making progress. The warmth and cold came more easily now, responding to his intent rather than his memories or feelings. He experimented with the intensity of the emotions, and was able to call upon his memories to gradually vary the intensity after a lot of practice.

But he couldn't help but notice the difference in power when he allowed his emotions to fuel his spells. When he channelled his anger or his joy, the resulting magic was amplified, far stronger than anything he could produce through intent alone.

Emotions are a double-edged sword, Lucas sighed, absently stroking the scales of the grass snake coiled around his arm. They can amplify magic, but they can also make it unpredictable and difficult to control.

He knew that he needed to find a balance, to learn to harness his emotions without being consumed by them. It was difficult, but he was up to the challenge. It's magic after all, who wouldn't be willing to put in the time for that?

Lucas turned his attention to the snake, meeting its unblinking gaze. He had grown accustomed to skimming the creature's surface thoughts, picking up on its basic needs and desires with a casual brush of his mind. But he knew that he needed to go deeper, to explore the snake's memories and experiences if he truly wanted to advance his Legilimency skills.

And yet, as he prepared to explore the snake's mind, Lucas hesitated. He had grown fond of the creature over the past month, starved as he was of proper conversation in this world. The thought of invading its memories, of potentially causing it distress, left a bitter taste in his mouth.

Sentiment, Lucas chided himself. It has no place in the pursuit of knowledge and power. But… there is another option.

With a nod, he made his decision. He would find another snake, one that he could use for his Legilimency experiments without the burden of emotional attachment. It was the logical choice, the one that would allow him to continue his magical education unimpeded.

Strands of dark hair fell across his forehead, and he absently brushed them aside, emerald eyes fixed on the small grass snake coiled lazily in his lap.

While stroking the reptile's smooth scales, Lucas's mind wandered to another idea that had been simmering in the back of his thoughts for days – a spell that could provide him with clean, purified air to breathe. The Dursleys' house reeked of stale cigarette smoke and the faint, lingering odour of mildew. It was far from an ideal environment, and Lucas couldn't help but wonder if the constant exposure to such pollutants might hinder his magical abilities in some way. Especially the pollutants present in the outside air…

Lucas wrinkled his nose in distaste at the thought. Surely, there had to be a way to create a pocket of clean, revitalizing air around himself, a respite from the toxins and contaminants that seemed to permeate every corner of the world.

With a slight shake of his head, Lucas closed his eyes and allowed his mind to slip into the familiar depths of his Vast Sea visualization. The mental landscape appeared before him, a boundless sea of tranquil waters, the surface reflecting the brilliant azure of a cloudless sky. He could feel the gentle caress of the ocean breeze against his skin that carried the briny scent of salt.

Slowly, Lucas began to shape the visualization, picturing the water around him growing clearer, more pristine, until he could see straight through to the sandy bottom far below. The sea became a mirror, reflecting the world above with crystal clarity, untouched by the pollution and grime that tainted the air he breathed.

As he floated atop this immaculate ocean, Lucas willed an aura of pure, unsullied air to form around him, a protective bubble that would shield him from the outside world's impurities. He could almost taste the crisp, revitalizing essence of the air within the visualization.

But as he strained to solidify the image, to truly capture the essence of purification he sought, the visualization began to waver and fragment. Lucas's brow furrowed in frustration as the pristine bubble of air wavered and dissipated, refusing to hold its form no matter how hard he concentrated.

Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he struggled to maintain the spell, but the more he tried to force it, the quicker the image slipped through his mental grasp. With a soft huff of exasperation, Lucas allowed the visualization to fade, blinking his eyes open as he returned to the dark confines of the cupboard.

This is more difficult than I anticipated, he shook his head, dragging a hand through his tousled hair. To truly capture the essence of purification, I need to approach it from a different angle.

The grass snake shifted in his lap, and Lucas took a deep, steadying breath. He couldn't simply impose his will upon the visualization; he needed to let the concept of cleanliness come to him naturally, like a gentle current flowing through the depths of his mental sea.

Once more, he closed his eyes and sank into the waters of his mindscape. This time, instead of forcing the image, he allowed it to take shape organically, like a delicate bloom unfurling in the sunlight.

Slowly, the aura of pristine air began to reform around his mental self, but it was no longer a rigid bubble. Instead, it flowed and shifted like a fluid veil, caressing his skin with its revitalizing touch as it moved with him, a living, breathing extension of the purifying essence he sought to capture.

Good, now I just have to spend days and weeks practicing it so that I can keep it activated as much as possible.


Lucas inhaled deeply of the crisp purified air originating from his visualization spell as he stepped out of the car. He glanced up at the Yoga studio, taking in the simple, unassuming building with its colourful "Little Lotus Yoga for Tots" sign. The click of Petunia's high heels on the pavement drew closer as she approached him.

"Come along, Harry," she said, her hand resting on his shoulder, guiding him towards the entrance. "Let's get you signed in."

Lucas allowed himself to be led. This was an opportunity to practice maintaining his warmth spell while moving and stretching his body. A slight challenge, but he was sure he could manage it.

Inside the studio, a cheerful receptionist greeted them from behind a desk. "Good morning! Welcome to Little Lotus Yoga. How can I help you today?"

Petunia stepped forward, a polite smile gracing her features. "Hello, I'm here to drop off my nephew, Harry Potter, for his weekly class."

The receptionist nodded, glancing down at a list on her desk. "Ah, yes, here he is. Harry Potter, age two. He's in the Sunflower Room, just down the hall to the left."

Petunia thanked the receptionist and led Lucas down the hallway. As they approached the Sunflower Room, the sound of children's laughter and chatter grew louder. Lucas steeled himself, knowing that interaction with his fellow toddlers was inevitable.

They entered the room, and Lucas's gaze swept over the bright, colourful interior decoration. Soft mats covered the floor, and the walls were adorned with cheerful images of animals and nature scenes. A group of children, ranging in age from one to five years old, were already gathered in the middle of the room, sitting in a circle with their legs crossed.

Two teachers, both young women with kind faces and gentle demeanours, greeted Petunia and Lucas warmly. "Welcome, Harry!" one of them said, kneeling down to his level. "We're so glad you could join us today."

Petunia gave Lucas a brief hug, whispering in his ear, "Behave yourself, and I'll be back to pick you up in two hours." With that, she turned and left the room, leaving Lucas alone with the other children and the teachers.

Lucas took his place in the circle, and he began to focus on his warmth spell, imagining the comforting heat spreading through his body. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and allowing the sensation to fill him from head to toe.

"Hi there!" a voice chirped, breaking his concentration. Lucas opened his eyes to see a little girl, no more than five years old, smiling at him. "I'm Sarah. What's your name?"

Lucas sighed internally at the disruption, but smiled gently at her as he replied, "I'm Harry."

Hopefully I can learn dimensional travel in the future so I can go by my real name…

Sarah grinned, bouncing in place. "I love Yoga! It's so much fun. Do you like Yoga, Harry?"

Before Lucas could respond, one of the teachers clapped her hands, drawing the children's attention. "All right, everyone, let's get started! Today, we're going to practice our animal poses. Let's start with the cat pose."

The teacher demonstrated the pose, and Lucas followed along, stretching his body and focusing on maintaining his warmth spell. He could feel the heat gently flowing through him, something that seemed to emanate from his very core.

Around him, the other children giggled and chattered, some of them struggling to hold the pose. A little boy nearby toppled over, letting out a frustrated cry. "I don't wanna do this!" he whined with a pout on his face.

One of the teachers quickly moved to his side and spoke in a soothing voice. "It's okay, sweetie. Let's try again, nice and slow. You can do it!"

Lucas continued to practice his warmth spell, focusing on maintaining the magic even as he moved through the various poses. It was initially a bit more difficult than he expected, but he got the hang of it pretty quickly. Slowly moving his body was kind of calming, so it sharpened his focus instead of distracting him.

By the end of the two-hour session, Lucas felt more confident in his ability to maintain the warmth spell while in motion. He had managed to avoid any major interactions with the other children, offering only polite, brief responses when directly addressed.

The class soon ended and the children got picked up by their parents one by one. Lucas looked up and saw Petunia waiting for him by the door, so he quickly gathered his things and made his way over to her, eager to return to the solitude of his cupboard and the company of his serpentine companion.

"How was class, Harry?" Petunia asked as they walked back to the car, but her tone was more perfunctory than genuinely interested.

