
My moon

After the baby way thrown on earth she land in Beverly Hills America her smell could be senses by all her kind and they could tell she is of royal blood . She was in the busy bin behind the star show coffee shop when a lady noticed her and when she picked her up she knew who she was and took her to her place

Her POV ~

People call me the help I named my self Kelly after all this long the moon is a girl and they throw her here are they ever gonna get over the fact that they will never see men again and of all the children they had to throw their only hope anyway let me go introduce her the her new friends .

Author's POV ~

Kelly is a vampire who disobeyed the queen and was thrown in the earth she lived like a regular person and she collect all her kind who have been cast out too.

After reaching home the baby was welcomed they all the joyful smiles and cutes faces of the people she would soon call sisters

Miss Kelly had 5 children living with her Linda, erea, Mary , Cristin and Flora

Now the baby was a part of her family and she named her lunar

She promised to love and care for her for years and years to come