
Various Aspects

It all began when the enemies joined forces to defeat their mutual enemy. Although...what would possibly be the outcome of their " truce "? What will happen after they defeat their mutual enemy? Will they continue their peace agreement, or will they go back to hating one another just like before? If so, will their hate towards each other affect their surroundings? However, humans can not live in a hateful and vengeful world, right? Then...how will they be able to change that hateful and vengeful world to a place that would most likely shelter all kinds of beings without being judged by their race? __________________ Various Aspects __________________

bunnix03 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Consequences

" Don't tell me you aren't sleeping!?" The voice growled when she noticed the blonde girl lazily slumped on the couch. Furthermore, to the person who was pretending to be asleep.

" Sorry..." the blonde girl mumbled as she lazily got up into a sitting position, while the other one just sighed tiredly.

" I should be the one to apologize, and not you..." the person said as she now was in front of the blonde.

" Yoru-onēsan, I was just lethargic to go to bed.."The blonde stated as her dark midnight eyes lazily darted towards her older sibling's orchid-purple ones.

That's what the blonde always says, every time she gets caught not sleeping.

She was using this sentence over and over again for like three months!

' I was just lethargic to go to bed...'

The sentence echoed throughout her mind. She was sick of hearing this again... again, and again! and AGAIN!

Just a single word " lethargic" made the older sibling grit her teeth in aggression. She hated this word, the reason why she despised laziness was because of this. Because it's 'laziness' fault that her younger sibling couldn't rest one bit. She had insomnia, which was the main reason why she wasn't sleeping, although, as much as she did not want to see her younger sister suffer like this, she still was weak and was unable to fulfill the task that was given to her.

The task that is given to all the older siblings.

However, looking at their situation, her younger sister was suffering from insomnia, which meant that she had failed as an older sibling. Because she couldn't do anything at all in order to help her out.

A helpless situation indeed.

An epic failure.

The blonde was so adorable months ago, and now... she's all pale, blue circles around her black midnight eyes... and dry skin...


" Look at your face!" the older sibling with dark-colored hair announced as she held the blonde girl's chin. Examining her face, the blonde's eyes already had dark circles under them. Adding up to that, her face looked extremely tired, her fragile-looking face and body were screaming one thing, which was the desire to sleep.

Yet, the blonde still wouldn't sleep. Even though every part of the girl was screaming for rest, she didn't seem to want to. The blonde's insomnia was eating her from the inside.

It was torture, to say the least...

The blonde wanted to just die, but not like this...

She wanted to die in the fastest way possible.

However, you might as well ask, why die quickly?

Because dying a slow death is a lot more painful than dying quickly. That is why we all prefer the second one over the first option.

Because we don't want it to hurt.

We all can choose what type of death we want, whether it is dying slowly or quickly. It's all our choice since it's our life that we want to end.

But what if we couldn't get to choose?

What if, we were unable to change the decision that was made by the death itself?

Would it hurt?

If so, then how much?

Dying a slow death must be painful. Because let's imagine a man burning to death, and a man getting shot in the skull. The first option is much more painful than the second one. Because in fact, before you die you have to feel your flesh burning with such a hot temperature that you won't be able to stand, however, getting shot in the skull will give you a lot of pain, but not as much as burning to death will. So, the main reason why people will always prefer fast death, over a slow one, is only because they don't want to feel pain in their flesh before they will leave their bodies for good.

Because they don't want it to hurt.

After all, everyone wants the easy way out.

Although, it wasn't the blonde's choice in how would she prefer to die, because death has chosen her. Which was a slow death.

The younger sibling looked so pale, but that's nothing new since the blonde had pale skin for the past three months because of not sleeping much. And now it was only getting worse— as if it was an incurable disease that almost no one has experienced.

At the sight of her younger sister, Yoru fell to her knees. She couldn't see her younger sister suffer like this. Moreover, she couldn't do anything, but beg the blonde to sleep. Although, it was still useless since the blonde wouldn't listen. Not that she didn't want to sleep, but the more she tried to, the more her condition would worsen.

It was hell for both siblings

One was unable to do anything in order to help her younger sister while the other one was the cause of her older sibling's pain.

It was as if they were hurting each other in the process of trying to help one another.

It was a bitter sight...

The older sister didn't think much about hugging the younger one. She hugged her tightly, afraid of losing the warmth which was still lingering in her body and soul.

" Riku..., promise me that you'll try to take care of yourself... promise me.." the dark-haired sibling begged the other one— as she started to slowly look into her dark midnight eyes.

While Riku found it hard to answer. If she promised her that she would sleep, then she would be lying, and she would give Yoru false hope, however, if she declined the other one's plea then she would hurt her sister's heart. So she thought that she had no other choice other than to stay quiet.

How very disappointing.


Her high heels were aggressively clapping on the cold marble floor while her face was fuming with fury.

How could they!?

They had a truce, yet, what happened!?

Their so-called allies betrayed them.


Well, they had a peace agreement that the water beings, and the water itself would not even dare to attack the land. Yet, what happened?

The complete opposite of what they had agreed on. The tsunami was 'somehow' able to try to attack the land. And if she wasn't there on time, then god knows what would have happened to the local population.

This was a betrayal.

A. Betrayal.

Because they talked about no tsunami or underwater beings attacking the land. This commitment was so irresponsible of them.

Growling to herself, she kicked the door open, not even bothering to knock on it first. Because why should she show them respect when they just ditched her peace agreement with them?

Why show manners when no one knows the meaning of it?

How selfish.

" We had a truce didn't we?!" She growled while looking at the man resting on his beloved throne. The king. However, when he heard her statement he raised an eyebrow at the girl.

What did she mean about it?

" We have." He answered, his facial expression staying the same. smoothing voice as well as his face " Why would you ask a question such as this?"

" Oh really?" She sarcastically asked, even though she was growling in a fury, she still found the right to speak sarcastically.

Well, she was not wrong, but not right either.

Although, you can't blame her. And because she was betrayed, she didn't find any right to speak to traitors respectfully. Because if they respected her, then this chaos wouldn't happen.

And yet it did.

However, there are two different types of versions of the incident that has taken its place. One: they were too careless about the truce. Or Second: they betrayed her behind her back.

Either way, they were at fault. Because the tsunami wouldn't just decide to attack the land. It is controlled by the underwater world, and if they weren't behind the tsunami attack incident, then someone in the castle must have been pulling off the strings. Although, if the tsunami attack incident was not under their control, then that meant that they were unable to control their kingdom, which is the biggest shame for the leaders.

Because it is written in Article 1 of the Constitution of Atlantis that if a kingdom was unable to control its people, then the leaders had to be replaced, and/or they had to live in shame.

If they didn't want to live in shame, then they were supposed to leave their throne, which no kings wanted, because they all preferred to live in shame than to be the king of the underwater world no longer.

And the reason why the kings had to be replaced was that if the kingdom didn't obey their leader, then they had to find someone that would be worthy of the throne and someone that the people would obey.

It was a weird rule, but somehow, everyone got along with it.

" Then mind explaining, why would the tsunami attack my land? Don't the tsunamis attack the lands by the control of their lords?"