
VANILLA: A Lesbian Story

Lauren Brooks is an average student attending,Ocean High School, and her personality is what makes everyone want to be her friend. Except for Dani Hills, a quiet kid who is the class's smartest student, but she doesn't despise Lauren-she just doesn't get why everyone wants her. When Lauren gets jumped by a group of bullies-not only does Dani finds out the truth about her. She finally gets why she's so popular.

lilmamaaisha · LGBT+
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35 Chs

Chapter 35

Ocean High School's gym was filled with parents, guardians, teachers, students, and everyone else that needed to attend today.

Today is conference day between teachers and students, and the day we pick up our exam results. It was also our last day of Ocean High, before we go into summer break of sweet relaxation.

It was nine in the morning, and all of us students were told to wear our uniforms to the conference. It is hot as hell and I was sweating out my uniform. It didn't matter if I was wearing a skirt. My body was wanting more skin out.

The reason for us to wear our uniforms is because of the board reviewing us. The school wants their reputation to stay solid and to do that-us students have to show full participation in attire.

"Dani, we are about to be finished. Hang on a bit longer." Nyree said fanning herself with the conference folder.

"Nyree, I don't know if you have noticed, but my hair looks like I jumped out the shower and ran here. I am sweating and they can't close the doors to let the guests in."

"It's about to be our turn soon, just think of ice till then."

"Thinking of ice will only make me crave it, and then my mouth will go dry from needing water."

Nyree sighed. "Go talk with one of the students to distract yourself."

"No thanks. Everyone here is a piece of shit, except some of them but they're just not in the mood to talk."

"I don't know what to tell you then, Dani. Stand still and wait."

"Ugh, I know that." I continue to fan myself with the pamphlet, as my eyes scanned everyone that was either talking with their teachers or picking up their results.


"Next!" Ms. Brown shouts with her microphone.

The next parent and student go up to her, and I felt relief wash over me seeing we were next after them.

"Ms. Drehson!" a group of people shout from by the gym doors.

I turn my head around to see my teacher, Ms. Drehson, walking into the gym wearing her teacher's attire, and carrying her baby on her hip. She waved to everyone with a bright smile on her face, and made her way to Ms. Brown's table.

I couldn't hear their conversation, but by the way she wasn't sitting down. I could tell she wasn't staying long.

The parent and student leave the table a few minutes afterwards, and I took in a deep breath as Nyree and I walked to Ms. Brown's table.

Ms. Brown and Nyree shook hands before we sat down.

Ms. Brown grabbed my file from the file cabinet beside her and opened it. "Miss Dani Hills, a top student with perfect grades, perfect attendance, and doesn't have a bad record." she looks up at us. "We already counted her missing days when she was hospitalized as excused. Her two incidents are noted as self-defense, thanks to Miss Lauren Brooks, and we're already documenting her hospital file for next year just in case she faints or needs medical care. Are there any questions?"

"If she were to move on her own, can she?" Nyree asked.

"Are you one of my student's family members?" Ms. Drehson asked Nyree.

Nyree shook her head. "The news mustn't have reached you. I used to be her grandmother's nurse, but she unfortunately passed away a while back, so I filed as her guardian for the remainder of her school time."

"I was told of her passing, but not who specifically who she was living with. I'm glad to have met her new guardian. And to answer your question, no she can not live on her own just yet, she might of age to, but our school and board needs to be able to reach a guardian. As much as living on her own sounds needed, she needs to stay with you for one more year."

"Okay, thank you." Nyree said.

"No problem." Ms. Drehson eyed my files and looks back up at me. "Could you explain what caused you to act in such a manner, Dani? As far as I observed you, you wouldn't do anything like this."

"Lauren Brooks was assaulted and I helped her, because I wanted to. The second incident was that guy being a jerk to her so I helped her then too. I won't stand by letting someone get hurt."

She smiled, "I'm proud to see you grow into a young lady. I hope you become someone that I can look up to one day."

I returned the smile and said, "We can hope for that day to come."


"Yo Dani!" a familiar voice calls out to me.

I was about to leave but I turn to see Shawn jogging to me. "Hi Shawn."

"You looking good with your hair down, you should do that more often."

"Bye Shawn." I tried around but then Shawn said.

"You know I still don't understand why you're gay. It'll be more fun having a dick your pussy."

"Shaw-" I was interrupt by a loud feminine voice from behind him.

"Shawn Wellinger!"

Shawn froze and slowly turned to face the tall female behind him. "H-hey sis, how long you've been standing there?"

The female grabbed Shawn by his earlobe and shouted into his ear. "Shawn, I am ashamed to hear you say such disgusting things! Apologize this instant!"

Shawn winces at the amount of strength she's using to pinch his ear and looks at me. "S-sorry Dani."

"It's fine." I said. I could almost feel that pain he's feeling. Grandma used to do that to me whenever I said something bad before she died.

"A-Ava! Let go!" Shawn tried to reach for her hand on his ear but she hit his hand away.

"No! Because a gentlemen does not say those things to a lady, you are to learn from this, or else I will send you to the military to do your time." Shawn's sister said.

Shawn nodded. "I-I promise. I'll learn. Please let go of my ear!"

Ava let go of Shawn's ear and took out a wipe to clear her hand. "Our parents will hear from this. Be ready to not have any video games or electronic devices to use for weeks."

Shawn groaned and flinched with Ava raised her hand at his attempt to complain. "Alright! Alright!" he said stepping away from her with his head down.

Ava tossed her wipe in the trash can and sighed. She looked at Nyree while shaking her head. "I apologize on the behalf on my little brother, Shawn. He is a mere teenager, and still acts like he doesn't know how to grow up."

"As long as Dani accepted his apology then it's fine. I understand how teenage boys can be."

"It is not acceptable in my opinion. He needs to learn that his actions has consequences."

"I agree." Nyree said. "Well, we should get going. It is sweltering."

"It is. Let me not take up your time, Goodbye Miss."

"Goodbye to you too." Nyree waved before walking with me out the gym.

We jogged to Nyree's car and climbed in. She turned on her air conditioner and we let out a breath of relief feeling the cool air blow on us.

"Fucking finally!" Nyree said tossing the folder in the backseat.

"Time to go back home!" I said buckling myself in.

Nyree put the car in reverse and nodded. "Yeah, I need a nap."

"You nap every time you get the chance." I said.

"Girl, do you know how many hours I work? A lot." Nyree said driving out the parking lot.

"Sorry, I haven't worked a job in months so my days have been just about school."

"Thank god you stopped working at your father's company. You used to come home tired like me. You young people need a break."

"Nyree, you're not that much older than me. Stop talking like you're my grandma."

"Shh, let me have my moment."

"By the way, i'll be going to Lauren's home after I rest."

"Do what you want but don't crash that car." she said driving onto the road.

"Yes mom." I mumbled.

"I heard that."

"Oh look you can hear."

"Don't let eighteen get to your little head, missy."

"Like don't let your role get to yours."

"Girl, if you don't sit back and stay quiet. You are talking a little too much."

"Uh-huh sure, also can we stop by-"

"There is casserole in the fridge."

I groan. "What the literal hell?"

"Eat it or eat nothing."

"Fine. There better be-"

"You better not add that damn hot sauce to my cooking."

"How can I eat it then?"

"By chewing it and swallowing."

"Ugh, Nyree."

"Dani, shh!"