
untamed and dangerously ANNOYING!

I punched an officer, fun fact... It gets you nowhere. "get that boy right now!" All the guards tackled me. "it's funny how you need ALL of your... guards to get me." The guards bring me to a room with a chair and straps. "put him there." Patron wasn't happy with my decision. "how do you know about Ramon?" he's so stupid. "I researched him." Patron was trying me. "who gave you ACCESS to MY computers.

"I'm literally right here, you don't have to yell." Patron went to the back of the room to collect himself, and his tools. "I'll bet you I will not hesitate to hurt you." This guy was pathetic. "I'll bet I won't let you hurt me, and neither will you. I'm too important to be killed by a low life who lacks intelligence such as yourself. I'm your ONLY source of intelligence." He knew I was right, so he scooted the cart filled with surgery tools away from us. "your birthday is tomorrow, Derick. That gets me one step closer to being able to experiment on you, and your body. I can finally figure out what you do to keep such a beautiful shape." I chuckled, "I just don't eat as much as I should." I grinned and Patron stepped back. "You... you remind me of my... daughter." Daughter huh, that's no surprise seeing as though my hair was getting pretty long because I couldn't cut it, But I could use this against him. He loves his daughter I would guess, so he wouldn't hurt her. "I saw her beautiful face... before I killed the useless brat." Never mind, now what. I'm twelve now, and tomorrow gives me only two years to be here untouched, besides the leg thing, I'm the same way I was when I got here, I have to leave here before it's too late... but how? Patron decided I should be in a special cell because of my continuous threats to the idiotic guards. Funny how I scare him so much, and he's putting me in a special place under the facility, how flattering. The guards for the lower parts unstrapped me, and man were they strong! They start to escort me to the lower levels of the facility. "You know... Muscles aren't everything but they sure will get you places." I wink at them. "Shut your face you fruity brat."

".... I like fruit, and other things." I bit my lip. I knew I wasn't strong enough to get free from these guys, so why not play around with them you know? "You know the last person I was with told me I was fruity until I punched him. I'm vicious like that you know but get on my good side, and I might show you a world you never knew you could go to with another gay-guy." I laugh as the guard holding me freezes and tosses me to another one. "You take him, he's speaking foolishness that I don't want to deal with!" The new guard was holding me even tighter. I look up at him with a dumb smile on my face. "I thought that's how dumb people communicated, I should go to the school you guys went to, to get a better understanding of idiot speech." The guard puts tape over my mouth, so I hum, very, VERY loudly. I am quite obnoxious aren't I? I keep making weird random, and sometimes VERY questionable noises until I was in front of two small cages, And I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw...