
Vampiric detective System

He stood on top of a building looking at the narrow ally below it. his eyes glowed red as he focused his attention ton the two figures that were below [ Vampiric vision has been activated ] His world turned red he was able to see the blood flowing in their bodies. It was clear that one of them was a women and other was a man seemed to be threatening the women as he had pushed the women against the wall of a building. [ Super Hearing has been activated ] Women : " p..please le...let me g....go, ta..ta..take the money please je...just let me go. " Although she wanted to scream at the to of her lungs she couldn't as the man had a knife to her throat. Man: " Hehe how can that be sweetie, there is no way I'm letting you go so easily. After all you see I have plans for you tonight hehehe. " The women had a horrified look on her face as tears started to roll out of her beautiful blue eyes. [ used skill: Dash ] As the women was about to struggle desperately she heard footsteps coming from the front as the ally was dark she could only hear the footsteps and not see who was coming but one thing was clear that the footsteps were very steady and had a calming affect on her as she began to relax. step......step......step......step. Man: " WHO'S THERE. "( asks with vigilance) step......step......step......step The man started to get more nervous as the steps never stopped which showed that the person was likely a " professional " and was not going to back away. Slowly the figure of a man became visible. The man was wearing a suit which looked to be from an ancient Era the suits design was exactly like a certain miles Edgew*rth from a attorney game ( hint hint A*e attorney), except the suit was a mix of black and dark red his necktie was blood read, with a fedora on his head and a red-ish mask on his face he looked handsome even if his face was covered, his long white hair would attract a lot of attention if he walked in public. [ used skill: Bloodlust ] The man was afraid his instincts were telling him to run away as far as he could but his legs were frozen in place he was paralyzed with fear. As the horrifying man approached his fear increased. (This could not be a man it has to be a psychopath) he thought with a pale face. The devil was now standing infront of him he opened his mouth and a very deep voice came out I'm batman (a/n : I had to do it man it just came naturally) ‐----------‐-----------‐-------------------------------------‐-------------- Disclaimer: this story is pure fiction the characters, places etc have no relation to reality we live in so enjoy. ( A/N: OK so let me get this out I am going to try to do a good job on this so I will likely need to do a lot reading, imagination and thinking so it might take some time to upload chapters. I would like to receive constructive criticism to improve my writing and I hope you enjoy this novel.)

dark_rainy_nights · Fantasy
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1 Chs


Viraj stood on the edge of a six storey building looking at the moon as it looked particularly beautiful in his eyes. His snow white hair which reached his sholder were were drifting because of the wind. His crimson red eyes looked at the moon as if he was in a trance. His handsome face with a paler skin tone exuded a charm that made it all the more enticing for anyone of the opposite gender.

If anyone saw his face of nostalgia they would think it's a crime for anyone to have such a handsome face. He wore a black tuxedo and matching pants with a crimson red shirt and a black tie.

He looked at the distant lights of the city and brought his hand that had a glass of red wine in it to his lips and slowly took a sip of it as if enjoying the taste it brought with it all the while having his left and in his pocket. This scene would have been a delight to the eyes of many as he was like a rare gentleman you would find in a party who would invite you to a dance without any ulterior motives.

After enjoying the wine he used his left hand to hold the wine glass and used his right hand to use a napkin to softly clean his lips which had some wine residue remaining from his plesent drink earlier but oddly he had a smile on his face which was close to a smirk then any thing else but was quiet charming.

" Its a beautiful night don't you think miss." said Viraj.


" How rude, don't you know it's impolite to remain silent when talked to." said Viraj.


" It would seem that you do not want to speak to me...I feel.....disheartened."


" Have I offended you somehow my lady." Said Viraj as he turned to look behind him.

There stood a figure of a beautiful women who had red hair and a beautiful face, her blue eyes were as deep as the ocean. Although she was beautiful it was not hard to see that she had a very serious temperament and an aura around her which indicated she was not to be messed with.

She was wearing a tight fit suit and had different armor over her suit which included a breastplate, gloves, boots,etc which were made of silver, her mask did well to cover her identity. She had a gun in her hand which was pointing towards Viraj specifically his head.

" My lady if you would be so kind as to engage in a conversation with me rather than pointing a weapon at me I would be.. eternally grateful." Viraj said while making a slight bowing gesture.

".... what are you doing here vampire." Said the beautiful women in a cold voice.

" Why the hostility my lady I mean you no harm." Said viraj.

