
Vampire: World of Blood

Mercy Morgan wasn't looking for fangs and forbidden covens. But fate, it seemed, had a taste for the mundane. One night, an encounter with the alluring, ancient vampire, Michelle Elderblood, irrevocably altered Mercy's world. Now bound as his blood kilde, he is thrust into a hidden society – a tapestry woven with powerful vampires, enigmatic gods, mythical yokai, energy breathing dragons, and those who defy human limitations. As Mercy navigates this world of shadows and secrets, a single question burns brightest: was he merely a pawn of his old life this entire time, or was he chosen for a destiny far greater than he could ever imagine? ______________________ (A/N): Hello there, I'm talking to you behind the screen; now, first and foremost, I'd like to express my deepest appreciation for all of your help over the last few months; it has truly helped me get far. However, I am just reaching out to let you know that if you want to support the official release even more, you can now do so by visiting my Patreon page, which is linked below. Thank you again for all of your support thus far. Link: patreon.com/Iam_hastur Discord Link: https://discord.gg/nA8fYgjY5P Twitter: https://twitter.com/HasturIam

Iam_hastur · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
103 Chs

Season Finale Part [1] [3]

(A/N):Hello, everyone. Hastur Sesnei is here. I have an announcement to make, so we've already exceeded 100,000 words, which is insane. But, either way, I've given it a lot of thought. And let me just say that I finally determined the route I wanted this story to take. As you all know, my writing is quite descriptive. Originally, I planned to use this volume or the second half of volume one to introduce volume three. I changed my mind. The second volume will continue to be a training arc, or more specifically, the second half of volume 2 will be the training arc.

So, what will the first half of volume two be? It's actually quite straightforward. You see, volume two is the Primordial Twins arc; I won't explain what they are; you'll have to read to find out more about them and why they're so closely related to the vampire race, and volume one is the introduction arc, which explains the basics of the world power system, history, and some minor but important lore in the story. You might think of it as an organized information dump.

Volume two, arc two, will have approximately 130–150 chapters. Expect a significant time skip in the second half. Also, volume two will contain a lot of figthing and mad drama, as one would expect from a vampire narrative; yet, at the rate Mc is going, vampirism is just a label at this point. Anyway, enjoy the chapter, and for future reference, the names of the three volumes will be listed below. And thank you to everyone who has supported me thus far. By the way, Merciless equals Main Beatrice & Lefay, Secondary Scathach, and Primary Murphy, whereas Substance equals Main Lefay, Secondary Ragnar, and Primary Quincy. Ana equals: Main Rule: B, Secondary Finn, and Primary Olga.

Volume One, Part One: Rebirth of The Forsaken

Short Synopsis: Mercy Morgan was once a human, but he was killed by a vampire. Only for him to become one, as he didn't want to die. However, a surprising reality was soon exposed, giving birth to his fervent hatred for the gods who made his life a living hell.

Volume One, Part Two: The House of Ghal

Short Synopsis: Mercy, now known as Merciless, was named by his father, the seventh progenitor. He is currently gaining power at a rapid pace. At this point, he has already met the majority of the big heads, but one mischievous elder is obsessed with him. Eventually, she convinced him to join her faction by claiming that joining the House of Ghal would benefit both her and him; to this day, Merciless is unaware of Beatrice's actual goals.

Volume Two, Part One: Descent of The Ancient Ones

Short Synopsis: Merciless and his team are transported into the Primix Dimension to complete their right of passage into the House of Ghal. This dimension is home to the ancients. Many mysteries surround this dimension; nonetheless, lingering eyes observe them from afar. Only five teams can make it out of this realm alive, while the rest are sacrificed to the monsters who live there. However, the purpose is straightforward: a battle to the death, twenty teams of five, with the end result being only twenty-five survivors. Of course, there is a lingering power surrounding them. Said powerhouse, a cryptic woman in particular, watches Merciless closely from afar, observing him as she waits to infect him with her blood.

