
chapter 7

The Whispers of the Past
Luna closed her eyes, focusing on the strange energy emanating from the wall. At first, she heard nothing but the distant hum of the city. But as she listened harder, she began to pick up on faint whispers.
"...the balance must be maintained..."
"...the darkness must be kept at bay..."
"...the Shadow Realm will consume us all..."
The whispers grew louder, more urgent, and Luna felt a shiver run down her spine. She opened her eyes to see the others listening intently, their faces pale in the dim light.
Damien's eyes were fixed on the wall, his brow furrowed in concentration. "I think I heard something," he whispered.
Marcus nodded, his eyes wide with excitement. "I did too!"
Raven's eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief. "And I think I know what it might mean."
As they listened, the whispers grew clearer, more distinct. Luna felt a sense of wonder wash over her as she realized that they were hearing fragments of ancient history, hidden secrets and warnings from a long-forgotten past.
The whispers grew louder, more urgent, until it seemed as though they were hearing the voices of the ancients themselves.
"The Shadow Realm is not a place," one voice whispered. "It is a state of mind. A darkness that spreads from within."
Luna's eyes snapped open as she felt a sudden chill run down her spine. She looked at her companions, and saw that they were all staring at her with a mix of fear and understanding.
"What does it mean?" she whispered.
Raven's smile was grim. "It means that we're not just dealing with some external threat. We're dealing with our own darkness."
The whispers faded away, leaving the group in silence. Luna felt a sense of trepidation wash over her as she realized that they had uncovered only a small part of the truth.
But what did it mean?
And what lay ahead?