" Stop calling me that..... and answer my question if you don't want a silver bullet in you head."

" well that's very unlady like of you my lady."

"STOP CALL... you are trying to get under my skin aren't you..... I am warning you I don't want a conflict with the vampires but this is not your area this area is under our jurisdiction so I hope to receive a good reason as to why you're here ..... otherwise." The redhead said.

" Now now my lady there is no need for violence....As you see it's a wonderful night would you mind accompanying me for a dance under the beautiful moon light." Says the gentleman vampire.

Bam ( gunshot)

The bullet passed a few centimeters to the right of Viraj's left ear but he didn't even flinch.

" sigh  I will take it as a no then?". Said the disappointed gentleman vampire.

" STOP SCRE*ING WITH ME DAMN IT !!!... I am losing patience .....next time it will be your head .... now answer me." Said the angry redhead.

" I see that you suspect me of something... nefarious but.... to be perfectly honest with you I am just here to enjoy the beautiful view but.. wouldn't mind your company." Said the vampire with a genuine smile.

" ENOUGH OF THIS NONSENSE !!! it seems you have left me with no other choice but to kill you..... I will take responsibility for any consequences on myself." Said the beautiful women as she prepared herself for the fight

" Before you get violent without proper reason let yours truly inform you that I have no interest in harming you or your companions in the base bellow us so please my lady there is no need for you to get so aggressive." Said the Viraj.

" .....Who told you that there is a guardian base bellow us ?." She said as her voice seem to become colder.

( so they call themselves guardians they seem to be different from the Hunters .... interesting.) Thought Viraj without the slightest worry.

" you see my lady your sudden appearance without making much noise as well as your knowledge of my location even though I have only be enjoying the view for approximately 5 minutes gave me rough estimate of the situation but your insistence on knowing why I was present at this location instead of trying to get me out of your territory or letting me of with a warning is what solidified my hypothesis." Said Viraj.

"....." She was stunned by how he had accurately taken many things into consideration and came to the conclusion at such a short time.

" Although I do understand why you didn't insist on making me leave as it would only make me more suspicious. But I must say you are a fine guardian it's just that you didn't take my ability to analyze into consideration." Said Viraj

[ Ding!  Congratulations you have discovered a small guardian base! You have awarded 20000xp ]

[ Your intelligence has increased by 2 points ]

[ You have gained the title:  intellectual Vampire ]

[ Intellectual Vampire: even if vampires leave for centuries it doesn't mean that they will become intelligent but you on the other hand are a rare intellectual amongst them.

Effects: permanently increases intelligence by 5 ]

[ Congratulations you have awarded the title: Gentleman Vampire ]

[ Gentleman Vampire: a rarity amongst savages a truely rare breed you are indeed.

Effects: permanently increase  charm by 5 ]

Seeing the notifications Viraj smiled but unfortunately for him the women saw it as a sign of mockery but the  worse thing was she only now took notice of the glass in his hand.

" YOU BASTE*D YOU KILLED SOMEONE!!!...  I should have killed you without wasing time." She said as she fired and emptied her gun but Viraj easily dodged them while maintaining his posture.

" My lady please give me a chance to explain..." Viraj tried to explain but the redhead beauty was not going to listen as she was already in her battle stance. Viraj by this point knew that there was nothing he could do to fix the situation. So he just lifted his glass.

" To your health my lady " he said as he drank the remaining 'wine'. While he was drinking she launched herself to Viraj  using her mana and aimed her silver dagger for his heart but just as it was about to pierce his heart it stopped, it turned out Viraj's hand was holding her wrist which made it impossible to move forward but he didn't exert enough strength to break her wrist.

She spread her mana to her right leg and attacked him using a roundhouse kick. He let got of her wrist to to dodge, when he did so she saw an opportunity so she used her mana and tried to one again stab his heart but Viraj shifted his body to the side and used his left foot to slightly kick on the balancing leg this caused her to lose her balance and as they were almost at the edge she was falling to the street bellow from the

The six storey building....But just as she closed her eyes she felt a hand grab her by the waist from her back, she opened her eyes and saw the face of the handsome vampire who had a charming smile on his face adjacent to the beautiful blue moon.

" As I have previously stated I mean no harm to you my lady." His charming voice that reached her ears became especially sweet. He pulled her up to safety.

" until next time.... my lady" saying that he turned into a swarm of bats and flew away. The women who was still in a state of shock finally came to.

" I..I hope you are not ...an enemy."