"... Ch1ld 0f +h3 7th... tainted 8100dl1nE... pUr3bl00d3d &ucc3$$0r of Th3 D3$ire M@g1c@l n@+ur#. 0n3 0f th3 twenty one tainted l1n3@g3 of +h3 f1r$+... Uni9^3 @m0ng +h3 r3s+ n0n3th313$$; 1ch0r 100% c0m9@+18l3 w1+h my l1n3@g3... I m^$+ (0rr3(+ 1$+ Brother, The Origin m1$+@k3."

Volume Two, Part Two: To surpass the masters, you must become their students.

Short Synopsis: Merciless made it back alive from the hellish Primix Dimension; he has truly earned his position among the nightwalkers while also becoming more than just a vampire. Abomination Child of the 2nd Originator is something vastly superior to even Eos himself in terms of bloodline, of course. His new race, Royal Outer Spawn, Heir of Adaptation, and spawn of The Alteration.

"I've learned a lot in that place, and to think I'd be this strong in less than five months, so six evolutions, eh? Beatrice, you're so cruel to put me through so much, but I've grown from the experience, so I forgive you. But... Hehehe... I haven't even completed my second evolution. And I can already destroy half of the world with my full power if I genuinely want to."

Volume Three, Part One: Rise of The G.I.F.T. (General Institution For Transhumanism)

It has been 100 years since Merciless returned from the Primix Dimension. At this moment, his progeny, Kilde 2nd Carmilla, took a different course than her sire and abomination parent, Merciless. A lot of time has passed since she last saw him.

"*Sigh* I miss my master; it has been 20—no, 23—years since I last saw him. Wow, the world has changed so much in his absence; it has been a long time since he locked himself in the misery chamber with Murphy and Beatrice. And he was true as well: humanity is swiftly evolving, and monsters are infiltrating the physical world faster than we can contain them. Hmm... either way, I'm looking forward to seeing him again. Even that filthy demon from deeper than the deepest pitch of hell, Scáthach, indicated that she needed around 80% of her strength to even compete with him in a battle right now. That is a scary notion when I think about it, and this was before he secluded himself in the misery chamber."

"Overall, the human race is outstanding; at the very least, I will commend them. I used to think of them as nothing more than food, yet they are extremely versatile. But I guess that superhero organization was to account for the rise in difficulties during typical hunts nowadays; what were they calling it again? Oh, that's right, G.I.F.T., or the General Institution For Transhumanism. Hmmm, let them have fun; after Master finishes his training, not even their SSS-class heroes can equal him."

Volume Three, Part Two: Emergance of H.A.D.E.S (Human Association Department & Evolutionary Society)

A mysterious man sits quietly in the dark, his figure and sparkling emerald eyes visible to some extent but obscured by darkness. The man looked at the boy kneeling before him and spoke in a languid, deep tone.

"Aglo, I believe it is time for a family reunion; the future is changing, and not in our favor, and that monster will soon return to the realm of reality. Man whore of Ghal Merciless, tsk, that bastard, I promise I will exact retribution on him. It will be as Father wills; the eleventh is on my side, after all. Heir of Alteration, Corporeal, and Darkness, I, the abomination child of the Eleventh Originator, The Truth, and I, the Heir of Truth, shall bring you a just end."

The boy with blond hair and red eyes looked up at his sire of 800 years and replied accordingly. His speech was slightly expressive but as sluggish as that of the figure before him.

"It is as you will, Father, we shall bring about my grandfather's will; we shall stop the second and third dead in their tracks before their spawns rise in power."

The man snickered with joy and responded in kind to the boy.

"Of course, after all, I've been planning for this day for almost sixty years; I even went as far as manipulating those troublemakers of an organization that operates from the shadows. H.A.D.E.S. will play a crucial part in my retribution against Merciless."

"Well, people, that was the end of the slight teasers for future volumes; thus, you could say I've fleshed out the whole story to some level. Hopefully, this will be a breath of fresh air for those who are fortunate enough to find it."

