
save me

I had to find a way out of this, if I go with Connor he'll try to kill me, if I stay here... Am I going to kill myself. All these questions made my head hurt, I didn't want my body to shut down completely, but I didn't want to be awake through this. "Come on Derick! We are so close to leaving this place, haven't you shed enough blood here!" Hesitation is my friend right now. Why would he care about how much blood I shed here, he doesn't like me. "Patron said you want me dead!" I step back as my "brother" walks towards me again. "Derick! Listen to me! if I wanted you dead, THEN WHY DID I SPEND MY TIME TRYING TO FIND YOU, IF I WANTED YOU DEAD I WOULD HAVE LEFT YOU HERE AND HAD PATRON KILL YOU FOR ME, I DON'T EVEN NEED TO WAIT TO KILL SOMEONE, if I were to kill you.... then... you'd already be DEAD!" That's a harsh way to put it but I guess he's right. I run into Connors arms, hugging him with the strength I had in me. "Bad idea you two!" We both turned around and saw...