"It was fine, Aunt Petunia," Lucas replied evenly. "I learned a lot."

Petunia nodded, seeming satisfied with his response. As they drove home, Lucas allowed his mind to wander, already planning his next magical experiment.


Lucas sat cross-legged on his thin mattress with his eyes closed in deep concentration. The grass snake was coiled comfortably around his arm, and its scales were cool against his skin. In the quiet solitude of his cupboard, Lucas focused on the task at hand.

He had been contemplating the issue of Harry Potter's poor eyesight and how he might be able to prevent it from affecting him in this new life. Lucas knew that genetics could play a role in vision problems, but he also wondered if the curse scar on his forehead might be a contributing factor. Regardless of the cause, he was determined to find a way to maintain his perfect vision, refusing to be burdened by glasses or any other physical limitations. And so, he had decided to explore the possibility of creating a general healing spell, one that he could cast on himself regularly to keep his body in optimal condition.

Lucas took a deep breath, centring himself as he explored his memories, searching for a moment of physical well-being, a time when he had felt truly healthy and vibrant. After a few moments, an image began to form in his mind's eye.

He saw himself as a child, running through a grassy field on a warm summer day. The sun shone brightly overhead, and a gentle breeze ruffled his hair. Lucas could feel the energy coursing through his body, the pure joy of movement and exertion. As he focused on this memory, he began to gather the sensations associated with it, tapping into the vitality and strength he felt back then, the feeling of his body working in perfect harmony. He focused on these sensations, letting them flow through every cell and fibre of his being.

In his mind's eye, Lucas saw the vast, calm sea that represented his mental landscape. When he focused on the sensation of vitality, a soft, golden light began to suffuse the water, turning it a warm, inviting colour. The light pulsed gently, like a heartbeat, sending waves of energy across the surface of the sea. Lucas allowed himself to bask in this healing light, feeling it wash over him in gentle waves. He imagined it seeping into his body, rejuvenating his cells and strengthening his immune system, flowing to his eyes, soothing and protecting them from any potential damage.

As he held this image in his mind, a tingling sensation spread through his body, starting in his chest like a small, glowing ember and gradually radiating outward, flowing through his limbs and into his fingertips and toes. The sensation was warm and comforting, like being wrapped in a soft, cozy blanket. Lucas knew he had tapped into the essence of the healing spell, feeling the magic working within him, gently revitalizing his body and mind. He understood this was just the beginning and that he would need to practice and refine the spell over time to achieve the full benefits.

For now, Lucas focused on maintaining the healing light, allowing it to fill him with its gentle, restorative energy. He knew he couldn't sustain the spell indefinitely but wanted to hold onto it for as long as possible, giving his body a thorough rejuvenation. After several long moments, he slowly began to withdraw from the healing state, and allowed the golden light to fade from the sea. The tingling sensation in his body gradually subsided.

Lucas opened his eyes, blinking as he adjusted to the dim light of his cupboard. He took a deep breath, noting how refreshed and invigorated he felt, as if he had just awoken from a long, restful sleep, and was ready to face the day.

The grass snake stirred on his arm. "Your body suddenly relaxed, Speaker," it hissed softly.

Lucas smiled slightly as his fingers brushed lightly over the snake's scales. "I've been practicing a new type of magic," he whispered. "A healing spell, to keep my body strong and healthy."

The snake tilted its head, and its dark eyes reflected the dim light. "Interesting. Hopefully you can learn it well, it would be useful when hunting prey."

Lucas laughed softly at that comment. Well, he knew he would need to be cautious in his use of the healing spell to avoid draining his focus or causing any unintended side effects, but could see the snake's point. If he could improve on the spell in the future, he could use it when he is injured to slowly heal his wounds.

Anyway, with regular practice, he hoped to strip away the emotional component of the spell, making it a pure expression of his will and intent. He looked forward to a future where he could cast the healing magic with a mere thought, a subtle pulse of energy that would keep his body in peak condition.

But for now, he would focus on refining the spell, finding the perfect balance of emotion and intent, practicing whenever he had a moment alone, gradually building up his endurance and skill. Lucas settled back onto his mattress with the grass snake coiled comfortably around his arm, and continued meditating.

Next chapter