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/bgrFavafvR












"You don't belong here. Yet you do *sniff* this fragrance. Why does the second blood flow through you and not just the second eiter? *sniff*sniff* You also smell like the seventh, but you also don't; it is almost as if the blood inside you is a flawless counterfeit of the original heir of desires. What exactly is Eos doing? *Sigh* In any case, you are plainly one of mine; at least 2% of you are. Tsk, you're not my ideal type, but you're still more compatible than any Sephiroth who has come here, even if your blood is this thin and despite being of the Elderblood heritage. Good, now I can finally leave this place. Use my power wisely, child; I was once known as the Arbiter of Space and Time before falling to the Witch of Epilogue. Death had claimed me in the Gestalt of THE END, but I refused to die, so in a desperate attempt to survive, I sacrificed my physical form and transformed into an Ichor, hoping that one of my descendants would find me and return me to the physical realm. Now, child, the secret to my power is exploration. Use it as much as possible, and only then will the additional rings be unlocked. For now, goodbye; just chatting like this drains me a lot. I expect great things from you, my heir."

The voice declared to Allani, and if you listened closely, it sounded like the voice of a lady or a kid, maybe a small girl. If she had to guess, she thought this girl was perhaps twelve or thirteen years old. Even still, simply hearing her speak sends shivers down her spine—or what remains of it of course.

But, as soon as the mysterious voice faded, anguish began to overtake her. A dazzling palette of blue dawns throughout the whole Ichor Dimension. For the first time, this dimension has been exposed to light. A massive explosion of neon blue energy, enough to destroy the physical universe a million times over, exploded within the dimension, annihilating billions of other Ichor from the infinite supply that inhabits this paraphysical reality.

The explosion was immense, to the point that only an illuminating and blinding light of neon blue could be seen, as the entire Ichor realm began to shake violently, while at the epicenter of this chaotic energy, a blue crystal skeleton began to form and mold itself into being. Blue nerves, organs, and flesh formed a whole body for the ascended entity. At this point, the crystal bone emitted the majority of the power that illuminated the Ichor dimension. The freshly created body, which had pale grey skin, four arms, straight silky shiny black hair, huge breasts, thick thighs, and a fat ass, began to glow brighter than anything else in the physical universe, putting every galaxy to shame.







Small talk was picked up from a Waking Allani, who slowly opened her eyes, blurry and disoriented. Her head turned to gaze around, and she noticed two golden figures. Her senses have yet to catch up with reality.

"...she... q...ui... be..u..f..l i...ed."

"Beautiful to think this was the same dying female goblin. This is simply outstanding; she rivals, if not outperforms, Brunhilde in this aspect for sure."

"Where... where am I?"

Allani inquired as she began to wipe her eyes with her upper right hand to adjust to her surroundings, but came to a halt as she realized the change in voice, and her dazzling blue crystal claws, as well as a set of two illuminating and floating neon blue rings on her right hand, to others it might look like a bracelet.

She was visibly astonished by the surprise expression on her face as she looked down at her hand. But when she lifted her other hands, her astonished expression transformed into one of perplexity, uncertainty, and sadistic enjoyment. Seeing the current state of her physique, especially with the emergence of two additional arms. The skin she once despised so much was now a beautiful pale grey, and she could easily pass for a lovely woman with severe anemia.

As a flood of memories concerning the events that occurred began to strike her, she was surrounded by two floating neon-blue rings. Along with the innate knowledge of how to use her abilities and what they are.

But she quickly came out of her trance as a familiar man's voice rang out and reached her, jarring her out of it.

"Good, you are awake. Tell me fellow fledgling how do you feel?"

When Allani heard the man, she turned to face him and was surprised to discover a gorgeous and small-statured woman with golden hair, a killer and seductive physique, and distinctive blue eyes. On the other hand, someone, most likely a very tall male based on his shape, appeared before her, but unlike the golden hair beauty, this man was a vague concept, as his physical features were basically non-existent due to the black and golden veil that surrounded his entire body; even his hair was like a slightly right shadow with golden outlines, as he wore a white blindfold over his eyes.

