
used and abused

What is he thinking now? Does he still want to eat me? Does he see me as his friend? Do I like him? Do I LIKE him!? Am I lying to myself right now!? These are the question I had for him but didn't ask because I couldn't find out how to. I was always straightforward, which meant people got hurt, But he's different, he's been through a lot and I don't want to hurt him any more than he is, or at least not now or maybe, ever... "Hey..." I looked down at the boy laying on my lap. "happy birthday... Derick." How does he know my name? How does he know about my birthday!? Is he a STALKER!? "Thank you, Connor." I think we'd grow a good relationship and the two days we had known each other turned into many enjoyable years, aka ONE! As we grew closer and closer... soon I was fourteen and he was fifteen. He was old enough for the real deal, and I bet it will be worse than what he got when he was younger "All alright boy... get up, you need to go to Patron, he wants a sample of your blood." I held on to Connor. "it's ok... I'll go, he'll regret it." He smiles. Connor has grown a lot, even though he could be snapped in half because of how little he eats, he still fought well, we would even sometimes train together. I just hope he's ok.

As the officer escorted me I could hear Derick calling my name. "Connor, Connor!" I looked back. "happy birthday Connor!" He gave me the warm smile he would always give, that's what makes me feel good. Since I was here before him, we decided on a day that would be my birthday, since I grow a year younger as the year passes anyways, but to be honest, I had completely forgotten about my birthday, probably because it's not a big deal for me, but Derick takes it as though it's the most important thing in life since it's the day you came onto the Earth. "Good, you're here Connor. If you Sit and stay calm, this will all be over soon." I've heard that one before. it's been a while since that was actually true. The guard sat me in the chair with force. "Now... As you know, your fifteen meaning I can do whatever I want with and to you. There is something I've been wanting to do to you for a while, but I never could because of the stupid age restrictions." As Patron was talking he stabbed a needle into my arm, I flinched trying not to show any sign of pain. "You've gotten stronger when it comes down to resistance, but that all changes. your legs and other limbs are in perfect shape, meaning you can escape easily." Unlike Derick, I was terrible at making snarky narcissistic remarks. I can remember all the times he angered the guards because of his heartless comments he makes on the spot. I imminently snap out of my thinking as Patron shoves a needle into my arm, causing me to feel loopy, what was he thinking. He grabs a hammer. "I wonder how well you can walk with brushed... ankles." he slammed the hammer on my ankle. "AGH!" he was doing this because he's scared of me. What was that word Derick uses a lot? "or with cut-up... arms." He put the hammer down and grabbed a sharp price of Glass grabbing my arm and sliding the glass across it.

After teasing me he slammed the glass into my arm. "aaaaaaaaagh!!!" I couldn't hold it in anymore, I grabbed his neck and began choking him. "I hope you die quickly, so this won't be as painful as I want it to be." he snapped. The doors opened. "don't... do... this...if you do... your friend goes... bye... bye." I look over and see Derick with a gun to his head. He's just standing there, looking at Patron, smiling, as if he was egging me on to kill this man, despite his death that will follow shortly after. I let go of Patron's neck. "Agh... This is why you shouldn't get attached to anyone here." He was right... I shouldn't have... he's made me soft... and weak. Yet stronger in some cases... Wait! What're you THINKING!? "I think I got what I needed from you, Connor. I want you back in three hours, can I trust you to not get shot on your way here... with Derick?" I nodded my head. What did he want with Derick? The guard stood me up to where he knew my ankle was damaged. I'm guessing he wanted me to fall, but I'm not that unstable. I get taken to the nurse's den, then back to the cells where I see Derick sitting there, his head down with his face in his lap, his hands tied behind his back. "What did you do to him?" I look back at the guard in anger. I wasn't sure why, I needed to let go of him... but I didn't want to, he's like a brother to me... So what was I going to do? "We didn't do much to him, he's a little too Boned for Mr. Patron to do much so he just cut him up a bit, used his skin samples as a help for an experiment. he'll be fine." The guard threw me back into someone to hold me. He walks into the cell and picks Derick up by his hair. "Aaah!" He was messing with Derick, and for the first time... He said... Nothing... "As long as he doesn't try to stand up straight!" The guard kneed Derick in the Back causing him to arch. "AAAAH GNAAAAH!!" I couldn't help him. I could see the blood seeping through his shirt. I scratched the guard's eye and run into the cell, I wasn't sure why but I wasn't going to let anyone hurt him. I grabbed a pole and threw it at the guard causing him to drop Derick. The guard shoots Derick in the arm trying to aim at me. I bit the guard aggressively latching my teeth onto his leg, not letting it go until I could taste enough blood to be full. I let go as the guard quickly runs off. "Let's get out of here, now!" They run off like bugs. I get the shirts we've collected and rip them up to create a bandage-like thing. I was still broken, but it didn't hurt anymore. It was wrapped and fixed, thanks to the nurse. I need to let go of him but he's teaching me so much... I don't want to let go. I cradle his body in my arms as though he were dead. I could feel his tears in my shirt and his nails clawing my back, but I didn't mind. I wasn't going to let another one leave... not another. We both fell asleep but I could hear the slight footsteps of...