
When our hearts bloom

Genre: heartwarming/comedy

Characters: Vivian, Johann and others,

further in story.

Chapter 1

Have you ever been shipped by your classmates to someone that looks good with you or has the same likings etc?

Well as for Vivian she was a victim by this kind of scheme that existed throughout school years.

As school days approaches the neighborhood of Ainville, Vivian was ecxited while preparing her school stuff,

She promised herself that she will keep her head down for this school year.

As Memories came flashing through her mind, She remembered the thing that happened last school year it was worst

for her to even think but her head is just

stubborn as her.

A few days later...

First day of school came wooo~

As she entered her classroom her classmates came greeting her with "Goodmorning Vian" "Vian how are you"

She replies them like any other people would, but as she was looking for an empty chair she stumbles upon a new classmate which she didn't knew, She just said "Hi" and then sat down, Not long after she sat down One of her classmates talked to her

and told her that there's a transfer student

and when she heard the word "transfer student" she then looks at the boy that she didn't knew, and her classmate Gia

Told her to not look at him because if she

looks at him, He's going to bully her.

she then tells her friend that it's "exaggerated"

And her friend continued to talk as if she

knew everything about him, then Vian tells

her off to not judge him because we still

Don't know the reasons for his transfer.

Now that Vian thinks about the boy he seems a little bit familiar like Deja vu'

Vian brushes it off since she just made a promise that she will keep her down for

this school year.

But what she doesn't know is that she can't always keep her head down because she will be involved in some kind of dramas, fights, mental and emotional words.

People can't always keep their heads down everytime, because there's always

Something in our body that wants us to be involved, In other words.

"Papunta palang Tayo sa exciting part".