When she saw this figure up close and personal, she could feel it; her blood was singing for this man, which would ordinarily confuse a goblin. However, being a member of the royal family, she was well aware of her current situation. After all, her family's royal archives contain ten million years' worth of information on the planet and the cosmos as a whole. Vampirism is the act by which most vampires breed by giving their blood to another to increase their numbers.

This act is commonly referred to as the embrace or the rite of rebirth. And a mere goblin is now a fledgling vampire, a nightwalker, the soul taker, and the blood demon in the flesh, an undying monster of many powers. But the best thing about becoming a vampire is that vampires are walking disasters, and the weakest of their kind could easily destroy an entire city, if not multiple cities, in a single night if they so wanted to.

Even the church and the ten great divine families dread them; after all, due to their modest numbers and unique abilities, they are regarded as legendary creatures throughout the supernatural world as a whole. A vampire is viewed as a manifestation of esoteric nature rather than a mere monster that can be defeated by repeated tactics. The Ichor is the thing that all groups fear. Aside from their racial capabilities, why wouldn't they be scared out them, they are living walking uncertainties in this dark world. After all, the Ichor are unpredictable powers that you cannot account for. Some legendary and ancient vampires who have mastered the power of their Ichor can perform incredible feats such as modifying reality, toying with time, influencing fate and destiny, interfering with the axioms of existence, and a variety of other insanely powerful feats that might even kill if not much the power of the Gods themselves.

And when you compare the tales that surround them to the eyes of a human, it's pretty sad how many people today, who have been deluded by the media, regard them as nothing more than highly physically powerful bloodthirsty monsters with plenty of weaknesses to exploit. However, whether compared to humans or any other species, the Demons, Shagoths, Giants, Ancient Werebeast, Flugels, Dragons, and Devils are their sole competitors in the racial hierarchy, as they rank above them all. The last Divine race is the Flugels which can truly compare to them.

And now she has the opportunity to become a part of their world. And bold and behold, here she is now in the flesh, reborn as a vampire of clan Michellian. But what surprised her even more was the fact that everything this man stated was accurate. "I am the leader of the vampires that capture and torment your people, I am the only son and rightful heir of the 7th progenitor, and I come to you with an accord, one that you cannot easily look away from."

If such was the case, she was fortunate to meet him, a vampire who was not only powerful but also a True vampire, a second-generation royal vampire to boot, and an heir as well. The books she read on their kind, said to consider them as vampires who reside in their own domain and universe of power. They are the genuine monsters of their type, treating everyone who does not have royal blood as pawns in their hands. They consider other vampires as feeble ants, much like the progenitors do to every other vampires, or lifeform below them.

But here's a scary fact: the power of an inherent heir is the power of the clan itself, because only the heir and progenitor of a clan may have complete authority over their race. And, according to the literature she studied, the Michellian bloodline has produced some of the most terrifying individuals throughout history. She was especially scared of that clan's hero and champion, Genocide Princess Olga Algo: the walking Arsenal, the destroyer of the world, the king eater, and the living nightmare. The queen endowed with a hundred thousand skills at her disposal. According to mythology, her Ichor makes all of this possible.

Her most renowned titles are The Walking Counter and The Imperfect Perfection. The stories about her are usually dark and disturbing. Some stories portray her as a ruthless demon that eats newborns, kills innocents, and destroys entire towns or villages in order to test her abilities. The most horrifying story was about her being betrayed by her sister and younger brother, and how she went on a genocidal spree after becoming a vampire. Killing anything and anybody who was in her way in the most gruesome way possible.

May it be the church, demons, giants, or even the monarch of her race himself. She didn't really care who or what was standing in her way. In her perspective, everything was only collateral damage, the king's family learned that the hard way, when she wanted to kill the sun that was suppressing her. She almost killed two of his daughters, left his seventh wife half-blind, killed the third and fifth sons, and destroyed half of the Jahad and Gothina clan during one of her furious outbursts in which her hatred overpowered her need for logical thinking.

