
Chapter 4: The Unsettling Dream

<p><strong>The Unsettling Dream</strong><br/>Luna's mind was still reeling from the revelation that she had been out for two days. She couldn't believe that she had lost so much time. As she sat up in her bed, wincing in discomfort from the still-healing wounds, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.<br/>"Hey, guys, can I ask you something?" Luna said, looking around the room at her companions.<br/>Raven and Damien exchanged a glance before Raven spoke up. "What's on your mind?"<br/>Luna hesitated, unsure of how to phrase her question. "I had a dream... or maybe it was a nightmare. It was so vivid, and it's still haunting me."<br/>Damien's expression turned serious. "Tell us about it."<br/>Luna took a deep breath and recounted the details of her dream, trying to recall every detail as accurately as possible. "I was walking through a dark forest, and I could feel this presence following me. It was cold, and I could sense its malevolent energy. Suddenly, I heard my own voice whispering my name, over and over again."<br/>Raven's eyes narrowed. "That sounds like a warning from the Shadow Realm."<br/>Luna's eyes widened. "What do you mean?"<br/>Damien leaned forward, his eyes locked on hers. "We've been sensing dark magic building up around us. It's possible that your dream was a warning from the Shadow Realm itself."<br/>The room fell silent, as the weight of their words sank in. Luna felt a shiver run down her spine as she realized that her dream might have been more than just a simple nightmare.<br/><br/></p>