After a month-long fight to keep her at bay, the king didn't hate her at all; instead, he looked at the defeated Olga, who nearly forced his hand since she was continuously adapting to his power over her, with no end to stop adapting. For the first time in a long time, he actually expressed real worry, interest, and admiration for her when he had to stop her from swallowing the sun since she dislikes being suppressed. But if she had consumed her own weakness, the planet and Hellmora's entire existence would be destroyed. Along with the food source that keeps the vampires alive.

According to the monster's folklore, they were simply documented historical events and anecdotes from a bygone era. And now that she was in the same clan as that freak of nature, she couldn't help but feel delighted. All she ever wanted and cared about was power; if you have power, no one can take you lightly or look down on you. And you could take everything you wanted for yourself.

As a result, he gazed at the man in front of her with a mixture of dread, admiration, immense adoration, and a strange love for him. Then came the sentiments of wanting to please him, protect him, and always serve him. Was this owing to the blood bond between them, that being the bond of a master and servant? Even the woman next to him, yeah Allani felt the same feeling towards her as well, which was strange all things considered.

And when he asked her a question, she readily answered in kind, acting only on instinct. The inherent desire to please him and gain his respect and attention at whatever cost.

This strange and very powerful, nearly total connection between her and her masters appropriately mind fucked her in a manner; and mind fucked her real well too, with practically no way to escape its effects.

"Yes, my master, how can I please you? Do you need me to do anything for you?" Please just the word and it shall be done. How can this humble fledgling carry your will? What do you require from me?"

Allani inquired of Merciless in a submissive and delighted tone. Merciless answered nonchalantly of course.

"I must remark that the slavery blood bond between master and servant is a dangerous thing to be bound by. This is essentially slavery with extra steps; rather than forcing the slave to serve with pain or fear, the bond reprograms them to serve their owners at all costs. Heheh... but in any case, child, I was simply wondering how you were and how you felt?"

"You just been reborn into a variant you know?"

"I feel just magnificent, my master; I am blossoming with powers I have never had before. And my Ichor hahaha... this is simply too wonderful. With this, I could probably fight any vampire, nay any monster if I wanted to, and come out victorious if I wanted to; what a wonderful day this is."

Allani stated with new confidence that she had never had before, that she felt better, stronger, quicker, and significantly superior to who she was previously; you might say that her ascension was fuelling her hubris to new heights. One might even call this being high on one's own power; given her abilities, it was unsurprising that she was reborn to be so proud.

Merciless was curious about her power, so he asked her what they were, which startled him; after all, it was similar to pulling the rarest and strongest servants in a gacha game.

"Say, what is your Ichor?"

"Agh, my master, this power would not have been possible without you. I am the strongest, unbeatable, or have the potential to become so with my strength. My Ichor, which I presently do not have a name for. However, it is essentially a space-time manipulation. As of right now, I can stop time, or rather the flow of existence itself, for the entire universe, down to the sea ideology, if not the entire fruit of life, for around three seconds at a time, with a one-hour cool-down period, as its dependent on my energy reseve of course. I can also use these four rings as a gateway, connecting them to locations I've seen or visited at least once. Each of them may stretch a total of twenty meters throughout its whole radius."

"I have complete control over the power of space; I can bend it, extend it, create and reshape it, and even delete it at a whim. I also have the ability to look into the future and past for around ten seconds for the future, and one year for the past; the cooldown is quite short because the energy used is far less than stopping time itself. The cooldown lasts around five minutes at a time. I can even teleport stuff to myself as long as I touch them or know where they are. I can even rewind existence, dominating all causes and effects, including those that cannot be reversed for a maximum of thirty seconds. However, this is restricted to one time a day. Because this will sap me to the bone and render me unable to move for twenty hours. Of course, teleportation may be done indefinitely as long as the distance is less than sixty meters."

"I also have many other powers, such as being able to create dimensions the size of a castle and even destroy them, as well as travel across time. Unfortunately, I require an enormous amount of energy from ingesting blood to perform these more advanced methods of manipulating and control that my Ichor provides."

Allani informed Merciless, rendering him silent for the count, his final thoughts being.

'Isn't this an extremely overpowered ability for a fledgling to possess, and if this power is fully mastered, she is basically nigh impossible to defeat under normal circumstances?'